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Everything posted by steveliane

  1. with you and your brother moving to adelaide will be something that will help her get a visa, i'd look into that and how that can help.
  2. maybe ditch these guys as we used allied pickfords and they have a depot here in adelaide and they took care of everything, they picked up our gear from our house in the uk and delivered it to our rental in glenelg without any hassles.
  3. thanks for that, just what i've been looking for
  4. Hi there are many places to buy wallpaper in adelaide i have links to shops on my website www.brantnewpainters.com.au if you need someone to hang the paper i provide this service also, as you said they are expensive in comparison to store we had in the uk like B&Q this is because they are imported and everything in adelaide is expensive in comparison. hope this helps and if you have any questions i'd be pleased to help you find the answers. steve
  5. I moved from London to SA and love it, been here 2 years and will never go back. if you have any questions feel free to send me a private message. steve
  6. I'm origanaly from Eltham se london and a couple of shop windows got smashed but then the decent members of the public took to the streets themselves and there was no more of this crap, funny how the police presence didnt stop them but about 300 local blokes did.
  7. we used these, cheap and not to far from the city http://www.cutprice.com.au/
  8. since moving from the uk everytime i sell something online i've had loads of emails from scammers so i wouldnt blame him, i never used to get any when i lived in the uk.
  9. Andy! Give me a call and if I can put a tiling job your way and you could put a painting job my way we'll both do well.
  10. Hi! Im a painter and decorator here in adelaide and been here two years and There's are no licensing or registration requirements as long as your not self employed. If you need a job when you get here email this guy. Patrick torrens ptpc8@bigpond.com Good luck.
  11. so i can't make a thread about me starting a new business?
  12. tell me about it, we're only just starting to really settle now but there's plenty of people here willing to give usefull advice.
  13. hallett cove is around 30 min drive to the city and close to the beach. where we live we're a minutes walk from the train station which we use sometimes just to pop to seacliff which has a nice beach and pub on the esplanade only 10 min journey or a 40 min walk.
  14. we had a pool installed by these guys (ASA) and i wouldn't recomend them to anyone, six months on and still having problems. friends of ours used freedom and had nil problems.
  15. hallett cove might be a good move tons of brits here and near the beach
  16. thanks. here it is. http://www.pomsinadelaide.com/forum/recommendations/22423-need-painter-decorator.html#post164510 hope its ok.
  17. is it ok to be mentioning my painting service? been here two years and decided to start out on my own here as i did in the uk. thanks.
  18. if you need a painter look me up. my website is www.brantnewpainters.com.au email info@brantnewpainters.com.au i've been here two years now and starting out on my own, have 20 years experience city and guilds qualified.
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