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Everything posted by TTTF

  1. @StellajaneNo worries.. Idea is to assist and move forward. We need to raise the complaints more on facts and actual information, rather than as subjective circumstances.. since no transparency of processing time is the basic issue. First we need to understand who is accountable here and changing it on what basis ? If we have insights to this.. things will be straight forward.
  2. The complaints/suggestions/ news articles needs to be more specific and may include some of these points to address the issue in question. Some points which can be included. The basic point is not being questioned, on what is the law under migration act monitoring the services provided? and processing time of visa application is one of the aspect and how it can be transparent and fair in consideration of applicants. An applicant would have applied 489 visa taking in account his total timeline to Permanent Residency. Assume that 489 visas granted where from 2015 to 2017. Back then the processing time was 6 to 7 months. The points which needs to be raised are Context: 1. A 489 applicant who was granted a visa between years 2015 to 2017 where given the understanding based on the information available then on the DIBP website was if they are in compliance with 489 visa conditions their Permanent Residency would be processed in 6 to 7 months. 2. Taking into account the processing time the applicant has applied 489 with view to be a permanent resident by complying with the visa conditions in the stipulated time frame Current Situation: 1. In last two years the processing time for the 887 has increased 3 folds, currently it is anywhere between 16 to 17 months as per the information available on the immigration website. 2. An offshore application gets processed in 6 to 9 months which involves higher degree of due-diligence in comparison to an onshore application which is taking more than 15 months 3. The entire situation seems to going one way with every passing day or month and it has only increased consistently without any explanation why such increase has been there? 4. Applicants are expected to be in line with conditions at all times with severe ramifications for any breach 5. Here we have a situation where processing times have increased 3 fold and only reason provided is number of applications has increased or administrative issues. Is this fair ? 6. There is no transparency maintained in terms of what are the number of applications processed monthly and what is back log to be cleared to date and any associated estimates 7. The service charter of immigration states that, a. be fair, open and reasonable in all that we do b. give you clear, accurate and timely information or help you to find it c. accountable – we are open and accountable to the Australian community under the law and within the framework of Ministerial responsibility 8. The processing time cannot be termed as “reasonable” by a reasonable person considering the issues these applicants face in their day to day life. 9. Most the applicants face undue discrimination in different walks of life such, Employment/Education/Housing/Financial Services/Utility services etc. Given the fact all such situations are difficult to be proved factually 10. This is all in spite being in compliance with the all the conditions of the visa and supporting the regional economy of the country in all possible ways. 11. All these applicants are put in situation of “Great Uncertainty” with no clear direction available 12. Given the announcement of new regional visa and related benefits for potential applicants it is definitely a positive move in the right direction, but let’s not be unfair to existing applicants by way of putting lengthy processing timelines 13. The contact center and complaints team have been provided standard and general responses without much help 14. The applicant is not allowed to deviate from the conditions applied to visa, but processing time has been increased without any consideration/explanation to the applicant. Somebody needs to be accountable here? Reasonable Expectation? 1. What is the law around visa processing timelines and why there is not a reasonable explanation provided rather than general statements? 2. What can the applicant expect in line with immigration charter who is in a transition phase of this pathway process? 3. The future of many applicants are at stake and how this can be addressed as a matter of priority? 4. The processing time just cannot keep on increasing without any reasonable legitimate reasons.
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