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Everything posted by VdMfamily

  1. Hi Rachael I'm in the Surrey Downs area if you want to meet up for a coffee, only been here 5 weeks x Lisa
  2. Hi Carolynk Im new to Adelaide and living in Surrey Downs, love to meet for coffee x Lisa
  3. I would love to meet up for a cupper too, we're in Surrey Downs... enjoy Wales x Lisa
  4. Hi Shiv, love to meet for a coffee soon, I met with Jo this morning which was lovely x Lisa x
  5. Hi Diane I'm knew to Adelaide, me. Hubster and Daughter aged 8, she's just started GG primary and Gav is at work now so i'm left looking for a job and trying to meet new people, have met Jo off here (Marc & Jo) and also Angela, just trying to get a feel for things x


    Lisa x

  6. Thanks so much, it'll keep Olivia entertained
  7. Hi there is this still available? Can collect ASAP would do my daughters room til shipping arrives.
  8. Just moved from Jarrow to Surrey Downs, been here just over three weeks and so far so good )
  9. Thanks to angelab we now have lots of kitchen/house things sorted on loan )
  10. Hi Tina she will be in Mrs wynns class it's a mix of y3/y4 I think
  11. Hi Jo didn't receive your number but have PM'd you mine so just text me with the plans and we'll see you on Sat x
  12. Ah that would be fab do you want to send me a private message with how it works, what you have, costs etc x
  13. Hi Shiv how are you settling in? We're into our 3rd week here now. We have an 8 year old Daughter, she starts School Monday.
  14. Morning all We get the keys for our first ever rental in Oz on Monday, all we have are 4 mugs, 4 plastic plates and cups and the clothes we have in our suitcases oh & 2 beds on loan, does anyone have any recommendations of where you can rent basic houses things from as we don't want to go buying stuff when the container arrives in 4 weeks... Also we're moving to Surrey Downs if there's anyone in that Golden Grove or surrounding area who'd like to meet up? Daughter starts school on Monday, she's 8yrs and Gavin is at work all day so i'm basically going to fend for myself haha. Have also got Daughter enrolled in swimming classes but not much else... Have been here 3 weeks now, staying in a furnished rental for 4 weeks :-)
  15. Hi marc&Jo we now have our Daughter enrolled in Golden Grove Primary School, we know another family with children there and they say they seem to love it so fingers crossed, she's going into Y4. We have also enrolled her in swimming classes, she's going on a Thursday after School so thats good. Where about's are you working?? I can't wait to find a job although I know it's going to be hard finding something I need to be out of the house, I worked full time in the UK. We are from Jarrow(about 8 miles from Newcastle upon tyne although my Gavin is from South Africa, he's lived in UK for 10yrs) We've secured a rental in surrey downs so not far from Golden Grove shops etc, we get the keys on Monday, the day little one starts School (she's 8) just busy looking for a car now. Really looking forward to meeting up with people asap, unfortunately Gav is more into Rugby then footy so he won't be joining any teams ha ha. Have sent you a pm too. He's an Engineering manager at the brickworks in gg. Hope to speak soon... oh we've found that nice park you mention, its all open now (well most of it seems to be) olivia likes the skate park bit too, we were there yesterday in the 30 degree heat.
  16. Hi we've just secured a rental 2 weeks after arriving. We completed the application form at the time of viewing as there were lots of other people there, we had a good chat with the agent & advised her we were knew to Oz, we provided her with passports, 1 UK 1 South African driving licence, hubbies work contract to how he was employed & his boss and a friend here as reference. That was the Saturday then by the yesterday she'd rang his boss and then ran us to say the place was ours. As easy as that really. It Can be daunting when you're At an open viewing with ten other viewers but just chat to the agent & tell them your circumstances, most of them here have been lovely.
  17. thanks everyone, we actually managed to pack quite a lot into our 1st week, we've been to Gorge Wildlife Park to meet the Koala bears, Kangaroos etc, we ventured to the Big white rocking horse (Can't remember the exact name) we've been to Glenelg to the beach, that was lovely and then Easter Sunday we went to Whistlers Winery where they had a family day on, Easter Egg hunt, games, a band etc it's been really nice. We're staying in Mawson Lakes for another 3 weeks then HOPEFULLY we'll find a rental in or around Golden Grove, it's not as easy as it seems finding one so at the moment I feel a bit stressed by the whole thing. Looking forward to meeting new people and to my Daughter starting School, need routine back. We've really enjoyed our 1st 10 days here, hope I can still the same this time next year... If anyone has any kids up here around 8-9-10yrs old give me a shout for a meet up as my Daughter is looking for Friends and me too I suppose. Good luck to you all waiting to make the move. Just waiting to find a rental now and for furniture to arrive mid May :-)
  18. Hi Jo & Mark we've been in Adelaide a week now, in Mawson Lakes for four weeks then hoping to move to Golden Grove as that's where daughter (8) is going to school & Gavs work is. How you findin it and what school are the kids at?? Lisa
  19. Hi our Daughter is 8yrs old, let me know when you guys get here maybe we could meet up
  20. Well we are finally here in Adelaide after what's felt like a lifetimes wait. We flew out of Newcastle on 30th March Emirates - Business Class all the way (the company were paying) we flew to Dubai, stopped for an hour in Kuala Lumper then onto Melbourne where we spent our 1st night in Oz at the Park Royal Hotel which is over the road from the airport. On Sunday lunch time we then flew to Adelaide with Qantas to be met by hubbies cousins at the airport. After the reunion we headed over to the Avis desk to collect our hire car, we'd booked an economy size car as we just wanted something cheap for 4 weeks until we pick a company car and the lovely girl on the desk there (who was from Liverpool) had given us a free upgrade and we drove off in a mitsubishi 4x4 which is lovely. The cousins took us to the beach at Henley where we dipped our toes into Aussie sea for the 1st time, it's like bath water and the beach was lovely. We then headed to Woolworths/bottleo to stock up on essentials and then onto our 4 week apartment at Quest Mawson Lakes which is lovely. We said good bye to the family, raised a glass then headed to bed.... took us ages to fall asleep, me & the little one slept til 11.30am Monday morning and woke up feeling like we'd been run over by a bus. After a shower we headed up to Golden Grove (which is where we plan to live) it's lovely up there and so easy to drive here. Gav dropped into his work to sign on etc then we found a nice park for Liv to play in and spent about an hour there, we'd been to Big W and bought a football & some camping type chairs and we played a bit of basket ball then headed home, managed to stay awake til 10pm last night then hit the sack... Today me & Liv have been to look at Mawson Lake, it's gorgeous and there are some amazing houses there (if only) then we went to Woolworths and did a proper shop, it doesn't seem too expensive to us, the fuel is much cheaper here, $138.5 a litre for petrol, they sell lots of things that are available in the UK, I don't know why but I imagined it'd all be different makes and it's clearly not ha ha. On Friday we are heading to a reserve to meet some Koala bears, kangaroos etc then Easter Sunday we've been invited out to another reserve that's having a family fun day with bbq etc so we're looking forward to that. I still feel a bit floaty and at times disoriented but am hoping within a few more days this wil pass, the little one is fine, full of beans. The temperature today is 24 degrees, it's actually really plesant, doesn't feel boiling. tomorrow we go to Golden Grove School and NAB bank to get our cards and I need to sort out medicare. Next week we're going to start house/car hunting. From what we've seen of Adelaide so far it really is a lovely place and the people are really nice, to anyone apprehensive about making the move just plan as much as you can before you get here and be organised and everything will fall into place. If anyone is in the Golden Grove area give me a shout, once Liv starts School in 2 weeks i'm going to be bored... forgot to say the goodbyes were the worst especially with my Parents but they already have two trips planned to come out and we have already skyped and sent a postcard which has helped. Everybody has been really supportive of our move and we are now looking forward to our furniture arriving mid May.
  21. PSS have been faultless thus far and the company and some friends have used them lately and all has been well so I wouldn't let one persons bad experience put us off, then again ask me in May and it could be a different matter haha QUOTE=Misplaced;222401]Here's the reason we will not be using PSS http://www.pomsinadelaide.com/forum/transport-shipping/30026-removals.html#post221940
  22. Well the day has arrived, PSS are here to load our house hold items into a container and send it on its merry way to Adelaide. It's due to arrive on Adelaide shores on 14th May 12 & tonight we move in with my parents for 3 weeks, in fact 3 weeks today we'll be at the airport ready for our flight. I feel nervous, sick, worried. Are we doing the right thing, will we like it, will our daughter settle etc etc. it's by far the biggest thing I've ever done. My heads telling me one thing my heart telling me another. Never thought it was real up until today. We are heading to the Golden Grove area so if any of you are in that vicinity a big hello to you. Have a meeting with Golden Grove Primary school when we arrive so hopefully daughter will love it. Anyone got any children there? AnyWay I've rambled enough you're probably bored by now. Lisa xx
  23. We are using PSS, they came to pack yesterday & are back today to load the container, so far so good and would recommend them, they came in around £4k for 20ft container, have quoted 10 weeks for shipping to Adelaide so we will be around 2-3 weeks with no furniture but I'm sure we will survive. We also had quotes from Pickfords, White & Co & Crown all came in within £300 of each other & all negotiated. Good luck
  24. We've had quotes from Pickfords (cheapest), PSS (who said they'd let us barter price Crown & White & Co (next cheapest from Pickfords and reckon they can ship in 6-8 weeks...)
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