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Everything posted by deli&paul

  1. Hi Helen, good to hear your settling in and loving your new life, long may it continue! we arrive 12th oct (2week today) i finished work yesterday so now got a busy week or so getting final things sorted before we have our leaving party and head on over. Its all very upsetting, but I am sure it will be worth it when we get there. hallet cove is lovely, we visited a friend who lives there. Keep enjoying :-) Adele x
  2. Yeah, there does certainly seem to be a few newbies opting for the Spring arrival, obviously a good time to arrive. We had our container shipped in August and its expected to be in Adelaide 5th Oct, I am hoping we will be ready for it by the time it clears customs etc... If not we may have to put in storage for a week or so. Good luck with your plans
  3. Looks like there are a few of us arriving at similar time, it comforting to know we wont be the only newbies in town! Yeah, we could all meet up at the monthly meet up. good luck x
  4. Isn't that funny, looks like we could well be on same flight, 10pm Malaysia from Heathrow on the 10th... Small world eh? Hope all your plans are going well.
  5. Hi Adaobijoy, We too arrive in October(12th) we have hired a car from Mike at MD Auto's. We hired one off him last November when we were over validating, and he was brill. He delivered the car to the house and we had no probs at all, would defo recommend him. I think his rates are $28-$30 per day depending on car size etc. Hope the move goes well. Adele x
  6. Hi Sarah, Yes, Moana is beautiful.. thing is, there are so many beautiful places we cant decide where to stay long term. We have several area's in mind and hopefully the right long term rental will come up by the time we arrive and start looking! Really keen in Flagstaff Hill, Aberfoyle Park, Happy Valley as we love the feel, leafy suburbs. We have more recently been swaying toward Port Noarlunga South, but my only concern is the extra distance for my huuby working north of the city, I dont want the drive becoming a bind. Adele x
  7. OMG, cannot believe it is finally happening!! We have been planning this move for over 4 years and we are due to land in Adelaide 12th October, but got a mixed bag of emotions going on. Really happy its finally happening, looking forward to the challanges of the adventure, guilty and sad about leaving family, friends and our beloved dog Ziggy (too old now) also feel a little apprehensive about what lies ahead! Worried the kids might not settle... The list goes on... On the plus side, we have booked a short term rental in Moana, sorted a hire car and hubby has a job. We will be busy when we arrive securing a long term rental, buying a car, getting the kids in school and all the other stuff too. We plan on getting down to the meet up at port noarlunga beach (1st sunday in November??) so hopefully we can meet up with some friendly folk from PIA! Our kids are Lewis age 9 & Mia age 7, so if anyone would like to meet up please get in touch. Cheers Adele
  8. Hi Natasha, My hubby is a cnc programmer too, and he has a job lined for when we arrive in a few week. So dont be too concerned, there are cnc jobs out there. we validated our visa last November and he lined up 3 interviews, all 3 companies offered him work and he accepted one of the jobs. Let me know of you need any advice.
  9. Hi, we booked out flight last night and we will also arrive on the 12th Oct. Hubby already got a job lined but still got to sort out somehwere to live. Good luck Adele x
  10. Hi all, We too got our visa in Feb after waiting 2 years. Put the house on the market in March and just 1 viewing! We have just reduced it in the hope that may bring some more through the door. Our original plan was to get there Sept, now we are hoping for Oct/Nov... may have to consider renting, but dont know if without the house sale we will have enough money!! Decisions, decisions eh? We have wanted this for so long, we feel like we are just waiting for our new lives to start and just want to be there getting on with it. Really fed up living in limbo land. Good luck to you all and we will all make our dreams come true as we have got this far! x
  11. Hi, Yeah, things are defo speeding up at long last. On the PIO site on the thread for cat 2 peeps, there are loads getting CO's and Grants every day, so diac are defo clearing that backlog! Good luck Adele x
  12. Hi CSS, We went for our meds 14th Jan before we had been allocated an co, the kids were finalised 17th Jan and OH & me were finalised 25th Jan, found out we had a case officer 4th Feb which was the day we uploaded our police cheks, then got Grant the following Wednesday (9th feb). All went very fast once the smp was released and we got promoted to cat2! Im sure you wont have a long wait now! Adele x
  13. Hi Denise,

    Remember me?? your Elaine's friend Adele.!

    Just to let you know we got our VISA Granted 9th Feb so hoping sell the house and be heading over to Adelaide soon.

    Hope you and you lot are well and everything still going well for you all. Elaine said your mum & dads friends from Perth are looking at relocating to Adelaide.. could come in handy for babysitting for you. lol

    I will keep you updated on when we may get over, could arrange a meet up after we arrive.

    Speak soon

    Adele x

  14. Thanks, as you have been there and done it, I'm sure your help will be invaluable! There is myself (Adele) OH - Paul, Lewis 8 and Mia 5 and not forgetting the dog (ziggy 12) hoping the kids settle well in school etc... Stockport not too far from us, about 20 mins away. How old are your little ones?
  15. Hi Liz, Funny that when you arrived we were just submitting our application. Yes, its defo gonna be an adventure with lots of tears, laughs and trauma's x Rob & Mel, We have until 17th Jan 2012 to validate! I see you from Aberfoyle park, thats one of the suburbs we have been looking at. Do you like it there? Adele x
  16. Hi all, We got our visa granted on wednesday, done the celebrating and Im still in shock as we only found out we had a co last friday.. Told my mum and I shed a little tear, but she knows how much we want this and was really supportive. Still have the house to sell and in the current climate, I dont know how realistic a sale will be so may have to consider renting for a while. Hoping to get to SA this sept if all goes to plan. Good luck to all those still waiting. Adele x
  17. We applied Nov 2009 and we found out on friday that we got a co ! OH contacted diac who advised him that a co was looking at our file & would contact us if & when any further docs were required. We did our meds & pc's in Jan. Good luck to all Adele x
  18. Great pictures Tyke, looking forward to getting over there and do a little exploring for ourselves! Happy New Year Adele x
  19. WHOO HOOO.... The DIAC website has now been updated - SA smp commences 5th Jan. The link was on the SA website just under an hour ago, but now the link has gone so I guess the IT guys at SA are doing all they need to in order to get it up & running for new apps. Here is what was on the SA website a little earlier- LATEST NEWS: 5 JAN 2011 Immigration SA would like to announce that the State Migration Plan has now been signed by both the South Australian Minister for Industry and Trade and the Federal Minister for Immigration and Citizenship. The website and online application form links are being updated today and new applications for sponsorship are expected to be available from this afternoon, South Australian time, 5 January 2011. Good luck to everyone! Cheers Adele x
  20. Hi fellow SA hopefuls, We too are on the SMP, whooo hoooo!!! What a shocker seeing it in all its full glory, its been a long time coming but defo worth the wait.. Bring on Cat 2 and Diac start dishing out those case officers. Good luck to you all and I hope you all get your visa's soon. Adele x
  21. Hi The Bacons, Not ending up on the smp list is also a worry for us and I suppose many others! I hate the thought of being stuck in cat 4 if not on smp. Oh is Metal Machinist (1st class) 323214, his job was listed on the ACT smp, but then again I think their list was 9 pages long and he wasnt on smp for Vic!! Fingers crossed for us all x
  22. Hi Paul, My OH is a time served centre lathe turner with over 20 years under his belt including CNC but sadly we are still awaiting on the Visa, shame coz this sounds right up his street. Anyway, just thought I would say 'Hi' and Im glad to see that there are jobs in his field available. By the way, he defo has a good sense of humour as he supports Man City! lol Cheers Deli x
  23. Hi All, Were waiting SMP too! Victoria applicants gettings case offices very quickly and ACT applicants will start getting theirs soon too.. Come on DIAC & SA or all the case officers will be busy with all the others states!! Good luck all those waiting. x
  24. Hi The Bacons, The long awaited SA SMP (state migration plan) are due to be released very soon and if your occupation is on the new list thn your application will jump to Cat2. We are also cat4 at the moment like you, applied a year ago today and also waiting on the SMP. Victoria & ACT have already released their list so the other states including SA are expected to release soon as they have to be approved by DIAC. Vic smp applicants ahave already received case officers and the smp list was only announced last monday. So if you occupation is on the SA smp then I expect things will move pretty fast. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, just hang in there Cheers
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