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Wireless dongles?

Guest rockpool crab

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Guest rockpool crab



we're contemplating in entering into a "Wireless dongle" contract with the "3 network" before we leave UK and leaving a sum of money in a UK bank account to ensure the £7 a month broadband fee is paid.


I'd hope that this would mean, as 3 network available in Australia that we'd be hitting the tarmac broadband covered and no worries with wherever we go with regards to rentals etc.


Does anyone know if this would be a reasonable option...would there be hidden costs..international "roaming" fees or something like this.


Has anyone done what I'm thinking..and organised before they've left..or would you think it's worth just getting something set up as soon as you arrive. My only worry about this is that we can't get an initial direct debit contract set up as we have no credit history..although if we just splashed out say..12 months rental on the broadband dongle..you'd have to wonder would they care.


Just wondering if anyone else has thought of this.




Carol Ann

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Hi Carol Ann,


don't know if it would work. We have wireless but it has a sim card in it so I would presume that if we had to go to another country and use their service with our wireless unit it would go under the roaming side of things because sometimes we have been kicked off our closest transmitter and its locked onto another one and then the bill comes in with a whole lot of extra usage, which they do sort out their end, but thats an australian company so who knows if it would be the same.


I'm not very technically minded so there will hopefully be someone else on here that knows.

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a 3 network dongle from uk wont work in australia. I know as i brought a payg one with me that we used while we lived with mil as she has no internet.I even rang 3 and they said ermm sorry it wont work!! You can now buy payg dongles in aus though x


when we got here i bought a 3 dongle for around $200 if u buy it your not tied into the 24 month contract. I used it for about a month then cancelled it when we got our adam. Think it was around $60 s month for 3gb which we went over and it cost us a fortune.


Now u can get payg though or use the library its free or wireless hotpots. I wish we hadnt bothered now, but i can recommend adamasdl 2+ as isp cant fault it.

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Guest xhaylesx

Nope it wont work.


I have a virgin mobile wireless dongle $30 permonth 5gb I think, I have never gone over and Im online ALOT! IF you do go over they just stick you on dial up speed or something so it doesnt cost a bomb, but like I say I have never gone over.


PAYG broadband wasnt here when i first moved and needed it there and then this was the best offer.

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Guest rockpool crab
a 3 network dongle from uk wont work in australia. I know as i brought a payg one with me that we used while we lived with mil as she has no internet.I even rang 3 and they said ermm sorry it wont work!! You can now buy payg dongles in aus though x


when we got here i bought a 3 dongle for around $200 if u buy it your not tied into the 24 month contract. I used it for about a month then cancelled it when we got our adam. Think it was around $60 s month for 3gb which we went over and it cost us a fortune.


Now u can get payg though or use the library its free or wireless hotpots. I wish we hadnt bothered now, but i can recommend adamasdl 2+ as isp cant fault it.


Hiya...sound advice. Based on what you're saying I'll not bother :notworthy:buying one here. Might still be tempted to buy one outright when I get there though. I like the idea of having wireless broadband..even if in the car...mmmmmmmm...lots of time to read more PIA :biglaugh:


Cheers,.... Carol Ann

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Another option is to pick a provider like Internode - they have wireless hotspots all over the city and allow their customers (and others) to use their wireless service free of charge - you can do more if you're an Internode customer but anyone with a wireless capable laptop/PDA etc. can browse/email etc. for free in the city.


One thing you need to watch out for with the wireless options is the coverage; it can be quite sketchy over here, depending on the rea you live in and the provider. When it works, it seems ok and looks to be an ideal solution for anyone who isn't a heavy broadband user.



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