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Is there age discrimination in Adelaide?


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My OH is pretty convinced that the nearer you get to 50 here, the lower the chances of finding work. As I'm not the main wage earner and have not looked for work for myself recently, I just wondered if other people had found the same?


​If this is the case I certainly don't think it is just in Adelaide, or Oz for that matter!

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Obviously, but as Adelaide is where I'm living and would be looking for a job, that's where I'm interested in. I think in times of major job shortages as we have at the moment, this factor - and I guess anything else that makes one less employable when up against a very large number of applicants - becomes heightened.

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I'm in hospitality and the problem I face is the award rate, I'm not far off 50 myself but an employer would have to pay me around $20-$23 an hour, a junior starts at around $6 -$8 an hour, why pay one worker when you can have 3. The last job I had I was worked like a dog, just to justify paying me what i'm entitled to.

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In the industries I have worked in over here I have only seen one case of age discrimination. I have seen other cases of discrimination, but if I had to pick one, in my experience, I would say age discrimination is the one I see the least of. I have worked with many people in the 'mature' age bracket up to the age of 73. Of course I am not saying it doesn't happen I am just sharing my observations.


People often say they can't get work because of their age, but there can be other factors such as the person may have been in the same job for many years and doesn't know how to sell/market themselves on their resume or at interview, they have not kept their skills up to date and relevant and have not gained additional qualifications to support their work experience.


Also if people are at a manager level and find themselves out of work, generally speaking there are less roles at that level, so again more competition for the job.


I know of a manager who has been out of work for 2 years. If you asked them why they can't get a job they will tell you it is because of their age. As an outsider looking in (and obviously because of my profession) I can tell you it has nothing to do with their age, it is because they are not being aggressive enough with their job search, the person stayed in their last job far too long and basically deskilled themselves, they did not leave their previous employer on good terms so word has probably gone round the industry not to touch them and I feel they will not present well at interview.



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The receptionist at the medical centre I go to has been telling me that the reason she can't get another job is because no one wants to employ her because she is young. The thing is she doesn't look like a teenager she looks a lot older, so I tried to say to her that I didn't think this was the reason she wasn't getting the jobs, but I think this advice was ignored!! When I visit this week she tells me she has got another job and had mentioned her age to her new employer (after she had been offered the job) and they were very surprised and thought she was a lot older. She got the job because she was a good match for the role, age did not come into it. She seems to be the one making an issue out of her age and going out of her way to let people know how old she is.


There are ways to present your resume where no one would have any idea how old you are (if people feel this is an issue), again it comes back to understanding how to market yourself.


I know of an organisation and when they send candidates a rejection email when they submit their application, they are getting abusive emails telling them they are racist for not interviewing them (talk about how to ruin your chances of future employment!!). It is nothing to do with being racist, their adverts clearly state that applicants must be Australian Citizens to apply for the positions and the people applying are not Aussie citizens.


Peoples perception of why they don't get jobs is often not the reality.

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i would agree, based on my current circumstances, i am qualified in admin, all secretarial work, accounts, human resources and have also worked for many years in the banking industry, however because i am in my mid 40's it seems no matter who i apply to, have applied for nearly 200 jobs in these sectors i have had no luck whatsoever... however with all my skills and 20 plus years experience i can and have got a job cleaning (which i hasten to add i rather enjoy!!) and a job stacking shelves all nite with a bunch of 18 year olds which makes me feel even older!! so whether its a age thing, or the fact i am a pom or maybe just too many people lookin for jobs, who knows??

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