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Everything posted by mawsnmorgs

  1. :DFabulous news!! Have a great weekend celebrating! Rachael x
  2. Thanks, Lisa. We are using an agent - need someone to keep giving us a kick up the rear to get things done!! We have(supposedly) been getting all the info together for the visa since the SS application was sent - not got much further with it! Now that it has been granted we know the clock is ticking and the we HAVE to get on with it. Busy weekend planned!! Will definitely come knocking if we get stuck! My biggest hurdle is the de facto statement - just need to get my head in the right place, I suppose! Thanks again Rach x
  3. :DCongratulations! Now on with the visa (again)! Rachael
  4. :DIt will be any day now... Rachael
  5. Enjoy your hols - it will all be waiting for you when you get back!! I bet the family will be pleased to get your undivided attention - all this is definitely more than a distraction!! Go have yourselves some good family fun time:) Rach
  6. Congratulations!! I told you it wouldn't be long!!! Keep us all updated with the visa etc... Rach
  7. Congratulations on getting your visa - you said it wouldn't be long! We got our SS approved yesterday. The girls are booked in to stay at my mum's Friday night whilst we celebrate!! It may involve some wine. It may involve a lot of wine!!! I hope you celebrated in style ;-) What am I saying? You're a Barnsley lass - ofcourse you did!! So when are you off? Did you say summer time? Rach x
  8. Well done and good luck with everything! Rachael x
  9. It's great reading about people getting further along the process. That must be a huge weight off your shoulders. I bet you just can't wait to get the 'big green light to go'!! Good luck - not long now Rachael
  10. :goofy:Doh!! Forgot about the baby! No better distraction, though, getting ready for your new arrival . I remember those days with great fondness (I remember sleep, too!!!) Definitely time to sit back and relax - there'll be plenty to do when your little one arrives and the meds need doing. Those days will be here before you know it! Take care, Rach x
  11. :)Wow!! That's what I said today when we got our SS - just 4 weeks after they received our paperwork! You getting your CO way beats that! Fab news! Just look at Karen's timeline (above) - they got their visa just 10 days after being assigned a CO - so fingers crossed, you may not have much of a wait... Keep us updated... Rach x
  12. :)Infectious - lol!!! I still had to look even though we'd been told verbally - almost like I was suffering from withdrawal!!! What's even more daft is how excited I got when I saw the new message - 'application assessed'; 'application decision - approved'. It was as though I was only just finding out!!! I was so giddy all over again Whilst it would be nice to get your approval before your hols, you'll be in the right place for all day celebrations if you are away when the decision comes through!! Let us know when you get your 'thumbs up' Rach x
  13. Of course it will! Just read all the posts on this thread - you can feel the joy and excitement each time someone shares their good news. It will be you (and hopefully me, too), soon enough! This rollercoaster ride definitely has some bumpy bends and makes you scream 'cos you want to go faster! There are a lot of smiles when the ride comes to an end, though, and that's the bit you need to focus on. It will definitely all be worth it in the end Rachael xx
  14. Fantastic news - the waiting and worrying is over!!! I hope you've got that bubbly on ice!! Enjoy your celebrations Rachael x
  15. Yay!! It's all happening!! Keep us all updated... Rachael x
  16. Fantastic news! Fingers crossed, you'll sell the house in no time! It's all very exciting. Good luck with it all. Rach x
  17. Panic not! There's time yet! We got our decision much quicker than anticipated, and if you haven't heard today, then tomorrow could well be your day! You know the rules - watch and wait (and watch and wait some more)!!! It can't be long now... Will be checking in again for your update (and your approval thread!!) Rach x
  18. Yay!!! OH got a call from our agent this morning to confirm we have got our SS approved today! Had to chuckle - I have been checking the applicaion progress every day (MANY times) and for some reason I DIDN'T check before leaving for work this morning... Such a relief and much quicker than had been suggested. It is only 4 weeks today since they received all our documents! Not quite got all our visa info together - thought we'd still have a few weeks to do that yet!! So we'll be busy, busy, busy, for the next few days doing what perhaps we should have done already! I'm sooooooo excited - another step nearer the dream!!! Congrats to anyone else who has received their SS today and if you are still waiting to hear, it shouldn't be too long now! Rach xx
  19. Blue is the colour....Never thought as a Liverpool fan I'd be coming out with those words!! Yay! We're BLUE today, too! Will be hitting them with our visa in the next few days (is the plan). I agree with Zack. They must be rattling on through them now. It's just 4 weeks today since all our documents were received by them, and we've heard back sooner than I'd expected. Good luck if you are still yet to hear - it won't be too long now ;-) Rachael x
  20. Good plan, but if you are to be the visa applicant, don't forget you also need experience... Either way, by looking at the latest list, you can see which skills are still in demand. Could be a good place to start. You could also check out some agency websites to see what jobs are being advertised.. Good luck! Rachael x
  21. Rachael, Thanks alot for the congrats, its such a great feeling but can only imagine what it must feel like to actually have the visa granted!! Im sure you will hear back next week-fingers x. Keep me posted! Ps. I was in Barnsley the other day (Asda) ;o) Lisa x LoL! A day trip to Barnsley - I bet you could hardly contain yourself!! You'll understand why we want to move to SA!!! We are actually just a few minutes drive down the road from t'Asda. So picturesque Let us know how you go on with the visa... Rach x
  22. That's super fast! Congratulations - enjoy your celebrations, then on with the visa! Rachael x
  23. mawsnmorgs

    visa granted

    Congratulations! Good luck with everything. Keep us all updated on the move, etc. It's going to be a good weekend - rain or shine!! Celebrate in style!! Rachael x
  24. LOL! Only a few glasses of wine - for it is Friday night, actually it is Saturday morning (and I dread to read my typos!!) We are also "living in sin" (my Roman Catholic grandfather loved the fact that we aren't married!! - virtually insisted we didn't go and get married!!!) and have to complete such statements. Do I really have to explain that I met my OH on a night about town and that we have been together ever since? Seems both too simple and yet invasive!! What makes things worse is that the mortgage and most bills are in my name, and he is but a named driver on the car insurance! Actually the TV license is in his name...We sound very together!!! Do two children bind us?!! LOL!! Rach x How funny that a marriage license superceeds 19 years of being together!
  25. Ok show offs!!! Nah, we are made up for everyone that gets good news. Puts us all in a good place! Now get your visas in and tell us what's happening next. Those of us behind you in the SS queue would love to benefit from your experience. Updates very much appreciated! Enjoy your celebrations - well done to all! Rach (patiently waiting....NOT) x
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