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Guest MichaelandJo

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Guest The Bowmans

Spurs and Sol Campbell


or Spurs and the Premiership


or Spurs and the Champions League


I could go on, but what's the point........ Woldn't mind Berbatov off you next season though......


Thanks Pete, obviously I agree about us but it's very very frustrating to watch them waste chance after chance each week. As for Utd or Chelsea - I never thought I'd say it but I wanted Ytd to win the title. At least they play attractive football and I can't stand Mourinho and don't get me started on Cashley......

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Guest The Bowmans

At last ! We agree on something.


I'm off for a glass of wine - have a good evening guys.



ps - Ian, I like your sister's boyfriend already. He probably just let's you win at golf; you've got to experience winning something haven't you?!

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Guest Django

Ahh yes but I have a fond hatred for 'The Winker'. I reckon that Man City player should be given a knighthood for his services to English football. How Rooney can play along side him after what he did in Germany. :x

I kinda like the Chelsea boss. At least he is a character. As for Mr A. Cole, he isn't half the player he was at Highbury. I don't think he has really done himself any good leaving Arsenal except in the bank balance area.

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Guest graandjac

Thanks Deena now i know where i stand gooner,nothing beats a bit of friendly banter,but like i said one day you'll get over it :D:D

Cheers Gra and Jac

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest peter76

Hi my name is Pete (pistol), living in the South East, Brighton. I am visiting Adelaide (Highbury, where my family live), in June 2007 and would like some information if possible. :lol: I expect your probably not very happy at moment being a Man United Supporter :? I am Arsenal supporter would of rather you won yesterday than Chelsea :!:


I have had a feeling of maybe looking to live in the Seaford area, but obviously this could change when I arrive in June.


I have a family myself, girlfriend and daughter (5 years old). So we are hoping to meet other poms and obviously become friends quite quickly with the aussies. :roll:


How has been, only being for a year. Are you missing the UK at all :?: When we arrive hopefully, we want to be able to stay for long term, so can you give us an pointers.





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Evening all !! Reading the tittle tattle with regards to football and golf . Hoping that come august , me , the wife(Liz) and Hattie (3) and Rory (1.5), will be very near to you . We have the small matter of our wedding and big farewell do to get out the way and will be Adelaide bound for the aussie life . If you are any way interested in a Birmingham City fans point of view of next years premiership let me know and I'll complete a four ball . My golf aint too good but I can absorb a good p*ss taking (obviously) . Cheers Rich

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Evening all !! Reading the tittle tattle with regards to football and golf . Hoping that come august , me , the wife(Liz) and Hattie (3) and Rory (1.5), will be very near to you . We have the small matter of our wedding and big farewell do to get out the way and will be Adelaide bound for the aussie life . If you are any way interested in a Birmingham City fans point of view of next years premiership let me know and I'll complete a four ball . My golf aint too good but I can absorb a good p*ss taking (obviously) . Cheers Rich


Well looking forward to meeting you all out there next year for a round of golf. Will certainly be a fun round, plenty of banter about football teams and Arsenal!

Up the Yids!!

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Guest lastboyscout
Evening all !! Reading the tittle tattle with regards to football and golf . Hoping that come august , me , the wife(Liz) and Hattie (3) and Rory (1.5), will be very near to you . We have the small matter of our wedding and big farewell do to get out the way and will be Adelaide bound for the aussie life . If you are any way interested in a Birmingham City fans point of view of next years premiership let me know and I'll complete a four ball . My golf aint too good but I can absorb a good p*ss taking (obviously) . Cheers Rich



Bet your golf is better than your choice of team lol



Up the Villa, easiest 6 points we`ll ever get next season lol

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Guest graandjac

Seeing as i started this little fottie thing or golf thing however you look at can i anounce the creation of the PIA 2007 GOLF SOCIETY all welcome even GOONERS,BRUMMY,and QPR fans in fact whoever and whatever you are even deena (that hurts to say that ....such an offensive gooner lol...) so who is up for that ?:)any suggestions???



Cheers Graham

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Guest Django

I'm certainly up for that Graham. ;) As you thought of it you can be the chairman, Ian can be the secretary and I'll be the heckler at the back.:D

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Guest deb and stoo

Hi all

Please spare a thought for me, a yiddo since the age of 5 both sons 'Gooners' but loved watching Stevenage win the FA Trophy at the new Wembley the other week, much more exciting than that FA Cup snore but the big news on Sky Sports today was Man Utd's interest in Berbatov (he's not for sale ok !!) and the signing of Owen Hargreeves from BM.

Am an avid hacker too and anyone into Fantasy Football leagues ?


Stoo Deb & Boyz

Stevenage Borough 3-2 Kidderminster Harriers  18

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Guest The Bowmans

Hi there


Just back from a post-season break:) in Spain - John would be really interested in the PIA golf society. He's definitely up for that. I love Fantasy Football and am Chairman of our Superleague at work - we play the Daily Telegraph game - I'd be up for a PIA fantasy footie superleague - would even volunteer to write the weekly report. Boy, I'm at a loose end now the season is over!


Just about to buy my season ticket for next season - I know I may well only get half a season's use out of it but I can't bear the thought of being here and not being able to see my boys......with a rabid Gooner family like mine, there'll always be someone to take the ticket over for the rest of the season......


Up the Arsenal



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Guest deb and stoo

Hi Deena

Well count me in for the PIA Fantasy Footie league,like you I'm at a loose end now the seasons over,my friends and I always did the Telegraph one and over the past few years the more detailed interactive one where you have to pick from a squad of 18 (though Terry Enry let me down this season :() Anyway to make up for it I've joinned the 'Sundayleague football manager' one and thats most amusing though quite time consuming when trying to outfox your fellow managers and I'll definately keep that going while out there.

As for your team....well have been surrounded by the most of my life so you just get used to it;) but having both sons as gooners:p....so yes I quite agree..................

Up the Arsenal :o

Stoo Deb & Boyz

Tell John my biggest handicap is standing too close to the ball...............after I've hit it

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Guest muppetbro

the poor lass asked for friends in adelaide - i dont think she intended all the uks soccer anoraks to hijack her plead :cool:


i can now tell a white fib when i arrive - i played soccer for a league team - morecambe :P- white lies....cvs full of em




just moved from big pond to little pond - reality hits - what have we done


well get in touch late august for a surf down the beach - cud do with some additional shark bait :cool:

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Guest deb and stoo

Yes good point Muppetbro lets not mention footie again.............ever play against Stevenage and did you see them in the Trophy at Wemb.....................lee ?


Stoo Deb & Boyz

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Guest JPT07

Hi all, Hoping to come out with my family in September. Do you think i will be the only Man City supporter out there ha ha ha!!!! or do you think I'll have to start my own supporters group Lol Lol Lol. Paul.

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Guest The Ashtons

Hi Joanna and family were The Ashtons Jane Robert and daughter Billie aged 10 we live in Greenwith north Adelaide and are loving the country setting if you would like to meet u some time PM us and we can arrange that

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Guest graandjac

Hi The Ashtons are we all ignoring the north ? every one is looking towards the southern subs which i know are v nice but should we maybe be spending more time looking at the nothern subs i think that Ian B has looked seriously at the north, any feed back.



Cheers :)graham

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Guest The Ashtons

HELP :(my clubs have arrived and i would love a round if you guys dont mind a 22hk and a sheffield wednesday supporter making up a 3 or 4ball

didnt laugh long enough when i saw the result of sheff uniteds unfortunate season lol :D:D:D

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