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Everything posted by TTTF

  1. Congratulations to all who have received the grant in last few days... things keep ticking over. All at some point will get a opportunity to post a similar message.
  2. I did try to check.. did not found any direct information relating to this..hence advised to check out with agents/immigration for those who are on bridging visa post expiry of 489.
  3. thanks.. keep this forum updated on the feedback you receive.
  4. did some research on this topic we discussed earlier.. looks like there is no clear definition here on what conditions apply.. refer to the link below which talks about no conditions on bridging visa when you apply PR irrespective of previous visa held. if any one who is already on bridging visa can check with Immigration and update back here it will be great, Potential questions to DHA 1. What are the conditions for the bridging visa ? They will probably answer no conditions 2. Does one need to comply my 489 visa conditions while being on bridging visa ? If Yes .. Why as it is already expired ? immigration website states one should be compliant with current visa and not expired visa. 3. If one moves out of regional area will that impact how and why ? As conditions has already being met. If anyone has an MARA agent put this questions across to them and get some more insights to this topic. There is fine print here which requires clarity. https://hallandwilcox.com.au/thinking/bridging-visa-a-a-brief-overview/ Conditions on BVA It is helpful for hiring managers to be aware of any work limitation conditions attached to a candidate’s BVA. Condition(s) on a BVA generally follows condition(s) attached to the previous visa. For example, the person is required to hold adequate health insurance on the previous visa, the person may be required to continue doing so while on the BVA. However, this does not apply in scenarios where the BVA relates to a permanent residence application. No conditions will attach to the BVA regardless of condition(s) attached with the previous visa. There will also be no conditions attached to a BVA if the person applies to remove work limitations on their previous bridging visa under the grounds of financial hardship.
  5. 3. Approximately how long will it take to grant Bridging visa B? - i dont know sorry probably someone else might be able to help - Anywhere between 24 hrs to 5 days.
  6. Hi everyone, Holidays are all good even when you are in process of this transition. Yes the visa might get bit pushed out bit more.. when one can wait for 15/16 or 22 months.. 3 /4 weeks should not bother much. Don't Stress yourself with the visa status so much that you forget have a peaceful life and enjoy it. It is a challenge for many of the applicants.. but taking stress is not helping either. It will happen sooner or later.Till then enjoy what you have in hand.
  7. @Shenal 1. Apply bridging visa B and go for your holidays.. generally BVB is issued anywhere between 30 to 90 days. so don't worry for one or two days delay 2. The applicant has to be onshore for 887 to be granted, meaning his file will be put on hold ( Assuming it gets picked up) till he returns. I think when one can wait for so long .. 10 days will hardly matter. 3. There is no restrictions for not going on holidays/vacations etc when 887 is processing.. only thing that will happen is it will delay the process and need to have BVB in case 489 is expired . If his file gets picked up you might have a grant prior to your travel dates and avoid all the hassle mentioned above. Enjoy!
  8. You can ask them.. how does the processing time apply to applications.. Ideally it should be when you apply, as the 887 visa applications are processed as they are received, In your case when you applied it was 7-9 months and hence your application has to be processed in that timeline committed to you.. the increased happen after you applied and hence should not be applied on your application. If it keeps on increasing.. then you would be in for forever..
  9. I agree logically this should be the case... you got such a response because of the reason I have mentioned in my earlier comment. Always have a email version or in writing prior to making any such decision.
  10. Please refer to the migration regulation Section Bridging visa A. The only reason bridging visa does not have conditions, because.. bridging visas are issued in relation to the what visa you apply. In this case applicant has applied for 887 which will be a visa with no conditions and hence you see that on bridging visa also. But till it is granted the applicant is bound to its prior visa conditions of 489 visa. Logically, one should be allowed.. but regulations takes the stand on conditions. Encourage to read and understand correctly the obligations prior to any decisions. 010.6—Conditions (4) In any other case: whichever of conditions 8101, 8102, 8103, 8104, 8105, 8107, 8108, 8111, 8112, 8114, 8115, 8539, 8547 and 8549 applies to: (a) the visa held by the holder: (i) at the time of application; or (ii) if the bridging visa is granted under regulation 2.21A to a person mentioned in subregulation 2.21A(2) or (3), or under regulation 2.21B—at the time of grant; or (b) if the visa mentioned in subparagraph (a)(i) has ceased, or no visa is held by the holder at the time of grant—the last Bridging A (Class WA) or Bridging B (Class WB) visa held by the holder.
  11. Guys, on the processing time received some guidance from a professional Lawyer/Mara agent. They also agreed what we are doing is fair and reasonable to resolve the situation in the best interest of everyone. Do we have any contacts with to take this to next level ? - MPs, Senators and peak bodies such as the MIA, MA, Regional Australia Hi Team 887 My apologies for the delayed in responding. We have discussed this in our firm and think it is highly beneficial for you to be organising as you have done. We suggest that you prepare a submission outlining your predicament and start promoting your cause to MPs, Senators and peak bodies such as the MIA, MA, Regional Australia Institute, Scanlon Foundation etc It would have been helpful to take part in the recent enquiry into this matter, but unfortunately the deadline has passed: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Migration/RegionalMigration/Submissions Nonetheless, it would be useful for you to follow up this inquiry. We also repeat the suggestion made previously, that you try and enlist media support.
  12. Congratulations! Almost 23 months... 22.6. Great level of patience. Enjoy.
  13. It seems soon we will reach a day where processing time supersedes the condition requirements it has already doubled the working condition timeline ! .. which is an insane situation. Better as a group write to Immigration/minister/GFU in one email stating reasons and asking for better answers... this is going no where.. next year this time.. this forum will have 3000 pages by this speed... Views?
  14. Sure... gave him some options to think on ..
  15. @AJEETShow did you pay the medical fees in this case.. bank statement, letter/email of appointment etc ... that can act as proof of medical test being done and you can ask hospital to prove their side of the story.. in worst case you will get chance to get the test again.. proving that it was a error at hospital's end.
  16. @Stellajane Second your opinion, but if they come up with more such requests , it will only result in more delay.. such things can be contested and at least asked for. Not debating the subject but after 17/18 months one cannot ask something out of the list provided at the time of the application..is the point here.I have seen requests for employment docs which has been already submitted.. All this is only pushing out the timeline on a daily basis. How will be the application decision ready, if the requirements keep changing.
  17. @AJEETS @Stellajane I still don't get this what is the logic of asking a document which is not in fact sheet of 887 visa application.. Did I miss to read the fine line in between? Happy to be corrected.
  18. @AJEETS Were you the primary applicant in both 489 & 887 ? As per the website and documentation required for 887 primary applicant should not require English test..
  19. SBS Update , They have published second article on the subject. https://www.sbs.com.au/language/english/audio/13-years-in-australia-and-i-m-not-a-permanent-resident-yet Thank you for the contribution. Hopefully one more step in the right direction.. Keep up the good work.
  20. Appears to be like that.. looks good they are reaching out to applicants from September to November.. Things have started moving... good luck guys.
  21. 1652 Applicants ( Approx 826 Applications) in a month from March to April 2019... looks a big jump
  22. Recheck - it should be only for dependents Proof of functional English Provide proof that all dependent applicants aged 18 years and older, who did not pay the second instalment of the visa application charge at provisional stage, have at least functional English. If you can't provide functional English documents If any of the dependent applicants, who did not pay the second instalment cannot show evidence of functional English, you will need to pay the second instalment of the visa application charge for each of those dependent applicants, when we ask you to. Hide
  23. Is there link to radio interview? Can you please share.. cannot locate it on the website. Thanks
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