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That'll teach me - a positive post!

Guest Devon

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Hi all

Well I get my oh off to work and then come straight on here to check what my PIA colleagues are up to - it's like an addiction. Then I check my e-mails.

Well this am I did just that and found an e-mail from my brother - he never e-mails me as always too busy with his young family, work, he's in a couple of bands, has a cartoon website and..... oh well it makes me tired just thinking of it :biglaugh: he also has been doing our family tree for what seems like years :dull: I thought!

He has gone right back on one side and just started the other. Back to the reason I'm posting he's sent me an e-mail asking me to go to the main library here in Adelaide armed with a whole load of dates, times and record numbers to go through papers and documents from early to late 1800's - the reason? It turns out that one of my ancestors is one of the many pioneers of South Australia! :notworthy:How cool is that? What a coincidence!

Don't know why I'm boring you all with it really I'm just soooo excited at the moment. Not sure when I'll go as got a busy week this week for a change but looking forward to finding out more!

Shame it won't help me get my PR more quickly...... oops I promised myself I wouldn't whinge about that one again to you guys :biglaugh:

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Hi all

Well I get my oh off to work and then come straight on here to check what my PIA colleagues are up to - it's like an addiction. Then I check my e-mails.

Well this am I did just that and found an e-mail from my brother - he never e-mails me as always too busy with his young family, work, he's in a couple of bands, has a cartoon website and..... oh well it makes me tired just thinking of it :biglaugh: he also has been doing our family tree for what seems like years :dull: I thought!

He has gone right back on one side and just started the other. Back to the reason I'm posting he's sent me an e-mail asking me to go to the main library here in Adelaide armed with a whole load of dates, times and record numbers to go through papers and documents from early to late 1800's - the reason? It turns out that one of my ancestors is one of the many pioneers of South Australia! :notworthy:How cool is that? What a coincidence!

Don't know why I'm boring you all with it really I'm just soooo excited at the moment. Not sure when I'll go as got a busy week this week for a change but looking forward to finding out more!

Shame it won't help me get my PR more quickly...... oops I promised myself I wouldn't whinge about that one again to you guys :biglaugh:



Wow, I reckon that as your ancestor is one of the first pioneers here you shouldn't just get your PR, you should get honorary citizenship as well!

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If you go to the maritime museum in Port Adelaide, you can go through listings of ship passengers who arrived here in Australia, search by surname, that kind of thing. Been a while since I was there but I remember it was quite a good database. Also worth giving the museum of migration a call too to see what records they keep.


Have fun!


By the way, we found when we got here, we had more contact with my brother and sister than we'd ever had while we lived in the same country, and they have both been out to visit us, and phone and email regularly! So sometimes absence does make the heart grow fonder.....

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Wow, I reckon that as your ancestor is one of the first pioneers here you shouldn't just get your PR, you should get honorary citizenship as well!


My thoughts exactly! :biglaugh::biglaugh:

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By the way, we found when we got here, we had more contact with my brother and sister than we'd ever had while we lived in the same country, and they have both been out to visit us, and phone and email regularly! So sometimes absence does make the heart grow fonder.....


Just been on the phone to the library to see how easy it is to get copies of the documents done. Seems it will be easy enough. They asked the name and when I told them they said that there is actually a photograph of him in the SA museum! I've been there a few times and never seen it, suppose I wasn't really looking for it. Seems there was a gold mine named after him as well - if only I'd known and hadn't been a black sheep I might have some rich very distant rellies somewhere here :biglaugh:


You're really lucky I am actually really close to my brother and sister-in-law and love my neice and nephew to pieces. We used to be in and out of each other's houses constantly. Then when I moved to Spain our contact got less and now well I think it's out of sight out of mind and unfortunately Oz doesn't appeal to him so it's me who has to do regular trips back :sad:

Still back to job hunting for now


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Is he the founder of the Crazy Horse!?:biglaugh:


:biglaugh::biglaugh: Something to do with mining. Have tried to google street view the old gold mine that was named after him - looks like it's houses now! - maybe someone could be sat on a pot of gold :biglaugh:

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