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Everything posted by ken&wendy

  1. hi natasha its nicola wots ur addie?MSN were do u live i hav 1 hammie called harry !U!
  2. hi im nicola and im new 2 the sit 2 im 10 and hav a hampster called harry! i dont wanna move do u??????????????
  3. hallet cove is a place we will be looking at 2 along wiv flag staff hill and aberfoyle park do u wanna go 2 oz
  4. kk bye bye then ps dunno were bouts in adelaide were gonna live nice tlking 2 u
  5. hi im nicola and im not best pleased bout going 2 adelaide bt i need sum1 hoo i can tlk 2 bout it
  6. hi melanie and jess! im nicola im 10 and planning on going 2 adelade. i enjoy swimming and av a hammi i dont wanna move bt if i do u might be able 2 be my friends there????????
  7. hi im nicola im 10 and planning on going 2 adelaide.
  8. ken&wendy

    Away we go!!!!

    Congratulations - bet you can't wait. All the best. Wendy
  9. Hi, don't know how much this will help but here goes anyway. We are going to Adelaide on a state sponsored visa - it's a three year temporary visa. We could have opted to get a permanent visa for Tasmania - that would have been state sponsored too, but permanent. We chose to go to Adelaide because it seems more like where we want to be - we're not living in a big city at the moment, so won't miss any bright lights Adelaide may (or may not be!) lacking. Like you say the temporary bit of it is a bit scary, but my guess is that if you're able to support yourselves once you're there they have no reason not to let you have a permanent visa. You can apply for this once you've been living there for two years and working there for 1 year. We've done the TRA bit, the State Sponsorship bit and have now sent off for our visa, so are settling down for the long wait. Have a look on www.domain.com.au for examples of houses being sold now/available to rent to see what kinds of prices you would be looking at. Best of luck with your research. Wendy
  10. ken&wendy


    Hi. Welcome to PIA. Not been on here long myself but have read some useful & interesting info. Everyone on here seems to be so friendly and willing to help. Sorry to hear you're having a tough time - it can be lonely in a new place. However you've got the right attitude - you know it's going to take some time. Have you tried volunteering? I believe the aussies are quite big on that. Maybe you could offer to help at a local school - listen to the children reading or something? Don't know if that's possible over there but I know it's encouraged at my girls school. That way you meet other/different people. Anyway, hang on in there & best of luck. Wendy
  11. A year! I was hoping that being state sponsored might hurry things up a little. I know that last August they had 3 times as many applications as usual, so there's a bit longer wait because of that, but I guess I'll just have to learn to be patient. I'll ask my agent like you suggest. Wendy
  12. Thanks for all your replies - it certainly is encouraging. We'll tell her anything if it helps - she's a stubborn wee monkey (doesn't get that from her mother though!). I'm sure the time will go much quicker that I imagine. I'm sure I'll have loads more questions for you all so watch this space. Wendy
  13. Thanks for the reply - we've resisted putting the heating on, but it sure was tempting. I'm sure Nicola will come around once she's been swimming with dolphins! Wendy
  14. Just like to introduce ourselves - there's me, hubby Ken and two girls aged 11 and 10. Visa applied for April, so settling down for a long wait. Does anyone know if State Sponsored visas come through a bit quicker? We're planning on coming out for a rekkie once visa comes through (unfortunately we didn't have time to do this beforehand) and will probably be looking at Hallet Cove/Flagstaff Hill/Aberfoyle Park direction. Younger daughter not too keen on coming - other one can't get there quick enough - Ken & I just can't wait to get away from the typical English summer (It's freezing today and we're nearly in June!) Anyway - hello to you all there and hopefully this time next year we'll be with you! Wendy
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