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Posts posted by xzibit

  1. I used it this morning. Now instead of having 3 cars driving side by side all at the same speed, it's possible to have a 4 car wide rolling road block. No wonder the Aussies are so excited about it reopening, that's what they do best.

  2. There aren't many well built houses that have been built within the past 10-15 years. The only ones that have been are generally architect designed built by a builder that is being paid to do a good job. The run of the mill Hickinbotham, Oakford, Statesman, Fairmont crap are basically shelters from the weather not houses. I'm yet to see a modern generic house built and sealed well.


    But yeah, it's cold. Strange as it should be 35 all year round right?

  3. OK, so it didn't work out, tough luck. Hope you feel better now that you have single-handedly destroyed the spirit of the entire state with one fell swoop of your mighty keyboard. You win, we surrender..!

    As an ex-pat I wouldn't bang on about uncontrolled immigration, gypsies, crooks from Eastern Europe, tiny houses, nine months of winter, traffic jams every holiday, cloudy skies most of the time, Pubs closing down everywhere, overcrowding, rude shop assistants, etc... That would be petty and vindictive would it not..?.


    You OK? You appear to be a little upset.

  4. So I take it that must mean you aswell ? as I see you have made nearly 791 posts.

    People with positive and negative views make posts. It does not mean they have no life.


    All I do is complain. Nearly 791 times by the looks of it.

  5. These forums aren't the best place to get a real picture of happiness from people who have made the move. People that get here and enjoy it usually are too busy enjoying life to come on here and complain, where as the ones that come here and hunt out British groups and struggle to find bisto gravy in Woolies always come back to complain about how it's different.

  6. Port noarlunga / Seaford area is where all the poms go to live so there must be plenty of English clubs down that way.

    Am I the only one who thinks that they should have a Pom only queue at the checkouts where you're served by a Pom so you really don't have to integrate in with the Aussies?

  7. Download the free 30 day trial and get learning lol.


    For your reference, a residential drafter working for one of the home builders will get about $40k - $45k a year, a drafter working for an architect about $50k - $65k (same for structural drafters), but if you know Revit, $65k - $85k is achievable. It's worth trying to get some experience on.

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