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Advice needed

Tom C

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Morning Everyone,

Been scrolling through this forum for a while now, some really useful advice, so thank you.

We've been trying to make the move over to Adelaide and after a lot of work and waiting, we  got enough points (80) to apply through 489 Visa on high points. Unfortunately some additional rules were added shortly after the job list was released and before we could apply, which meant we could apply as a marketing specialist through this avenue (back to square one)

I was advised the best options, was to get a job offer, then I can apply through a 482 as my job is on the Short term list. Then after 6 months I could apply for PR through a 187 via direct entry stream (if no rules changed)

Now I have just received a job offer,

My worry is with moving over with my OH and 2 kids, I'm concerned that the rules may change and our route to PR is closed. Is it worth the risk moving over on a temporarily 482 TSS visa and hoping we should be able to get a 187 in 6 months. Has anyone had any similar experience or advice.


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Hello and welcome. 

I honestly cannot offer any insight into the visa aspect as I really am not familiar with it or the route you are considering. Has the advice you've been given come from a decent migration agent? Or elsewhere? 

Personally though I'd say it was a fair risk (and a cost unless a chunk of it is met by the sponsor) to make a move the other side of the world on a temp visa that may not end up turning into PR. However, if your kids are younger (I'd say under 7, at least not over 10 or so for GCSE options at HS a bit later on) and your OH is committed to giving it a go with you, then why not have an adventure. If its a 2 or 4 year stint you then have in Australia and the experience of living in another country, what it has to offer and then returning to the UK once the time is done, its not a bad thing IMHO. Having lived overseas in various places around the world I think its a great thing to go do although with 2 kids and a partner in tow it does of course alter the risk factor somewhat. 

Often a temp visa can be a good way to test the waters and if you or your partner are not so keen it at least gives you a definite return option at the end of it if its something that doesn't suit you or end up being something you want to make permanent. However, it can also be the escape route to talk yourself out of it if you are even a little bit uncertain or hit a rough spot for a while. Mind you, even with PR some people return to the UK (or wherever it is they came from) within a year or two, sometimes less, sometimes a little longer. 

If you have both spent time in Aus (and Adelaide) before now and liked it and want to give it a go and if your kids are young enough its not going to uproot them from GCSE or their study path beyond that, I'm all for the adventure and at least having a couple of years on a temp visa. If you like it here and can turn it into PR after that, big bonus obviously. But don't set your heart on PR happening just in case it doesn't for whatever reason. Accept going in its a temp visa and make the most of that and if you can get PR from it, fab, if not, be prepared for a return in a few years. 

PS - If you own your own home in the UK, what do you plan to do with it? If on a temp visa, I'd be very wary of selling up. If you did gain PR and wanted to sell to enable you to settle in Aus longer term, then you could do so then. 


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Thanks Snifter,

Great advice. Since me posting this, things have developed quite a bit. We are working with 2 registered migration companies. One based in UK and one out of Aus who specialises in Employment sponsorship. 

There is a route to PR, which is awesome news as that was my major concern. Its a bit tedious but doable. We would go on a 482 and then apply for a 187 as SA is classed as regional Australia, therefor i'm not limited to the short term 482 to PR rule. 

I've also had a job offer so it looks like we are moving shortly. We just need to get the visa process rolling now and hopefully be over in 3/4 months.

We did think about renting our house but the capital will aid us with the move and set up while were there (possible mortgage deposit once we get PR). Also it may resist temptation to jump back when / if things get tough settling. We know its going to be hard but we are really excited and want to throw ourselves into it 100%.

Now we just have to look at holiday lets while we settle and decide where to set up camp. I'll be working in North Adelaide so plenty of options

Thanks for the advice

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Sounds like it is falling into place ? Good luck with it all.

If working in North Adelaide you've plenty of options rental wise to start you off and then can take a bit of time exploring to find something that suits better in the longer term and is in your price range. I work in North Adelaide and travel in from the foothills. In rush hour it can be 45 mins in the car but outside of that I can often do the drive in about 35 mins from home or back home. I could also take the train and then walk or take the bus over to North Adelaide but honestly, in the warmer months the heat is off putting. Plus I sometimes drop my husband at his work in Kent Town so its handy to drive. Mostly he cycles to work though. 

Keep in mind your budget when renting a longer term rental as this can impact later on when it comes to buying if you cannot afford to buy in the area or surrounding areas. It could mean a move further out somewhere and changing schools/childcare etc. We started in Glenelg and spent 7 months there but knew early on it wasn't for us in the long term. So we looked further afield but within a max 45 min car commute in rush hour into the CBD and less at other times. Found our perfect spot and have not once regretted it. Lovely area, lots of nature, good schools, facilities and an easy trip to get to the city, beaches and hills from our doorstep. Plus good access to train and bus if we need it. And we didn't blow our budget either ? Our son settled into his new school easily (and it was a much better school than the one he had left when we moved from Glenelg) and we were really happy from the off also. 


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  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to post an update.

We'll I came over for a week last month to meet the company I'll be working for. All very positive and can't wait to move now. (just wish the house would sell quicker.

Just waiting our Visa to process (hopefully Feb) then we'll be over in a flash. I think we'll follow suit and get a Air bnb for a few weeks then a short term rental around Glenelg up to West beach area in order to find a place to settle. Our little ones don't start school until 2020 so have time to find out where suits us best.

Thanks for the advice Snifter, 


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  • 6 months later...

Hey Snifter, 

Just wanted to give an update. 

My visa actually came earlier than expected and by end of Jan I arrived (in +40 degree heat) to set up everything before my family arrived in 4 weeks. 

Got an air bnb in Glenelg while I started the house hunting progress. I'm glad I prepared everything first and have a rough idea of where we wanted to be. The process wasn't too difficult but we did have to view some small and poor places but perseverance was key. 

5 months on and we are happily living in Grange and our stuff has arrived from UK (took a little longer than expected). Our UK house has sold. We thought why not jump into our adventure and put everything into it. If it doesn't work, we can just move back. Our oldest (4) is missing home a little but he's enjoying kindy and we're out most weekends doing things as a family so hopefully he'll ll come around. We caught the end of summer and had some great adventures so far. Loving the food availability and range. The vino is not too bad either

We arrived on a temp visa but have just lodged our PR visa so hopefully that will be processed but its a weight off the mind. I'm glad we made the jump and so far so good. 

Thanks again for the advice

If anyone has any questions, please let me know and will give advise where possible. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for stopping by with an update 🙂  Its good to hear its fallen into place for you and you are finding your feet. Grange is a nice area and you sound like you are going well.

Glad to hear you've been able to lodge for PR also. It does help in so many ways if you decide or prefer to stay longer term thats for sure. 

Its a good time of year to check out the Botanic Gardens if you want to experience a bit more of an autumnal/winter feel that you may be more accustomed too. Mind you, we've had a fair bit of damp weather to give us that winterly feel for sure. 

https://www.botanicgardens.sa.gov.au/visit/mount-lofty-botanic-garden  We always like to got for a day visit up there in autumn and see all the leaves fall. They planted a lot of non natives that we would see in Europe and the UK and as someone who loves the seasons, autumn especially, I always enjoy a day kicking through the leaves and wandering the trails.




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