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Apple Cider Vinegar anyone?

Guest Claire-n-tel

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Guest Claire-n-tel

Morning Peoples!


i'm having a big sort out here and have got into 'Tel's cupboard'! He is a great one for magical health things and usually takes things once and then they sit here taking up room!....:arghh:


So.....we have a 500ml bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar with a spoonful out of it, it is in date until 2016, I seem to remember that it wasn't exactly cheap and wondered if anyone uses it or wants to try it? They are welcome to this bottle.


Please don't ask me what it does because I have no idea, I'm sure mr google will tell you!:wacko:


So any takers? If no one shouts out before the end of today I'll 'sink it'!


Claire x

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Morning Peoples!


i'm having a big sort out here and have got into 'Tel's cupboard'! He is a great one for magical health things and usually takes things once and then they sit here taking up room!....:arghh:


So.....we have a 500ml bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar with a spoonful out of it, it is in date until 2016, I seem to remember that it wasn't exactly cheap and wondered if anyone uses it or wants to try it? They are welcome to this bottle.


Please don't ask me what it does because I have no idea, I'm sure mr google will tell you!:wacko:


So any takers? If no one shouts out before the end of today I'll 'sink it'!


Claire x


Oh My! You cannot put that down the sink. I'll have it.

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Guest Claire-n-tel
Or if you put it down the sink with some bi-carb you'll have clean drains :smile:


Oooooooohhhh!.......never thought about that.....mmmm shiny pipes!:idea:

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Guest Claire-n-tel
First 3 uses of Apple Cider Vinegar today.....

1. Tiny swig from the bottle (Yuk)

2. Wiped sticky fly poo off outside windows (worked well)

3 Ant detterent on the front door step (time will tell - hope it doesn't encourage them)


Pants love​ apple cider vinegar!

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First 3 uses of Apple Cider Vinegar today.....

1. Tiny swig from the bottle (Yuk)

2. Wiped sticky fly poo off outside windows (worked well)

3 Ant detterent on the front door step (time will tell - hope it doesn't encourage them)


We used bicarbonate of soda to deter the ants but apparently talc works as well! It did the trick they got all confused and didn't come in! Also ant rid! Xx

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