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Everything posted by Tully

  1. Tully

    Solar Panels

    So you reckon 10 kw and not 5 kw? Glad I'm getting input on this as i don't know that much about solar panels Thanks again.
  2. Tully

    Solar Panels

    Thanks for those replying to my thread.
  3. Tully

    Solar Panels

    Does anyone know of reputable solar panel fitters here in Adelaide - and whether or not, they now add value to your property. Thanks.
  4. Our solution is just hanging in there until my daughter finishes school, then move to a cooler climate, i really am not coping too well with this heat, been here 8 years and am never ever going to get used to it, come what may.
  5. The world gets ever smaller, we are from Ormskirk just a few miles away from Preston - you probably know it. We have Freddie Flintoff over here atm with the Big Bash and i know he's from Preston. Missing the weather in the UK - complained about it there. I'm like the woman in the vinegar bottle ha ha!!
  6. Hi Snifter, I am wondering where else it is posted, as it just shows up in 'socialising'. Whereabouts is the other place - as it's looking like nobody is keen to join with me. Is there a better place I can put it to get more views... ?
  7. Stupid question, but.. have you emigrated from Alaska ?
  8. We may join you... not too sure at this stage, i too have a mum, but she's quite old and not too sure she will like the idea. But, i think it is a wonderful idea. We are in sheidow park anyway, whereabouts are you guys?
  9. Yes, we live in Sheidow Park Thanks
  10. I am looking for an electrician .. but not an expensive one for small job. We live in Sheidow Park. :smile:Thanks.
  11. Hi Not sure where this thread should go - so put it in here. I have a sister who has been living over here in Adelaide for over 20 years. She used to keep up to date with her UK passport. But doesn't have one atm, just the Aussie one. Would she still be able to get a UK passport - is there a lapse period in getting one?? Also, her daughter who was born here in Australia - would she be entitled to dual Citizenship or not with being born here and having British parents ?? I can seem to find this information out any other way - so thought I'd ask on here to see if anyone else has experienced this scenario situation. Thank you.
  12. Does anybody know of anyone in Adelaide, as I'm finding it increasingly difficult trying to find someone who can fix my electronically roller door for my garage (just the single garage door). One bloke said it was the electronics box and it would cost me a cool $450 plus. I'm thinking, but the house isn't that old and reckon, it could just be a wire that needs fixing. I'm no mechanic or anything, but you don't know, over here folks charge what they like for jobs - however, small. Thanks - much appreciated.
  13. Thanks for that. It's just that, one building company wanted (understandably) money ie $100 to do a quote. But I just wanted a very rough quote, coz not sure at this stage we could in actual fact afford it. It's a ground floor and we are wanting another floor put on top either part or whole floor - depending on cost etc.,.
  14. Is there anyone in Hallett Cove or surrounding areas who is interested in joining JETTS gym at Hallett Cove. If two people join at the same time the membership fees are halved - paying $395 for the year each.
  15. Does anyone know of any good / reputable builders who build up anywhere in the Adelaide area, and who can just give a rough guesstimate of how much it may cost - without making comprehensive plans etc. Just wanting to know if firstly we can actually in fact afford to do this. Thanks.
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