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Everything posted by Angela

  1. Angela

    So chuffed...!!!

    I've seen the life guards in training !! Its a great achievement, well done !!
  2. Do you still qualify it you are on the SIR 495 temporary visa ie not permanent (yet). ? I would imagine a lot of us completed the tax return, regardless of earnings or visa type. $900 per person would be nice
  3. My eldest son recently passed his black belt in taekwondo. I can highly recommend Diamond Taekwondo, Sheidow Park its a family ran club & my son Brad loves going, $6 per session, he trains twice a week Mon & Weds.
  4. Ditto, had a great night although I still cannot get over how short some of the skirts were, maybe I am getting too old LOL. See you all soon Angela x
  5. An honest post with great responses, for our 2nd Christmas it still felt a little like a Summer holiday........sunshine, the beach, friends only this year we had the inlaws here to so in some ways, for us, its been quite emotional. Don't get me wrong I do so thank them for coming & I do know that they are now more understanding as to why we migrated but Sarah is right, the 'living with you' .....hmmm..........suddenly 4 becomes 6, takes some time to get used to & can be difficult at times . BUT I keep reminding myself of the journey they have taken, how the kids love to be with their gramps & mamma (just like they did in England), it is wonderful & that time when they leave approaches very soon, a time I am personally dreading . Still Xmas day was as festive as it could be, a full roast finished on the barbie, crackers & Chrimbo pudding, finished off with a dip in the pool (all be it slightly cooler than the yr before !). Happy New Year everyone.
  6. Angela

    Having a wobble...

    Hi Libby Sweetie, chin up !! I know its hard at times, I think deep down we all feel vulnerable & very emotional more often than not sometimes. You ARE in the right place, just think this Friday you will have a few days away from home, relaxing, soaking up the sun...........& don't forget Bob's wallet LOL !! Seriously, you know where I am, anytime, I know that our rellies have taken a lot of our time but as I said earlier this week, please DO POP IN, no invite needed !! A cuppa or something stronger awaits you..............big hugs Angela xxxx
  7. Me plus 3 others, room for 1 more if a lift required just pm me. Looking forward to it, Angela xx
  8. Missed this thread :daydreaming:just get chance to pop in & out occasionally.......anyway the MIL & moi will be coming along for drinks if thats ok. See you all there xx
  9. WOW that's fantastic, I remember seeing the plans which you showed Ash, its a fab idea & I am very certain its a great venture & opportunity. The kids will love it :smilexmas:. Good luck & keep in touch with the progress. Angela xx
  10. It is a great location for getting around to, definitely worth looking at.
  11. Email/PM me & hubby will reply, he has had no problem with working for a company based in the city. I am sure he will be able to give you help & advise. Have a safe journey.
  12. I have also met 2 families who have children in Tat, 2 of them are primary & the other 3 are middle/high school, in fact their eldest leaves this year. All 5 'children' love the school & both families are very happy with the education provided. Good luck
  13. How fantastic Nick & a weight off your mind. I am really pleased for you all. Angela x
  14. Fab news, congratulations Richard. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been, but very well done.
  15. Angela

    Meet Scamp!

    He looks adorable Judi, I bet Thomas loves him. I am sure Max would love to meet him one day at the beach, he is getting more sociable (sometimes but he is just playful !!). The RSPCA are great with them.
  16. Angela

    Mod arrested!!!!

    :biglaugh: That was so funny. I can still see their faces now .
  17. Angela

    Mod arrested!!!!

    AND the huge banana she tucked into .
  18. Its great news for you all Liz. And in all honestly Alfie was fine with Max, they are so alike in looks/ways (definitely the poodle in them both) with the exception that Alfie is 5 times bigger...........he really is a gentle giant .
  19. Angela

    Mod arrested!!!!

    Cracking night !! Forgive me Libby but these photo's are 3 of the very best . (click on piccies for a closer look !!!!) [ATTACH]154[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]155[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]156[/ATTACH] :biglaugh:
  20. [quote=caroline&paul;57948 Say's us Angela:) Paul Hmmm..............monthly yes, why not us girlies can match that any day ..........perhaps another venue might be more appropriate !? Don't you worry, we will have a great night on Saturday (no matter where we go or end up !!!).
  21. Hey Paul where should he be hanging them keys ?? :biglaugh: Monthly.........say's who .
  22. Ash got home & through the front door to be welcomed by Max barking very loudly, but boy it was late..........all I can say girlies is we HAVE to get our own back on your hen night Lib...... !!. Like Nick, kids up early woken by thunder & lightening (amazing), Max jumping all over the bed & me pottering about as usual but this time with PLENTY of noise !! I cannot believe Bob had his keys on him after all that...........I hope he remembers the rings on the day or is that the Best Man's job .
  23. Its definitely a great atmosphere. Brad did the whole season at Port Noarlunga last year, he passed 2 tags ready for competing this year but because the training is now Sunday morning & not a Saturday afternoon, he isn't bothered about getting up & out for 9.45 am until 12. I think Moana have kept to a Saturday. We have a busy few weeks ahead but I still plan to get him down there one Sunday morning, its great fun .
  24. Hi Sas Its great news for you all & I am sure it will be great to have a house full of family !! My FIL & partner arrive in just over 1 months time, staying for 2 months. We are thrilled that they are flying out to be with us especially the children who just cannot wait............."how many sleeps until Mamma & Grandpa come ?"........its wonderful . Take care
  25. Hi Liz Once we had a few breeds in mind, we tried the RSPCA at Lonsdale but unfortunately there weren't any available. On Xmas Eve the local paper had a no of puppies for sale, private breeders. As you know Max came home with us from Golden Grove, but before we did take him we fired lots of questions at the owner to check that Max was 'what' he was a Spoodle. Just bear in mind Xmas is a great time to get a puppy for Hattie & Rory, you have to be around a lot because they cannot venture far due to the initial vaccinations & whatever breed of pup you get it will cry.........believe me...........a lot !! BUT we adore Max & if you would ever like a wee trial I can bring Max round or you come over again with the kids & Rich, feel free you are very welcome. They are a wonderful addition to the family, you won't regret having one. Take care Angela x
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