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Everything posted by ken&wendy

  1. Not sad at all - it got me excited too and I've only been here 3 months! Wendy
  2. Totally agree - what a load of b*****ks. (However, I don't imagine it'll be Widnes in the final anyway they way they're shaping these days!) Ken & Wendy
  3. Hi Caz Just thought I'd put my twopence in for what it's worth. When we first arrived in May we lived in Christie Downs and I put my two girls in Port Noarlunga Primary School and Aquatic Centre. They were only there for about 6 weeks but really liked it and made great friends in that short time. We then moved up to Brighton and they are in Seacliff Primary School and like it equally. As far as I can tell all the local schools visit the aquatic centre for a whole week so they won't miss out on that score being at another primary school. I think you do get a good feeling about a place so just go with your gut instinct. Best of luck. Wendy
  4. Replying on behalf of my hubby too - he doesn't know it yet though. Ken'll probably be there too. Jordan - tell your dad Ken'll see him there! Thanks, Matthew, for arranging it. Wendy
  5. By the way, forgot to say, Congratulations on the house.
  6. Hi Matt, Just seen your post re rental in Christies Beach. We would be interested in having a look if you don't mind - we're in OAA in Christies at the moment and need to be out by mid-August. Our furniture arrives beginning of August (hopefully). I assume it is unfurnished. Tried to send you a pm but system wouldn't let me for whatever reason. If you pm me your phone no. we can give you a call. Regards Wendy & Ken
  7. We booked on the internet through Opodo. It terrified the life out of me doing that way as I would have much rather used a travel agent, but it was about £700 cheaper on the internet. (for 3 adults (our 12 year old was counted at full fare, and one child). We flew Manchester to Heathrow to Singapore then to Adelaide. British Airways and Quantas Temp visa so we only had basic allowance of 23kgs each plus one item of hand luggage. Wendy
  8. Thanks - would definitely like to come and have a look. I'll PM you my mobile no. Wendy
  9. There are plenty migration agencies in the UK - unless you are committed to using this one I would phone a couple more and ask them if they think you are eligible. Wendy
  10. Hi, anybody out there know of any unfurnished rental accommodation available from approx. 3rd August (when our furniture arrives). We would be looking for a min of 2 beds, would prefer a house rather than a flat or unit and we need a lock-up garage (for all hubby's tools and equipment - he brought the lot!!!!). As we're cheapskates we don't want to be paying much more than $300. Ken has a job in Mile End so anywhere near there would be OK but at the moment we're in Christies Beach area and like the area for all the facilities here. Not a lot to ask is it, but any help gratefully received - just wondered if anybody was leaving a rental early.... Thanks Wendy:)
  11. Thanks for all your replies. Bill - you never know - may be in touch yet. Dina - thanks for the card - will be in touch once we're more settled. Wendy
  12. Just thought I'd update you on our first two weeks here. We arrived on Sunday 24th May and thought we'd gone back to Manchester - it rains in South Australia??? Meet and Greet guy very helpful and took us shopping, but all we wanted to do was go to bed! Done the necessary things - tax reference, driving licence, banking, immigration meeting etc. Going to see about a school for the girls on Tuesday and then get down to the serious business of looking for jobs - the holiday can't go on forever unfortunately. Been given OAA in Christie Downs which I've been told is not such a great area. Have had a look around Christie's beach and that looks better - what do you lot all think? People seem really friendly and very helpful and seem to have plenty time for you. Been down to Victor Harbour and even saw a couple of whales! (Well, their tails anyway). Anybody play in a vets football team? Hubby would like to continue playing - he played once a week in a 7-aside team (usually came home injured!). Noticed the leisure centre at Noarlunga - might have to put a notice on their board. Enjoying Adelaide so far. Wendy:D
  13. Just going through same thing as you right now - we've signed up with Moneycorp. Just about to speak to them now in fact. We will be changing some money over now and then probably some in a few months time - just hope we get a better rate, but it's all guess work - none of us has a crystal ball. I see you're also going on the 20th May - where you flying from and which part of Adelaide are you headed - we're flying out of Heathrow (9.30pm ish) via Singapore and are initially in OAA in Christie Downs. Wendy
  14. I guess you're all right - £15.00 is not a lot to pay for peace of mind these days. Thanks all for your thoughts. Wendy
  15. Sorry, can't help with welding - my OH's a painter and decorator. Doing the TRA was like talking to 3 year old. Every little thing had to be explained in such minute detail - what tools he used, how he used them, what he used them for etc. The TRA is the hardest bit - once you've passed that the rest is a dawdle! Wendy
  16. I think inspection charges are to be expected. (they've got to make some money for their Christmas Party somehow!) It's not too late yet - Ken reckons we should just pay it. Maybe we should just be safe. Wendy
  17. Anybody come across this problem at all?
  18. Hi, anybody help please? Our shippers (John Masons) are due here on Monday to wrap and pack - we've just paid their bill but didn't include the £15.00 charge which we can pay to waive any decontamination charges that Australian customs/quarantine may levy. One of the other shippers who quoted said this was a load of nonsense - it's not down to us to pay cleaning charges ($350-600) and the £15.00 just went to their Christmas fund. Has anybody actually not paid this money and had to have their container cleaned and if so was it at their expense? Things are expensive enough at this time without paying needless money. It's hard to know what to believe - what did you lot do? Wendy:unsure: (mighty stressed at the moment)
  19. Pretty sure you can lodge a Statutory Declaration. If you're using an agent they'll be able to help you. I'm sure it's just a statement sworn in front of a notary public. Can't help with Skills Matching bit - didn't use that. Good luck. Wendy
  20. They let us know that we had got the accommodation on 27th April, so that is about 3 weeks before however it was only just last week that they told us where. We're letting our house instead of selling at the moment - will wait until prices pick up again hopefully.
  21. Hi Lana, D-day is fast approaching - 20th May in our case. I still feel like i have so much to do between now and then. Removals arriving Monday morning (parents arriving tomorrow!! - Much as I love them and will miss them I could really do without it). We were lucky and have managed to get OAA. We start out our Adelaide adventure in Christies Beach for a max of 12 weeks and will have a look around to see where we might like to settle. Bedford Park/Flagstaff Hill/Aberfoyle Park are still up there on my list of first places to look, but I guess where we end up will depend on where we get jobs. Looking forward to the long flight - it'll give me time to catch up on the sleep I've been missing out on lately (not all work - sometimes it was nights out too). Once we arrive I'll try to get to an internet cafe to give you an update on how things are going and to give your our first thoughts/experiences etc. Best of luck to all of you moving shortly (and those just arrived). Be seeing you all soon. Wendy
  22. Welcome to PIA - you'll have to pardon my ignorance but what is an RSMS? Wendy
  23. Thanks for the warning Graham - we'll not tell them if you don't. Wendy
  24. A very nice sack of spuds I'm sure! Thanks - that helps a lot.
  25. Thanks for your replies guys. It kinda puts my mind at rest. Had visions of large bills looming...
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