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A little advice on the visa front.....


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Well, what can we say? since arriving in this wonderful country in late December and having the best few months ever we have decided that we don't want to leave! we are here on a 457 visa and to be honest the thought of going back to the UK after my current job finishes in 2016 depresses us!


We have decided we want to get PR as soon as possible so the question is "what is the best type of visa to apply for?" I am a Project Manager in Construction on a 457 which runs out in 2017 (and has also been taken off the state occupation list) whilst Sharon is a youth & community worker that IS on the list.


we have done initial research and it seems very complicated on which PR visa would be best suited to our position so we are calling on our friends on P.i.A to give us advice on how best to reach PR status as soon as possible! whilst all is going well at work at the moment some things have happened to other members of staff in the last month that have made me realise that as a 457 holder we are in a situation whereas if I had a fall-out with them we'd be up a certain creek!


We have also decided that rather than pay someone else we will fill in the forms ourselves following discussions with the lovely Shelagh and Ste who went through the process themselves and had no problems.


Any advice much appreciated


TD and SLD

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Guest Claire-n-tel
Thanks Blossom - may be worth askin my company how the'd feel about sponsoring me to get PR status - dont think it'd cost owt either?


Hi Tony!.....Nope your right that it wouldn't cost them anything........it'll cost you though :err: About 6 grand for the two of you from memory!

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Guest Claire-n-tel
Thanks for the advice, I didn't think it'd cost us that much if we did all the paperwork ourselves - what do you have to pay that money for? surely that can't be costs for processing applications?


Yep thats just for processing the application!......then you get the whole medicals and police check thing, not sure if yours are less than a year old but even if they are still in date you'll need to "upgrade" to a pr medical and will now need a Oz police check as well!.....and you thought it was expensive last time!


C&T xxx

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its not cheap to come over here and try to positively contribute to the South Australian economy/society! - its a bloody racket! still, to compare and contrast..........sunday morning in Oldham - a walk along the Rochdale canal with Dyl in the p*ssing down rain V's Sunday morning walk in Adelaide - a stroll along the beach in Grange in the glorious sunshine followed by a lovely breakfast looking out over the sea.............do we really need to justify 6'000 dollars for a lifetime of that????

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Guest Claire-n-tel
its not cheap to come over here and try to positively contribute to the South Australian economy/society! - its a bloody racket! still, to compare and contrast..........sunday morning in Oldham - a walk along the Rochdale canal with Dyl in the p*ssing down rain V's Sunday morning walk in Adelaide - a stroll along the beach in Grange in the glorious sunshine followed by a lovely breakfast looking out over the sea.............do we really need to justify 6'000 dollars for a lifetime of that????



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