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Everything posted by Angela

  1. Angela

    Just Typical

    Fab news really pleased for you.
  2. Congratulations my dear friends. 15 years, thats a very, very, very long time . Heres to many more, CHEERS. Enjoy your day. Much love from us all xxxx
  3. Hi Gina I know if you both left the time out of Australia would be added onto when you can apply for PR, but given that Tony is the main visa applicant I think you should be ok. Best thing is to check with Immigration directly. Take care Angela x
  4. Hubby is a P&D & no license is required as he is a direct employee, however, Master Builders have confirmed sub contract workers & if you are self employed should have a license, the fine is $20k. License around $430 approx with TAFE.
  5. Good Luck with your application and your life here in SA Thank you Devon, good luck yourselves, take care x
  6. Hi Devon Firstly many congratulations to you. It seems the processing time was relatively quick for you, did you apply online or paper copy. I have until Sept 09 before I have to do mine but any information is helpful, I am following Donna T's progress as I understand she has applied online recently. I had no idea about the Centrelinks entitlements, I would have thought having PR you would be treated as any other resident but you say you are treated as new migrants even after fulfilling 2 years on the SIR495, seems very harsh & concerns me slightly, but it is what it is, we have made it so far so it can only get easier. Also have I understood the post above, you now have PR but are returning to the UK? I am sorry to hear that, but also wondering why, without being nosey. I hope it does work out for you all.
  7. Hi we stayed there in September 2007, its a great hotel & location over looking the river, very plush to. We stayed overnight and a day. With Singapore airlines we got 35kg, but it was only really because I emailed them many mths before asking for more allowance. Good luck.
  8. Hi Libby, great idea, I am a possible which I know doesn't help with the final no's but it will be cost dependent & date I am afraid. xx
  9. Personally I would sell & definitely come. Have no regrets & give it a go. Its hard initially but it does get easier. We knew coming here would be a lifestyle change & expected a financial change. Pete is right, just get things as you go along, priorities are your family & finding work. Good luck.
  10. I do worry about all trades/professions when I read posts like this. Definitely look at ways of converting existing qualifications into SA ones, it is often who you know. Stay positive, I am sure it must be hard for you. Fingers crossed something comes your way soon.
  11. I thought that when I brought our house there :biglaugh:but thankfully it hasn't (cheeky bugger).
  12. Hi Shaggy I live in Onkaparinga Hills but that wasn't my car. We love it here, its relatively flat, lots of reserves within each cul de sac. Its quiet, feel free to ring me or pm me. We have no regrets whatsoever. Good luck Angela
  13. Another post I missed Many congrats ! good luck & when you do finish work Tracey, enjoy the rest.
  14. Angela

    2 years today

    Happy belated anniversay, I am seriously crap at getting onto the forums & yet I have always loved reading through the the threads before I came to Adelaide & now that I am here............anyway Donna, Russ, Josh & Izzy, what a beautiful, friendly family you are, you have certainly helped me stay positive through our journey, thank you for that. Roll on PR, you deserve it so much.........we all do LOL !! Take good care of yourselves & enjoy 'many' glasses of red (as I know you will do) xxx
  15. I have to say I've not met either of you but you come across a very determined & positive family, which I admire. Very best of luck with your new venture.
  16. Sorry I knew some people would not qualify ie nil payment, but the least you would get was approx $200 up to $900/950.
  17. I've just enquired at Mutual Community, depending on the type of cover you select will depend on the premium, but there are 2 that I looked at & the weekly premium was $10 or $15.50, the latter being the silver more premium cover. As long as you have a Medicare card you qualify.
  18. The above pay out reduces if the earnings are more than $80k, I think the minimum pay out is $200 or $250 but I can't remember the exact amount of how much you have to earn. But IMO anything is better than nothing.
  19. Poor U, I had no idea it was this serious when u sent me the text. Its the taxi drivers public liability I think. I hope u r feeling better soon. xx
  20. Thanks Lib, you are right I forgot your OH was driving us - look forward to it . xx
  21. After yet 'another' mens night out LOL, its a definite Yes from me, please count me in, I will bring Deb to (not that she will need much persuading ). I also know Karen & Gina are also planning to join us. Thanks for posting Rachel Take care Angela x
  22. Whatever amount you borrow, do consider weekly/fortnightly payments. The mortgage terms start at 25/30 years, by paying more frequently you can bring that down to 12/14 years which is well worth it in the long run. Good luck.
  23. I've met a lot of people through the cinema who live in the hills region, hardly any of them have pools or want them. I would say search realestate to give you an up to date price, they will state if they have a pool or not. I have one & would not be without it but I also love the beaches.
  24. We stayed at Clarke Quay in the Novatel, we were collected from the airport & had a mini bus for the 4 of us, door to door service. The hotel is brilliantly located & exceptionally clean.
  25. Firstly Deb congratulations ! I admire you for sticking with it & getting PR, it certainly sounds likes its been a difficult time work wise. I was going to suggest Centrelink, surely with PR you must be entitled to some kind of tax 'top up' / 'low income'. Worth asking if nothing else. Stay positive, something will come up.
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