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457 Visas finally arrived!


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Congratulations on the visa grant!


Exciting times ahead and lots to do but it'l fly past I am sure.


Look forward to hearing how it goes in the run up to you leaving and when you arrive here in Aus. Be prepared that June is winter here and its a couple more months of that will spring appears. I promise you even if its raining and a bit nippy here then, give it a couple of months and the sunshine will be back :)

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Thanks for that! We are prepared for the weather, we live in the UK so use to it!


I did smile at the innocence of this comment. :smile: You will know when you are a 'local' when you start to feel the cold! In the winter, I sit watching tv with my blanket wrapped round me, I do have a little laugh to myself because it reminds me of my grandma and how she was all wrapped up watching tv in the UK winter. The OH once sat in the lounge with his woolly hat on after a winter hair cut ha ha. My OH always says that how cold it gets in winter was the biggest surprise for him about living in Adelaide.

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Congratulations thats fantastic, we have just been told that a 457 is our only option tbh we are a bit gutted, can you tell me how you found the work offer, was it through an agent or recruitment agency?

My husband is an agricultural contractor and im a massage therapist, we jst dont know how best to proceed so any information or help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Thanks! I put out some interest on this site, and a requirement agency called Bluewater recruitment in Adelaide, got in touch, they sorted everything out for us! contact them see if they can find someone to give you a job offer, worth a try!

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  • 5 weeks later...

My husband has been in Adelaide for just over a week! he is settling in well, got a fully furnished house, van, phone and driving licence, just shows he can do all without me. He starts work on Monday! 10 weeks to go before the children and I will be joining him, got to get their exams out of the way first! all looking forward to our new adventure, not looking forward to the good byes! hopefully hear if we can take our Bongo in the container soon, takes along time for approval!

This site has been invaluable to us, it has answered many questions along the way!

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