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Everything posted by she1971

  1. Hi...We are using White & Company.....best quote by far and they were also happy to reduce their quote too. They are packing as I type and have to say have been fantastic. Container is due here in half an hour and then that's it......all our stuff will be on its way. 20ft container packed to the brim......can't rate them high enough. Good luck with everything......18 days left until we leave; volcano ash permitting!!!!
  2. Hi....do you have any pics please?
  3. Hi.....Yes, we are shipping everything. Shipping £3400 , just couldnt replace all our things for this and you get next to nothing selling stuff here. Will be relieved when container goes on Thurs!!!!
  4. Hi there I emailed my cv direct to HR at Womens and Childrens Hospital following advise from here, and they had arranged a telephone interview within a week or so, job offer a week later - result is we fly out on 24th May and I start work on 13th June!!!!! They have also been great as we applied for 176 so took longer than they thought and they rearranged my start date with no problem. Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
  5. Hi guys Am looking for any info, good or bad re: Seaview Downs High School please. Thanks:)
  6. Hi there We ended up getting about 6 quotes, but only because the first ones were sooo expensive. White and Co come next week. £3400 for 20ft sole use container. :-)
  7. Hi Andy....Unfortunately will miss this one as we don't arrive until the 26th May. Be really interested in future dates though please. Thanks.
  8. Hi everyone We arrive on 26th May and will be looking for a car.....just wondered if any of you returning to Uk have one to sell around this time???? Also, any leases being broken around Seacliff Park area???!!! Good luck to all with your plans.
  9. Hi Prema - We leave 4 weeks today and I have a lump in my throat reading your post. Have to say am not looking forward to saying goodbye at all and am dreading the leaving 'do'. Just try to focus on your new life in Aus. Have a safe journey and look forward to hearing how its going. Am sure will be posting something similar in a few weeks, and by then you will be able to tell me how great it is!!!!!!
  10. she1971

    Flights booked

    Hi Guys.......Wel there is light at the end of the tunnel!!! All cleaning done....we think!!! Loft sorted through and just boxes to come down week after next when the shippers are here!!!!! Freezer practically empty, ready to clean and leave standing end of this week. We are going away this weekend for a last family weekend, really looking forward to that as we come back Mon and then packers in Tues, Weds and then container goes on the Thurs!!! Can't believe we go 4 weeks tomorrow.....YAY! Will def let you know about schools etc... Good luck with all the sorting, got to be the worst bit, we have had bonfires most nights getting rid of bank statements and stuff we really don't need from way back, good job our neighbours know we're going!!!!!
  11. Hi Matt, Thanks for the update, love reading updates!!! 4 weeks to go!!! From info on the internet like the look of this school, also a few others, so it really will depend on where we get a rental. Have a job at the Women's and Children's Hospital, so hoping not to have to commute more than 30 mins??? Zack will be in year 8, what year is your daughter in? Has she settled in well, made friends?? What were the fees? Thanks for the info!!
  12. she1971

    uk post

    Hi Yes you can as quoted in posts above, but having spent ALL of today on phone informing people that we are emigrating most banks, companies etc will change your postal address to one in Australia no problem. We are just going to rediredt to one of the parents for a month or so and then hopefully will have sorted all that is important! Good luck.
  13. she1971

    Visa granted

    Hey CONGRATULATIONS guys. It's just the best feeling ever isnt it??? Had a permanent smile for at least a week!!!! Good luck with all the planning......see you in Adelaide!
  14. she1971

    Flights booked

    Hi....nooooo just a nightmare trying to get all stuff ready for packers who will be here in 2 weeks....AARGH with us both working right up til we leave. Got overwhelmed with all that needed doing so Mark suggested we do a bit every day and put it in one place, that way the kids also know they can't play with anything that has been cleaned now, got them doing their bikes and footie boots (spare!!) at the weekend!!! Think they now appreciate the work involved!!!LOL Started on the loft on Sunday gone, another nightmare!!!! Be glad when container has gone 6th May cos then will be too late! Just us and clothes left then. Short term accomodation- Waiting to hear reOAA but have a couple of holiday rentals that have vacancies we can book for a coupleof weeks if not. Won't rent long term from this end as want to look for ourselves and let the boys look round schools themselves also................Aaron informed me we have now 34 days to go....OMG!
  15. she1971

    Flights booked

    Hi there .....We have read loads on here and were also told by all shipping companies that anything that has been in contact with soil etc. has to be REALLY clean and advise using something such as Jeyes fluid to get stuff through AQIS when the container arrives into Australia, they are really strict and if not cleaned to their satisfaction will bill you to either fumigate or detroy the article(s)!!!
  16. Hi when do you go? Do you know where you want to settle? We go in 5 weeks and only know prefer look of South Adelaide!!!! Still soooo much to do! Be glad when we're on that plane!!!
  17. Oh no.....I really feel for you. With our flights now only a matter of weeks away fully appreciate what a nightmare this will be for you. Good luck and hope all new plans go ok.
  18. Hi there, Yes have got kids (and my!) immunisation records to take, luckily all of that is in their 'Red Books'.
  19. Hi there We are using the one from inside the Australia and New Zealand magazine, its in every issue. We get the mag from Tesco or WHSmith. Have also seen it on here somewhere, so maybe try a search and there may be a link to it that you can print off??? Good luck with everything.
  20. Hi Have just crossed through loads on that checklist, which is currently on the fridge! We too are at his stage. Approached GP, who said would do a summary of our medical histories- at a cost of £15 per person!!!! Think we'll leave these. Got dentist tomorrow and he is happy to do hand over docs for the boys as they will need orthodontic work in the future, no cost! Primary school- no problem they are getting Aaron's records together. Secondary School - still chasing!!!! Packers coming in 3 weeks.............AARGH! Good luck!
  21. she1971

    Flights booked

    Hi No, we're using White and Co!!!!! All the stuff we've Jeyes'ed(!) has been in contact with the ground; ie camping stuff, (which we hope to be able to use instead of just store in the loft!!!!), Mark's work tools, diving gear, rock climbing gear, etc, etc. There was so much it appeared overwhelming so we decided to start early and do a bit at a time and our conservatory is now 'the clean area!' LOL:v_SPIN: Had a viewing on the house,(being let), yesterday and what a major operation it was to get it looking decent, but also made the boys really sort through their stuff which was a big plus. When we look at areas they all seem really nice, its really difficult when you are relying totally on the internet. Which high school covers that area? Keep finding gorgeous rentals and just wish we were able to view them!!!! Never mind not long now. Good luck with everything.
  22. she1971

    Flights booked

    Hi there We don't know yet!! We love the look of the South but will need to be within a reasonable distance of the city because I have a job at the Women's and Children's Hospital. Not long now, our house STINKS of Jeyes disinfectant!!! LOL How about yourselves???
  23. Hi Nick11 Don't suppose you know which company that was? If not doesn't matter will have to check all small print thoroughly!!! Thanks.
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