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Posts posted by xzibit

  1. And my point is that obviously wanted to be noticed by pointing out that we are all unhealthy and should eat better on a thread dedicated to a supposedly unhealthy takeaway food!


    Keyboard warrior. You go girl.

  2. Thanks for the clarification on this and the leccy. If your townhouse is newish it is probably well insulated and there will be less outside walls and windows than the standard Aussie bungalow style house. Is this correct?


    Ours is an 80's double brick house with gaps around the windows. We do have some roof insulation though lol.

  3. Xzibit Are you relying on grey and rain water?


    Our supply charge and sewerage and Save the Murray levy is almost $200 a quarter. In the past 3 months our water usage was $200 making the total bill just under $400.


    This was our 'autumn' bill, our 'summer' bill was $50 more. We have an average size garden, 3 people and no pool/spa.


    No, but we are renting at the moment so just pay for usage. So not really comparable to many I suppose. Good to know how much the 'real' bill will be though once we buy.

  4. To add a bit more helpful information rather than ranting on about how cheap my electric is, I have just had a look at my usage.


    Bills over the past 2 years have varied from $240 to $270 a quarter.


    I'm with AGL and have the following rates: Summer first 1200kWh 34.914c and Winter first 1200kWh 33.253c. I've never used more than 1100kWh a quarter. AGL also say that we use 41.2% less energy than similar homes in my area. How accurate that is, I can't tell you.

  5. Woildnlive to know how you do that. I'm very frugal with elec - last winter barely had the heating on, always turn off lights, don't leave tv on standby, have all Eco bulbs everywhere and last winter elec bill was still $880 for the quarter. We are with Power Australia ( or whatever they are called now and get an 11% discount - don't know if mabye the costs differ significantly from provider to provider?)


    Wow. We're not particularly careful with usage and everything is electric as we have no gas. We have reverse cycle heating/cooling and if we're cold/hot then it's on. It's been on about 4 hours a day everyday for the past 6 weeks. The bill may creep up towards $280 in winter but have never had more than that in the 2.5 years here.


    We're with AGL. Maybe give them a call?

  6. Problem with Diesel is the lack of knowledge in many car garages and the price of parts. If you are going to get one, make sure it's a reliable one - otherwise it could prove costly.


    The problem with diesel is that there's often only one pump at the servo. The amount of times I've pulled up and had to play hunt the diesel pump and then realised its over the back on its own is annoying.


    Some of the newer servos have them integrated but many don't. And there's always someone filling their SUV that's never been off road up with 2million litres to get them to the hub shopping centre so you spend half an hour waiting.


    So you have to plan ahead a little lol.

  7. The petrol price advertised is for 91ron unleaded. If you own a car the requires 95ron or 98ron you will pay significantly more.


    Diesel is usually cheaper or the same price as 95ron (which is standard in the UK).

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