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Immigration Latest News!!!! (All MUST Read)

Guest segar

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as long as it takes them less than a year! if it takes them too long they will have to start giving out bridging visas to everyone waiting for the 887.:)





My friends who've recently been issued their 887 were given a bridging visa as soon as their application was received by DIAC...so this meant their 495 was no longer valid anyway. Apparently onshore applicants can only have one visa at a time and the bridging visa replaces the 495 until the permanent 887 is granted.

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Hi All:v_SPIN:


We have been going through this process now for 1 year when it all started with the point system. Held off 2 years so Nik could finish here corse (BUGGER). We started out going for 175 visa but DIAC put the dampers on that when a/c engineers were taken off the CSL and put on the MODL. Process time to long so changed to 176, things looking good sent off all relivent paper work, went for MEDS got back police checks. All at the very end of August only to find out one month later DIAC not the STAT have stopped all processing until 2012.

Hopfully the Stat will help and push to get the stat sponsors back on track


keeping positive, :swoon:

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My husband spoke to the Agent General for South Australia in London today - it was at an annual ex-pat South Australians event where they unfurl the State flag in Piccadilly Circus then all go back to Australia House and get fed Vilis pies and Coopers.


Anyway he and the other staff were moaning about the cut to immigration announced last week. My husband is pretty vague on these things but the general impression was that the South Australian government are not very happy with it. He (the Agent General) said that Adelaide needs loads more people over the next 10 years and they are desperate to increase the population.

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Can't believe the changes that appear to affect us. In 2007 and our agents missed the cut off for the rule changes at that point by a few days due to their delay. Then 3 months later they started taking applications again and we submitted everything except medicals and when we were asked for them we had to delay the medicals because my wife fell pregnant. We then had to wait 3 months after the birth because my wife had to have 2 operations and couldn't go through them sooner as she had to have a c section. We then submitted the medicals in May 09 the earliest we can and have been waiting since. We then had a change of case officer and then our case officer went off sick, we think, and no one was therefore able pick up and finalise. When someone did pick teh file back up in August, in took until the 24th of September to ask for an updated form, which due to the delays had to be purely resigned and redated to ensure up to date because of the delays. That basically takes us just past the deadline of the 23rd, when we were just waiting for the final ok. To say we are devasted is an understatement. We sold our house which we thought was sensible since we got what we wanted and in this economy that is pretty hard to get, and although not what is recommended until you get the final ok, we were so so close it seemed the right thing to do. So we are living in a rental ready to go. Devastated probably doesn't come close to covering it and I feel truely sorry for everyone in similar positions and it would be nice to hear from some of you as the forum shoul hopefully be all about helping and supporting each other.

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totally with you guys. Similar as my wife feel pregnant so except for the medicals we had done everything. Sold our house as we got what we wanted for it and the same it felt in the current housing climate we couldn't turn it down. We feel so let down as they are playing with people's lives and at the moment we haven't got a clue what to do. We have to move out of our rental at the end of the year, then what?? Surely it makes sense to process the people that have entered the system at the orginal time scale and then make the new changers to any fresh applications. We are just trying to keep some hope!!

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Guest Murphy642

We are gutted too, we delayed our visa as I was having a baby, I restarted the process when he was 3 months old, wish I had started it a bit quicker - we would have our visas now. Had been told by our agent prior to the announcement that we would have our visas this week........ Mentally ready to go at the beginning of December. Looks like we have to suffer another long hard winter! Fingers crossed we get some concrete information sooner rather than later??!!!

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Agree totally. Its not as if we have just been in the system for a short space of time. Our rental runs out in January and no idea what to do either. Do we rent another in the hope this either changes or for people so far down the line we get a bit of compasion or do we go out and buy a house and try and establish a settled life again because if thats what we need to do it would be better to do it know whilst the housing market is is not back to its crazy old self - can't imagine doing this, seems all so final. Trying to get our heads round all this because its already been well over 2 years we have been at this. Don't get me wrong its not all bad, we are happy and healthy, got a beautiful baby girl and built up good savings as this has taken so long. But we have been so long in the space of going and our hearts and minds are in Australia and everthing we have done for the last 3 years has been about that and its really hard to take. We have sacrificed an awful lot and had lots of upheaval all about trying to get to Adelaide, which is where we want to be more than anything. Our only hope is that something changes or there is some compasion shown on a case by case basis and thats what is keeping us going at the moment, well that and an 8 month old who is full of beans 24/7. You never know we might look back in 6 months and be living in oz, but its really hard not to think its all over as I really don't know if we can go through this another 3 years and if its fair to us or the wee one. Fingers crossed for all concerned and everyone out there who is devastated.

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