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Should he stay or go???

Guest Guest5035

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Guest guest3462

what is the point of sending him back though? He has clearly got serious mental health issues and banishing him to a far distant land on his own where he will recieve no help or benefits will serve to help no one. It seems that what he does need is long term detention in a secure mental health facility to try and help him live what is left of a miserable life.

The only outcome I could see of deporting him is the serious injury or death of innocent people in UK when he loses it altogether? Where would the blame lie then?

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Guest katsmajic

Thats a joke and a half...no benefits or help, thats only if your english born n bred.

someone who hasnt been living in uk n arrives, deported or otherwise will receive far more help and support than an english person who lives/belongs there.



He has clearly got serious mental health issues and banishing him to a far distant land on his own where he will recieve no help or benefits will serve to help no one. I?
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On one hand if he has serious mental health issues he can't be responsible for what he has done..no matter how bad the crime.

On the other hand is it the old defence of mental health excuse and in reality he is just plain old bad.

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I thought the minister could revoke your citizenship under exceptional circumstances.

There was a case of a guy about 5 years ago..a serial child abuser of the worst kind...born in the uk but had citizenship here... they sent him back to blighty.

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I thought the minister could revoke your citizenship under exceptional circumstances.

There was a case of a guy about 5 years ago..a serial child abuser of the worst kind...born in the uk but had citizenship here... they sent him back to blighty.


Talk about discrimination against immigrants...because where we they send an Aussie if they revoked his/her citizenship:err:

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If he goes back to the UK at least (if he really has got serious mental health) he will get the help he needs. Here is a little backwards when it comes to mental health. Lots of people here are walking around wrongly lablelled mentally ill and seriously ill people are just left to cope in their homes rather than being in secure units. Bizarre!



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Guest Ledges

One more reason to make sure we al go for citizenship as soon as we can !....what a nightmare for Mum...as if his health and what's happened wouldn't break her heart enough...prayers are with you right now . x

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Guest katsmajic

And the same rules apply in the uk and most other countries too....even the far east will deport criminals as long as they havnt got the death sentence.

terrorists/murders/rapists/kiddy fiddlers all get sent back to their country of origin and rightly so. why should the host country pick up the bill?


pr and citizenship give you rights and privileges in this country not the right to behave as you please, killing, raping and pillaging is not one of these rights!

mental health is behind the times here, its getting there but needs more funding, as it does in the uk too, but way to many people are going down the mental health route to get leniency and get away with it too....

im with the lethal injection.


I think unless you have citizenship they can send you back to where you were born.
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