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  1. Heyya Thanks flossy but I don't have my own transport so I shall go hang about Glenelg. Really appreciate the offer though! Hope you have a great Christmas!!
  2. awww that's so sweet. I came here wondering if I should check if anything is going on as I'll be alone. which beach are you going to? I was planning to go to the beach and just observe the goings on
  3. I'm on my own and just moved here but not a drinker haha. If anyone is doing anything else count me in
  4. Hi Ross, I'm fighting with Vetassess and my migration agent too.. so I know your pain. I'm already in Adelaide on a working holiday, but my money is running out quickly.. when did you submit your details? My agent only managed to submit it on the 13th of October (I hired them in July) and in the end for free because they kept messing up. Told it's a 10-12 working week processing time. I've also now been told by my agent that I'm going to need to be sponsored so I'm on the hunt too (still hoping my agent is wrong and I will somehow get the 85 points I need - and feel I deserve haha - to be sponsored by SA). Though it really looks like spam I went ahead and bought this guide http://www.sponsoredjobsinaustralia.com/?ap_id=bobinoz and would say that I actually found it quite helpful. There's a lot of 'obvious' things in there, but I found it helped me get a bit more organised and purely for the CV templates and cover letter templates it was worth it for me personally. seek.com.au is the obvious one for Australia but I'm not a fan bobinoz website is quite good generally and I know he has a job search thing on there as well so if you haven't been there that could be worth a look too. Keep in mind though that if you do need employer sponsorship you won't have to be in South Australia.. I'm saying this because the job situation is so bad here that if you're looking for employer sponsorship I think you're probably better off somewhere else. I'm sticking with SA for now until I get my points assessed and dreams shattered that I won't be sponsored by SA, and then I'll widen my search across Australia. I'm only doing that because I'm here already and trying to enjoy my time so don't want to feel like I'm not settled sorry for the waffle.. looks like I just needed to vent a bit haha
  5. I'm still at the stage of getting my skills assessed
  6. Hi! I went through another assessing body, so I don't know about how strict TRA are but from my experiences: Do you think your hours average out at the hours worked? If so (to be honest even if not) just ask your previous employer to write you averaged that time in the letter they write. They have to include that information anyway. Holidays are normal too..25 days off +weekends and bank holidays is completely normal, not sure how it then goes if it goes over that..not sure they could say you were in full time employment if it was more? http://www.emsaus.com/blog/what-does-my-employer-letter-of-reference-require/ For Vetassess my employer had to basically write out my job description on top of a lot of silly things so in the end he made me write it haha. Make sure to check exactly what they need to mention for TRA! Regarding IELTS I was annoyed I had to do it after getting my degrees from England (I'm german and french so otherwise understood the requirement), but when I did it I bumped into an english girl..teaching english. That made me feel better in its ridiculousness If you're struggling with the tests then keep taking example ones even if it's just to see the kind of questions they ask and what is important to them. I was really nervous after doing a couple example ones but averaged out at 8.5 and the speaking exam I was the most worried about (because I have a tendency to waffle..) I got a 9 because it was actually a question I'd already had on my practice one so was prepared for. Hopefully you'll have the same luck. It's more understanding how they work than testing your english for a lot of native speakers. Obviously some have a very poor grasp of the language despite being native, but you seem fine so just make your goal to understand exactly what they want from you (ie listening, if you didn't get an answer, under no circumstances think about it because you'll miss what's being said after) Sorry that was so long without much info.. you could always just marry the girl I'm trying to find a visa sponsor that way haha as my occupation has special requirements to it that am unlikely to meet
  7. I know it's not the same, but when I was 14 I moved from germany to france and hated that my parents made this decision (during the summer holidays so I didn't get to say goodbye to classmates or prepare or anything). For about a month I was miserable until I started to be able to speak the language and make new great friends at school and then it became the best thing that happened to me.. It might seem tough now, but if you let he know that it's normal for it to be hard in the beginning then I'm sure she'll be fine! If there's any afterschool clubs or anything along those lines I would try to get her involved in as much as possible so that she meets people and has less time to think about how miserable she is
  8. ooh I like that idea! Silly question, but how did you go about finding something?
  9. Yikes, I knew Adelaide had it tough recently but those job loss figures somehow make it more 'real'. I'm on a working holiday Visa at the moment and chose to come here because there's a slim chance I'll get 85 points and be sponsored by South Australia to come here as a customer service manager, so figured I might as well start my search while waiting for the results. There really doesn't seem to be anything around though! (added issue is I'm a supply chain customer service manager..so very specific and titles are going to be messy). Loving it here and decided to rent a permanent house etc and am going to 'view it as a holiday' like etch123. unfortunately I also wasn't planning on my flat sale taking 5 months longer than anticipated.. sucks having to pay for an empty flat in the UK so it's a rather expensive holiday/ Anyway, I'm rambling, basically the point I suppose is thanks for the guidelines and I guess it is good to be aware that though I might not find something quickly if I give it time there's chances? Or I'm probably getting the wrong end of the stick and I really have no chance and have made the silliest decision of my life leaving everything ^.^
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