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We just moved to Adelaide


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Not sure what you'll find for $500 pw in the eastern suburbs. Depends as to whats on the market and the demand. Some may not be the greatest houses in terms of decor and so on. Or may be small new builds squished 3 or 4 on a block where one house once stood. May well be light on air con and heating in older houses too which can often be needed depending on the time of year. You probably will find something though. You may need/want to look at suburbs slightly further out also, a little south east or north east perhaps. Eastern suburbs like Norwood and Kensington are in demand and property is a bit pricy round there. If you plan to stay long term and hope to buy consider also if you can afford to buy in those sorts of suburbs or if you would be looking further afield. 

With regard to your line of work, I'd be inclined to see where those companies are based and it may be worth considering a house in areas closer to those if they are suitable. Living in the east if they are all north or west would be a pain commute wise possibly. I have no idea about employment in the field. In general the time over the school summer holidays is a quiet one on the job front but if you are checking listings and so on you'll see whats available I am sure. 

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I can recommend Woolworths for house insurance.  They were cheap for us and when we made a claim for being flooded with sewage they were excellent.  Avoid the Commonwealth Bank like the plague.  At the time of our claim we were with Woolworths for buildings and Commonwealth for contents.  Commonwealth were awful.  At first they tried to tell us we weren't covered for the flood (we were) then they took forever to do anything without being chased several times. 


For Internet if you can't get an ADSL connection (they are rare as hen's teeth where we are in Rostrevor but you might be on a different exchange) have a look at Nuskope or Uniti.

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