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Posts posted by xzibit

  1. In a country as decimalised and metric-ised (Is that a word?) as Australia - where we drive in Kms, buy our milk and fuel in litres, measure our height in cms and weight in kgs, and buy our fruit, meat and fish in kilos, why on earth are they still selling eggs by the dozen???


    I can understand that 5 eggs is difficult to box tidily, but what's with the 12 rather than 10???


    Yes, I never know what to do with those extra two eggs!! Perhaps a Liberal vote will sort out this issue?

  2. You have done the good cyclists of this world a great disservice, and insulted the general mass of population. Forum rules prevent me from writing further opinion on you evil post.


    That's lucky then, you could have got nasty.


    By the way, I don't think everyone's lazy I was just short of time so couldn't write a full reply. My last sentence about non cyclists being lazy was only for Dan really, I didn't think anyone else would bite.


    Don't take my posts too seriously, I don't.

  3. So people who do not ride a bike are lazy, does that include the old and infirm? invalids? such a sweeping statement is ill thought out and stupid. There are plenty of people who have physically demanding jobs too, there are some who have lenghty journeys to work, some which have to travel to varying locations during the day, are they all lazy?

    I would like to know where all the cyclists are when the weather is bad, suppose they are being lazy like the rest of us? or would that be being wise to suit the cicumstanses like the rest of us?



  4. To be honest it's pointless arguing about it. It's like fat people on planes taking up more than their allocated space and weight, nothing will ever come of it.


    I would be happy to pay a annual tax for using my bike to go towards road infrastructure or new cycle paths. I cycle about 5,000km a year so separate paths would make a huge difference to me, hence I'd be happy to pay for it. I also think that bikes should have an RFID tag on the that can be traced when jumping red lights etc.


    Look on the bright side, cyclists give lazy people something to moan about!! ?

  5. At the weekend I was walking along a shared footpath, cyclists doing a hell of a speed, no bell warnings especially when coming from behind, where ever we go, how ever we do it, there will always be some form of conflict and disagreements, such is life!


    As an aside, Scooterdan is a good wind-up merchant and some people cannot work that out, but he is not abusive, abrupt maybe, and for other posters to be abusive because they do not like his opinions is totally uncalled for, I do note that those abusive postings have now been removed, thankyou moderators (so you do come in useful sometimes:notworthy:)


    Cyclists on the pavement are dangerous.


    Dan winding people up?? He'd never do that!!

  6. I don't do jest.... I keep getting told a forum is for opinions ..... That's mine! Plenty of cycle routes around that are not on roads..... Use them!


    I had a wonderful ride into work on the bike this morning. Whizzing past the stationary cars stuck in traffic, burning calories, increasing my fitness level, enjoying the beautiful spring morning. I did use a cycle path for 1.2km of my 16km journey as it's the only one going in my direction.


    Wonderful day to be a cyclist Daniel, truly a wonderful day.

  7. Judging from the cyclists I've seen disregarding all road rules, going through red lights, swerving around, ridding 3 & 4 abreast they should be banned from using roads!! Roads are for cars ..... Cyclists should be banned from them!!


    Judging from all the car drivers I've seen disregarding all road rules, going through red lights, swerving around, driving in the right hand lane when it says 'keep left' should be banned from using roads!! Roads are for appropriately driven cars, bikes and horse drawn carriages .....

    Poor informed people that sound like a broken record should be banned from forums.


    By the way, what does ridding mean?


    All in jest you understand. ;-)

  8. Apparently the diesel trains will be running again in about 3 weeks. The electric trains and the Seaford extension are apparently to start operation early next year.


    I don't think any of the track is electrified yet. They've put up the steelwork to support the cables along about 70% of the line, but they're still working on the Goodwood junction, so unsure as to whether the line will open on time. Certainly won't be ready for the electric trains in September.

  9. Isn't there something about putting the radio in the freezer to reset the code? Or is that an urban legend?


    Yeah yeah, that works too. And if you get it wrong three times then putting it in the oven for 7 minutes it speeds up the wait period to try again.

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