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Guest MichaelandJo

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HELP :(my clubs have arrived and i would love a round if you guys dont mind a 22hk and a sheffield wednesday supporter making up a 3 or 4ball

didnt laugh long enough when i saw the result of sheff uniteds unfortunate season lol :D:D:D

Well i am certainly looking forward to getting out there. Certainly wont be a problem getting a fourball with all the good golfers going to Adelaide.

When we finally get there after sorting the furniture for the house the choice of golf club to join is high on the list! ( well i suppose after finding a job, schools etc!)

We have already put a deposit on a house in Andrews Farm as we would prefer to arrive and go stright into our own home, while visas etc are sorted we are going to rent out, then we plan to settle in and if we want somewhere better we can then rent the house out and buy our "dream" home.

Just wish it was today we were going!


Ian & Rachel

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Guest Maidstone33

Hi there. We are the Coopers and moved to Adelaide from Maidstone, Kent last September. We have just bought a house in West Beach and loving it so far. We are 30 and 35, no kids yet but do have Misty the German Shepherd. Seem to have similar interests and would love to meet up.

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Guest deb and stoo

Yo dudes

Well looking at all the messages posted on this thread it looks like we'll have to start up a 'PIA' Golf Society...................my clubs will be the first thing packed ;)

FOUR !!!!!!!!!!!


Stoo Deb & Boyz

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Guest graandjac

Hi Stoo, its already done , pete nomonated me as the chairman,Ian b as the secretary oh pete can be the social secretary, so you can be ......? ah the competition secretary and your incharge of the liquid refreshment lol or should i say slabs seing as you are on your way you need to check out venues before we get there. Cheers Graham

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Guest deb and stoo

Hi Graham

Competition secretary a ? Can see a lot of thought (and beer) going into this.Will be researching the courses in the area but any inside info from the lucky ones living there most appreciated...........................can we incorporate 'Flamin Gallahs' into the society name or emblem ? :D


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Guest graandjac

Hope that's ok stoo but seeing as you will be there soon you are the man for the job !! ,maybe we need to organise a wifes social side we cant just clear off to the golf course or any wives who want to join in playing , and what are you suggesting beer and golf ...... sounds great Cheers Graham

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Hope that's ok stoo but seeing as you will be there soon you are the man for the job !! ,maybe we need to organise a wifes social side we cant just clear off to the golf course or any wives who want to join in playing , and what are you suggesting beer and golf ...... sounds great Cheers Graham


Chaps of the Future PIA Golf society,


A social side for the wifes - Caddies??? ;):rolleyes:


Only joking girls

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Guest graandjac

Ian when jac gets to meet with you she just mentioned something about sticking.. clubs ...and no daylight !!! lol but i agree wth you shhhhh....

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Guest graandjac

Stoo there is one thing that will jeopardise your membership.......... if you are too good....any single h/cappers play with one eye shut and standing on one leg, I the chairman says so... so there Cheers Graham

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Guest Django
can we incorporate 'Flamin Gallahs' into the society name or emblem ?



Deffo I shall start working it. I was going to flog my clubs in the big clear out before moving but I reckon they will find their way into the container. Just gotta learn to use tham now. ;);)



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Guest The Ashtons
Ian when jac gets to meet with you she just mentioned something about sticking.. clubs ...and no daylight !!! lol but i agree wth you shhhhh....

Funny you sould mention the sticking and the darkness this is how jane helped me get my clubs through customs.;););)

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Guest deb and stoo

Yo 'Flamin Gallahs' dudes

My biggest handicap is standing too close to the ball..................after I've hit it ;)

Once got it down to 18 but was playing a few times a week,now its a 28 couple times a year.

And as for the social side of it,well am always thinking of the ladies (just you dear,honest) so will put Deb in charge of wine selection/tasting and hope it'll turn into a coffee morning type thing except daytimes/evenings with wine and beer not coffee (if thats ok with the ladies) Talking of wine just recieved a nice detailed map of the city and suburbs and Deb taken great delight in picking out all the wineries in the south that shes tasted their wines (and theres lots):D


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Guest Django

hi Stoo,


Seeing as you are going over in a few months, we shall give you the job of trying out some courses and reporting back.;)


I'm sure Tracey would be up for a bit of wine tasting. :rolleyes::D



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Guest deb and stoo

Yo Pete dude

No worries M8,will get the old map out and have a skirt around and I'm sure Deb will be doing the same for Tracey in the wineries ........all in the name of the society of course ;)


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Guest donna T

We would definitely be up for a bit of that - hubbie Russ used to play a really low handicap (can't remember what) but he hasn't played for years and is very rusty. would love to get him back into it and I would be very glad to have a wine / food . gossip with the ladies! Let us know.

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Guest graandjac

Remember Donna if Russ is that good the handicap system comes into play........one eye closed and standing on one leg whilst a funnel web sits on top of your head so says the chairman....everyone welcome....lol Cheers Graham

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Guest deb and stoo

Yo Flamin Gallahs

Have just spent 3 days in the attic trying to get rid of the mountain of junk up there but while scrambling over boxes I found an old golf bag with about 20 sleeves of unopened balls in so whatever you do guys/girls don't buy anymore.............we're on the way with more ;).......and also discovered lots of spiders though none quite as big as the Huntsmen :(.


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Guest Django
I found an old golf bag with about 20 sleeves of unopened balls in so whatever you do guys/girls don't buy anymore....


Well that may see me through the outward nine holes.




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Guest Aussiebound

Can we join in to??? Wine - sounds good for me. Neil was also going to sell his clubs before going but after reading this thread I am sure they will be coming with us - didn't realise there was so many golfers about!

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Guest The Ashtons

We looked at the south but have to admit Roberts job dictated where we chose to live we decided to rent at the moment, we will see how the job goes. but so far so good, there are bad areas in the north or so we've heard but as yet we haven't seen anything to make us think so.

We stayed in the south in October and it was very nice we also stayed in West Lakes also very nice and when we arrived we stayed in Oaklands Park ( O.o.A.) that was o.k a bit built up or our liking so i think you have to make up your own mind when u get here what suits one doesn't suit another see how it goes.

I know this might not be much help but i believe it's best to keep an open mind

janr Rob and Billie

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Guest Django
Neil was also going to sell his clubs before going but after reading this thread I am sure they will be coming with us


Good stuff. Another Gallah in the 19th hole.;)

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