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Everything posted by TTTF

  1. This is one more option to try - https://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm More direct and official channel. The response is certainly very generic in nature, not providing any insights.
  2. Congratulations to you and your family. Best wishes with the future.
  3. In addition to emails which are being sent, please copy the media channels in order to get a parallel media attention. This will make this event more significant in terms of getting appropriate action. Both the channels host Hon. PM and Immigration ministers frequently almost every week. If we send multiple emails surely they will cover the story. It is worth giving it a try when things are happening. Keep up the good work. For channel 7 morning show email id is - themorningshow@seven.com.au For Channel 9 morning show - https://9now.nine.com.au/today/tell-your-story
  4. Check this out .. relevant to your request, https://www.sbs.com.au/language/english/covid-19-restrictions-temporary-visa-holders-who-want-to-travel-to-australia-urgently-may-apply-for-exemptions
  5. looks like a typo..nevertheless the issue is raised., which is more important.
  6. http://fecca.org.au/media-releases/temporary-visa-holders-must-not-be-left-behind/ In case this was not seen by many.
  7. Thank @Stellajane and @Megrand1 for your work on this. I read the letter in detail and agree with @Stellajane it definitely requires reformatting. There are specific formats when you write a letter to any minister and it needs to be used. The letter should address details such has, to whom the letter is addressed to, subject, Purpose, what is the discussion point, what is the response requested on etc. Couple of basics to be mindful of when communicating with government authorities, 1. Minister cannot be addressed as "Dear" in official letters.Example - Hon David Coleman MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs. 2. The language cannot be aggressive and rude when it is addressed to a minister. "Moreover, as skilled immigrants, we observe that other skilled visa sub classes such as Subclass 189, 190 and 491 do not have such ridiculous processing times" Please refer to the letter attached for content and format. You can edit to reflect current information as and where required. The most important thing from this action is , 1. To demonstrate how hard things (practical difficulties) become due to the processing delays 2. What we except from DHA as actions to address the issue. By this we are asking an response to the issues raised which is critical. Remember not all letters end up at minister's table. The letter should strong but polite communicating the message required. Hope you get the perspective what I am trying put across. You have done a great job here. Hope this helps the cause. Also on a practical side of things - when this is issue is seen at a government level as compared to other ongoing issues ( bush fires/floods/virus etc) it will be classified as a low priority hence resulting in such delays. Thanks LETTER TO THE ADDRESS PROCESSING DELAYS FOR 887 VISA.docx
  8. If you are 489 is valid till the return date of the 4 month period no need to inform.. just travel. Given that you are so close to grant timeline, just a courtesy email/phone call informing about the travel would be sensible. Remember if the 489 expires in this 4 month period she will need bridging visa b to come back. so check that out. you can only apply bridging visa b when ur onshore. The maximum loss would be grant will be further delayed till your partner comes back.. it is still better than having a life long regret. At least in such cases immigration should have some sort arrangements or a transparent communication line. Hope all goes well.
  9. There are some sessions in NSW as well, if any one is around that side. Worth taking a chance.
  10. Great... which minister are you planning to submit? It will be good to add on the FOI responses received advising the status of application and the current status/ Compliant responses to make a strong case.
  11. if you the nature of the letter is not personal, can you please share, happy to assist.
  12. Hope things get resolved for your guys via complaint process... rather than going through all the time consuming process and continue to wait.
  13. This is good news and bad news.. one way they picked up your file to look in which is good news and the bad news this question could potentially result in further unnecessary delay.. I think it will best to call and have a discussion raising with the case officer .. since as per website the letter should be perfect for proving functional English. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/meeting-our-requirements/english-language/functional-english Asking same thing again and is not very fair on the applicant as it results in delays for no reason. That too when the application is in line with the requirements. Best of luck.
  14. I know the language used ...in their responses. a sentence can be included, stating "the response expected to be specific addressing the questions and not a general response. As general response will not complete of the objective of FOI raised and questions will continue to remain unanswered".
  15. Everyone here knows one sided stories and rest is mostly left on understanding of the available facts. Suggestion - Many applicants have got numbers via FOI requests, why not try asking specific questions via FOI process and at least understand the whole process rather than assuming somethings. In this way at least we can expect a response and have more understanding of the processing work flows Questions needs to be very specific, How does the process work in terms of picking up a file/case, is it chronological order and how can the applicant be provided a indicative time line where the case could be picked up Why there is so much delay noticed after first contact and what is reason behind it? How can applicant assist to get this process work faster If the processing time keeps increasing all the applicants will always remain within the processing time.. how does the department plans to address this Due to the processing time line the applicants have to come up with multiple police checks and bear the cost of it, how does department plan to address this.. even if there 2 applicants on an average the cost adds up and causes more delays. How many cases does case officers process on a monthly basis and why cannot department be transparent about it specifically in terms of 887 visas issued. Can department publish the info similar to EOI invitation numbers on a monthly basis and be more specific as processing cases as "prior to November 2018 does not give any clarity" to the applicants as it could be any thing over 11 months Contact center provides a limited information and how this can be improved where we can interact with the case officers and make things easy and swift in terms of documentation Please feel free to add in any more as appropriate.
  16. TRN is also personal info.. not to be shared in public forum.
  17. Thanks for sharing the information.. Looks like Feb 2020 update on processing will provide a view on how things will progress for next 6 -8 months.. As January update did not mean anything in terms of application processing.. seems to be a status quo.
  18. Advisable for everyone, don't share you employment background on public forums. Not a ideal thing to do . It is very easy to add/combine data and make meaningful information for any individual. Better be safe than sorry. In terms of the broad level question on this topic, It does not matter whether it is state or federal govt, unless the role is classified as "sensitive or Trust role" legal and valid working rights should be good enough to get through the job assuming interview goes positive. It is always role dependent and nothing to do with state or federal govt. So do not restraint yourself on visa constraints .
  19. To answer in brief - No it will not impact. But at times individuals complicate the entire visa scenario by using all the visa jargon's. Remember that nobody in normal course knows what is 489 or 887 visa numbers. You need to state about your valid and legal working rights thats it. So if you communicate correctly and do well in your interviews don't think visa will be a reason to bother about. Best of luck !
  20. Yes this is the main reason... and the increase is just by a month.. by Feb and March this should sit between 16 to 18 months. Meanwhile, recheck your documents if you have crossed 12 months. As most the direct grants are around 14 months on an average.. keep the application decision ready.
  21. Congratulations to you and your family. Glad they sorted the mistake.
  22. Fill the entire form electronically and print the signature page if you want to sign physically, else digital version of your signature will also work and use google chrome to print option and save as PDF. No fuss about printing and scanning. Immigration PDF forms are protected for information integrity purposes and hence has limited print/save options.
  23. Can understand.. the basic logic to this entire process is to keep documentation clear and co-related. so that there is clear linkages and less questions. Nobody knows the logic to some questions raised. Getting it First time right will help other applicants also in long run and this forum helps to share most the questions raised for other applicants to check and avoid same mistakes.
  24. Ppl who are submitting university letter or any equivalent document for English , Please provide associated mark sheets/transcripts to co-relate the documents. It will assist to avoid such questions and delay the application. Hopefully you get grant soon..
  25. 3 years for immigration purposes. As long as it is valid on the date of 887 application it should be fine. The time taken for processing the application will not impact in this case.
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