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Everything posted by tinkertailerdog

  1. We have used PSS twice and had absoloutly no problems. Also used them for a car in the container and all went very smoothly. I would recommend any day :-))
  2. We ended up returning to the UK having lived in Melbourne for a year in 2009. We were back for a couple of months and realised that nothing had changed and the reasons why we wanted to leave were still there and hadn't gone. We were fortunate enough to get sponsored to come back out and since returning couldn't ever imagine going back to the UK to live. I'm an engineer and i know what you mean Leigh about the quality and types of buildings here, but that's also what i like about Adelaide, it's trying to find an identity (slowly). There are some exciting projects planned, the new RAH, Adelaide Oval redevelopment, Southbank redevelopment (to name but a few). There will also be money flooding into the state when the Olympic dam expansion starts and all the Uranium resources are mined. Perhaps for you it's a case of moving to one of the bigger cities where the variation in building types is more prevalent or going back to the UK - you'll not stop feeling the way you feel if you don't do something about it? Incidentally, what architect practice do you work for?
  3. I have used them in the past and they were fine. Satisfied my nursing employers and prompt service.
  4. Clean it, varnish it and bring it. They're not that bad. We've done the journey twice and not had a problem. First time brought out a set of garden table and chairs (£500 new), wasn't in that good condition when we took it (though cleaned it and added a coat of varnish and looked ok) but no issues with customs. No idea about the fishing gear but i imagine it would be the same. Generally, if everything is clean and tidy when (and if) they open the odd box or two they'll send it through without a hitch. Good luck from Adelaide where the weather was 31oC yesterday and 28oC today.........!!
  5. Yes of course. One was an HDU job at Burnside, One was recovery at the RAH and the one I took was Emerg at Wakefield Calvary. Just send your cv to everywhere you want to work and see hat happens. I find it always works well as it gets them thinking. Good luck with the interview.
  6. I got offered three jobs a couple of months ago and none of them were advertised, just sent my cv.
  7. Still not certain why AFL is referred to as football?
  8. To be perfectly honest i wouldn't bother. Electricals are perhaps slightly more expensive but i don't think it's a massive difference. Clothes are perhaps not as widely available and the quality may not be as good as the UK but that's Adelaide. You can always order stuff online from the UK if you want - i tend to order my work shirts from M&S for example and sometimes it's free delivery! The cost of things are relative to what you earn, as a family we earn more here than we did in the UK and so buying things are generally reasonable.
  9. Would assume so. That's the reason we flew from Heathrow with Singapore Airways - having kids we wanted to minimise the amount of time we were stuck on a plane! Also meant we could fly all the way on the A380 (we were in Melbourne for a month before coming to Adelaide)
  10. No, for my original visa, me being the applicant as a nurse, I was the only one who needed a medical.
  11. Contact on mine needs some electrical work carried out at his office on Greenhill Road, just Sth of the CBD - anyone know any sparks? PM me please. Cheers James
  12. Long story short. Huntsman size of wing mirror glass, living inside wing mirror. Friends tell me that he will come into the car at some point. Decide to flush him out with water. No joy. I know at this point that he will get me back. Next day, go to car in daylight, put child in car seat and as it's autumn flick fallen leaf off scarf. Shut car door, fallen leaf still there, look down and he got me. He was just sitting on my scarf bold as brass!!! Serious attempt to flick him off with car key. Success and he scuttles under car. He pickd the wrong spot and went under the tyre, unknown to me. On return squashed spider. Karma!! What disturbed me the most was what came out of him! Pure 'puss' and nothing else!! Disgusting. I like spiders but now I know what is inside, not impressed.
  13. We returned to the UK last year after spending a year in Melbourne. We were back in the UK for just over a year before returning to Aus, though this time to Adelaide. We spent much of the time back in the UK trying to convince ourselves that the UK was better than Aus, though eventually succumbed. The UK has plenty to offer, great countryside, locality to Europe, etc. Weather certainly isn't everything, but last winter in the UK was bloody awful and the fact our kids can get out and play in the garden in the middle of winter here without needing to be wrapped up to their eyeballs and coming in covered in mud is great. The education here in Adelaide is fantastic. Where our kids are at the moment we just wouldn't get in the UK without paying or living in an expensive area. Friends and family was another aspect that convinced us to return to the UK, though in the year we were back we made an effort but no one else did. The kids grandparents looked after the them once while we were back! It is totally a matter of opinion. What one person sees as a fault in the UK another sees as a challenge as another sees as an opportunity. I've not felt so at home since i left London in 2006 to move tup north. We love here, the lifestyle doesn't suit everyone but it certainly suits us. People seem so friendly and accommodating.
  14. I work for a large multi disciplinary consultancy within which we have a mining dept, where we carry out civil, structural, elec, mech engineering and PM stuff. To be honest there are so many different aspects of mining; is he looking to be on the coal face as it were or office based or PM or engineer or machine operator etc etc. Many of the large corporations, BHP etc provide training but obviously wages will be less if he is expecting training on the job. Our company provide cadetships (or apprenticeships as we call it in the UK) although it is something he would need to apply for. If he wants to work on / in the mines they generally do 3 weeks on 3 weeks off (or something like that). I understand it's not a walk in the park and can be quite an isolated existence, though generally that's why pay is on the whole is above average. If you let me know what exactly it is he's after i can perhaps seek more info from our mining dept? PM me if you want more info. Cheers James
  15. You'll be able to get a van type taxi from the Airport. Shouldn't be an issue other than perhaps waiting for one - there should be a guy there who normally organises the cabs, he'll probably call one in for you. We had about the same amount of luggage and they actually managed to get it all into the back of an estate (or station wagon as they call em here).
  16. Funny thing is even when it's dull and pissing it down here it's more than bearable. Which means that when it's sunny and warm like the past few days you can't help but love it!
  17. We imported our Volvo and our tax liability was based on what we bought the car for in the UK, it was then converted into Aus$ for tax purposes. This is clearly in your benefit at the moment with the $ £ the way it is. We didn't use an independent valuer or use redbook or anything like that. Note: even though the car was bought two years ago for their calculations they will not take into account depreciation over that period! Have you kept all your original paperwork relating to what you paid for it? You'll benefit from the resale value should you decide to sell it in the future. Also, you'll find getting insurance difficult as there are very few companies that seem to offer Import car insurance. I can't remember who we are using, but if you want info PM me and i'll find the documents. Don't bother using an importer, it's easy enough to do it all yourself once you have the relevant permissions etc. Happy to provide other advice if needed. Cheers James
  18. Don't bother staying for just one night. The jet lag will kill you - my suggestion is to get the connecting flight which will mean a 3 to 4 hour stop over at the airport. Changi is a great airport, open, clean and generally quite relaxing and caters for all food types.
  19. When you say OH does utilities, what area is that? The electricity distributer SA is ETSA, water is SA Water, gas (several), voice (several, though main is Telstra). If your OH need any pointers / contacts for ETSA let me know and i can do some digging around (i'm a Consulting engineer and work quite closely with ETSA, not so much the other utility providers). James
  20. We live in Norwood and certainly enjoy it. It's on the fringes of the CBD and is dotted with great restaurants, bars and shops. By bus, it's 10/15mins into the CBD at 7:30-8am weekdays, 5 mins by car. Unlike other CBD's such as Melbourne you are literally on the doorstep here without the traffic issues that they have. It's no Manchester though, for that you need Melbourne / Sydney. There are some good pubs to see bands, i went to see Gomez last weekend at The Gov (who incidentally were fantastic). Everything is on your doorstep in Adelaide which we love!
  21. I would say no. Unless you have a european car such as BMW, Volvo, etc it is not worth it. There are a million Rav 4's over here and it would not be worth it for the resale value what you would have to pay in taxes etc.
  22. tinkertailerdog


    We have used pss twice and they have been round within the week. Last time was only in March. Sounds funny. I would ring again and see if you get someone else.
  23. Well done and good luck. May see you at the Emergency nurse conference in september :-))
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