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Is anyone else having trouble?

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Right, we have been here 7 years. Came with kids, all school age.......

Now, I have a secure job, my OH has 20 hours secured,my 20 yo, son, cant get work even in humgry jacks; my 19 yo old son is at uni, studying to be a teacher!!! And my 17 yo daughter is at TAFE studying patteserie.....cake making, for the less informed..........:arghh:. I pay my taxes, live frugally, sort of, However, what I hear day after day.......we dont know people, we have no connections, and because my son wants to be a sound engineer, and my daughter a cake maker........stuffed.

Can anyone help us to make the "right " coonections??

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Hi Scousemouse


I do so agree with you about how difficult it is for young people to get a foot on the job ladder. I have a 23 year old who is still looking for work after

a year on the dole despite having 5 Cert 2s from TAFE, current police check, forklift licence, and full driving licence. Like yourself I really do believe

it is who you know. My best wishes for your children, here's hoping they find something soon!

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For your son that wants to be a sound engineer get him to have a look at the ministry of sound in Elizabeth. I just tried to have a look at the website myself but my internet is being really slow and it won't load. He could also look at getting involved with community radio stations or see if he can get work experience at the commercial radio stations, or even at the ABC TV studios in Adelaide. He won't find anything advertised - he will have to contact them and try and organise something himself. If he is studying at the moment his tutors may have contacts or be able to give advice about how to approach different places.


Your daughter could potentially start out by herself and run her own business. If this is a bit much she could look at becoming a pastry chef in a restaurant first. Her tutors at Tafe ought to be able to give her advice about how to go finding work or helping her get work experience. This may be unpaid but would be valuable for making contacts and getting references. There are plenty of places in Adelaide that sell cakes so I should imagine there would be work available in that area it's just a matter of finding it.

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Guest Husky
Right, we have been here 7 years. Came with kids, all school age.......

Now, I have a secure job, my OH has 20 hours secured,my 20 yo, son, cant get work even in humgry jacks; my 19 yo old son is at uni, studying to be a teacher!!! And my 17 yo daughter is at TAFE studying patteserie.....cake making, for the less informed..........:arghh:. I pay my taxes, live frugally, sort of, However, what I hear day after day.......we dont know people, we have no connections, and because my son wants to be a sound engineer, and my daughter a cake maker........stuffed.

Can anyone help us to make the "right " coonections??


My daughter has just been made night fill manager at a large store in melrose park.She is studying during the day as well. She is interviewing this week for night fill staff...20 hours a week...need to be very physically fit and strong. BTW i was telling her today about your problem and she said no one over the age of 17 would get a job at hungry jacks (except in management)as they cost too much.

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Our 21 year old who dropped out of uni in UK. Went to lots of places in Norwood handing out a single page resume. He got his alcohol and gambling aware Certs on line and included them. He got about 5 responses in all. Has been working an average of 4 shifts a week and earning decent money, enough to buy a 150 cc scooter. He has been there since last July.


it was meant to be a fill in but he doesn't really know what he wants to do, he has had some work experience with a photographer but decided it wasn't for him. Thinks he might like computer repair/ maintenance but no openings for this.


At least he is earning and meeting people, but as it is Zero hour contract he cannot rely on it. I really don't know where he goes from here.

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Right, we have been here 7 years. Came with kids, all school age.......

Now, I have a secure job, my OH has 20 hours secured,my 20 yo, son, cant get work even in humgry jacks; my 19 yo old son is at uni, studying to be a teacher!!! And my 17 yo daughter is at TAFE studying

Can anyone help us to make the "right " coonections??


The connections we have here seem much the same as connections we would have had back in the UK.


By that I mean, work colleagues, friends, friends' families, neighbours, teachers, uni, TAFE, employment agencies.... Make sure your connections know exactly what you're after too. I think if you just say, "Oh, DD wants a job. Or DS can't seem to find work" it's too open a question? If people know exactly what you want, it makes it easier for them to think of a contact.


One thing that you might not have thought of (although I bet you have!) is getting the kids to contact companies that interest them, and ask for an information interview. That way they can find out what might make them more employable in that industry, whilst being able to show themselves off, and make new contacts. Even if that company doesn't have work there and then, they might remember your child when they do need someone, or they might give the name of someone else to contact. All names that might come in handy in the future.


Jobs can be hard to find, and that's not necessarily a reflection on not having enough contacts or being good enough or having moved to a new country - not that this is a 'new' country after seven years lol!


It's hard, and often soul-destroying (@ Meadows), and I wish all our families success and happiness.


:wubclub: LC


PS Hope you don't read this and think I'm stating the obvious! I tried to help...a bit?

Edited by Lazy Cow
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