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Everything posted by mawsnmorgs

  1. Fantastic news! Congratulations.! Good luck with the BIG move. Rachael x
  2. :DFantastic news! Good luck with the next stage. Rachael x
  3. Hiya Gary, Our SS appn was sent 09/04/11, docs received by them on 19/04/11, still no decision yet. Like Helen and many others, we were told it may take up to 8 weeks for a decision. After reading several posts on PIA by happy folks who have had the thumbs up for SS, it looks as though the decisions are coming back quicker than that. I think we all just have to keep watching and waiting (and watching and waiting some more!) Hang in there Rachael
  4. More fab' news! Congrats on the visa. Good luck for a quick sale and a stress-free move! Rachael x
  5. Wow! Thrilled for you all... Enjoy your celebrations! Rachael x
  6. Who needs books/TV? Here's where the drama is at!! I may have a drink or three for you - lol!! Let's hope it's a wrap on Monday and a big sigh of relief Rach x
  7. Hurrah! Thrilled for you. Let the celebrations begin! Rachael x
  8. Well blimey, what a rollercoaster ride you have been on! I haven't been on PIA for a few weeks, so just catching up on where everyone is at at the moment. Goodness me! I can only imagine how you have been feeling. I definitely agree with the other posts - keep your chin up and stay positive. Just reading what's been going on this last few days for you has got my blood pressure raised! No wonder yours is up ;-) Easier said than done, but you can't let it make you ill. Fingers crossed, you've got medicals to have yet :-) Will be checking in tomorrow for your 'happy ending' to this saga. Good luck, Rachael x
  9. Oh, wow! Made up for you both. Enjoy your celebrations! Rach x
  10. That's what I love about PIA - everyone is really supportive and encouraging when you need it, and they are as excited as you are when any good news comes... I bet with a new baby on the way, you can't think straight. That would be my excuse, anyway Good luck with the visa, the move, and most importantly, your new baby. Make sure you keep us all updated on all the above! Rach x
  11. LOL - aint that the truth. I'll NEED hair dye for life by the time we get the visa submitted - assuming we are successful with the SS application! It will all be worth it in the end, though, eh? Tis quite the rollercoaster ride!
  12. Congrats - made up for you. We sent ours just over 2 weeks ago, so are still waiting to hear. Good luck with everything! Rachael
  13. I work for Barnsley Council (for my sins - so there must have been many!!) You'll have to let us know when you are back in 'sunny Barnsley' and we can compare notes with a drink or two You are futher along the process than us. We sent our SS stuff off just over a week ago and have our fingers crossed that it's all good! Currently on with the visa info. Good luck with everything... Rachael
  14. :DCongrats! Blimey there are a few of them there visas being dished out at the moment! Have you decided whereabouts you are going? It's lovely reading about all the successful visa applications at the moment. We have just submitted our SS, so a long way behind you. OH is a carpenter so would appreciate a heads up on work when you make the big move. Good luck with it all. Rachael
  15. :DAnother one with the green light to go!! Congratulations to you too! Rachael;)
  16. :DFantastic news! Thrilled for you! We have just submitted our SS today, so will hopefully be posting a message just like yours one day! Good luck with everything:o
  17. And people ask why we want to leave!!! I don't mind if I never see snow again! We're off Wakefield Road and can't wait to be off to Oz!
  18. What fab' news! We are just submitting our SS stuff, so a LONG way behind you! Keep us all posted regards the big move... Cheers!! Rachael
  19. We are just at that stage, too. I sent our info off to our agent to check through and she has simply cut and pasted it onto the form. I can forward you a copy if it helps - will be this evening though... Rachael x
  20. Congratulations! Hope all goes well with the big move. So jealous - we are just about to submit our State Sponsorship stuff, so we are a long way behind you!!! I bet you have already been pricing up those flights! My OH, Ian, is a carpenter - it would be great if you could keep us appraised of jobs over there once you have moved... Good luck with it all x Rachael
  21. Hi there, we live in Barnsley (Ian, myself and our 2 daughters). Ian is a carpenter and has done his Vetassess stuff. We are submitting our SS stuff this week (is the plan!). Like you, we are a while away from the big move yet, but can't wait! Let us know how you are getting on with it all... Rachael
  22. What wonderful news. I bet champagne has never tasted so good as it did last night!! Good luck to you all :-)
  23. Thanks Diane. I'll send our paperwork to you then!
  24. Thanks Zoot. That's kind of where I was going with it, but it didn't seem 'official' enough, if that makes any sense? The bottom line for us is that it really is all about the family - the reason for us wanting to move. We know we will have to work as hard as we do now, if not harder, to make a good life out there, but it's what is left for the family at the end of the working day/week that is the pull. The idea of us all spending time together in the parks or at the beach and soaking up the culture instead of being soaked in rain/spending time indoors with the central heating on... My 8 year old daughter is sooo excited at the very thought of actually playing out on a regular basis! Putting this kind of thing forward seems so insignificant, but I can see how expanding on what the move would mean to us and more specifically why SA, is what we need to do. Thanks again...
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