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Computer generated phonecalls


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I have been plagued tonight with a series of Computer generated phone calls and it is so annoying:arghh:. You know the ones, where you answer the phone and there is a short silence followed by constant beeping and there is no one to talk to.

Does anyone is Oz know how to stop them. In the UK you could but I don't know how to here.



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Guest the staffords

my mate in uk used to get the "double glazing" calls...he would tell them how interested he was...they loved it,got him telling them how many windows he had...then he would ask them all about the thermal qualitys of the glass....he would then ask them if it would"keep the aliens out"....because they visit every night!!!....

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my mate in uk used to get the "double glazing" calls...he would tell them how interested he was...they loved it,got him telling them how many windows he had...then he would ask them all about the thermal qualitys of the glass....he would then ask them if it would"keep the aliens out"....because they visit every night!!!....


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Thanks for your replys and I loved the joke:biglaugh:.

Its easier to deal with this type of call if there is actually someone there because once you get them to listen to you, you then tell them to hold on while you answer the doorbell etc but then you don't go back to the phone for 30 mins or so when they should have realised that you are not coming back.:biglaugh::biglaugh:.

Unfortunately so far no one has been on the end of the phone but just wait!!:).

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Guest sarahsmartiepants

Following on from that in a slightly different direction. I did one of my salon clients yesterday who quite happily told me "I got a call yeaterday saying I had won a holiday", then she told me later the bank called and asked if she had bought a holiday, when she said no she had won one, they asked if she gave out her bank details as $900 had been just taken from her account!

I was just thinking I had never met anyone who was dumb enough to fall for it when the client next to her said that happened to me last week too! She lost $800:wacko::elvis:

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