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Moving to Adelaide from Canberra


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Hi I recently posted this on pomsinoz and someone suggested I post here too.


My husband and I along with our 2 year old son have been living in Canberra for just over a year and are thinking about moving to Adelaide. Although we have settled here very well and are happy here ww are in the process of selling our house in the UK and this has made us realise that realistically we don't think Canberra is the right place for us, long term! My husband is working in a job he doesn't enjoy (I am a SAHM), he finds Canberra very small and a little boring, and it is also much colder than we were expecting! We would also love to be closer to the coast! . Just wondering if anyone had any words of wisdom of advice? What do those who live in Adelaide feel about it? How easy was it to settle in there? Thanks in advance.

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Hi I recently posted this on pomsinoz and someone suggested I post here too.


My husband and I along with our 2 year old son have been living in Canberra for just over a year and are thinking about moving to Adelaide. Although we have settled here very well and are happy here ww are in the process of selling our house in the UK and this has made us realise that realistically we don't think Canberra is the right place for us, long term! My husband is working in a job he doesn't enjoy (I am a SAHM), he finds Canberra very small and a little boring, and it is also much colder than we were expecting! We would also love to be closer to the coast! . Just wondering if anyone had any words of wisdom of advice? What do those who live in Adelaide feel about it? How easy was it to settle in there? Thanks in advance.


Hi Lawsey,


You are spoiled for choice with coastline living in Adelaide. When we moved here we hadn't visited beforehand. The people are very friendly and it is very easy to settle.

The cold may surprise you here too...nothing like as cold as Canberra but it I certainly feel the cold. I have just bought loads of flannelette sheets and covers!

I have traveled a little since moving here and apart from Perth (yes...Perth!) I haven't found a place that I would like to live in more than Adelaide.

All the best....

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Hi Lawsey, always difficult to give advice because everyone is looking for something different. We have a mixture of friends, some wouldn't even consider Adelaide, some have lived here for a very short time, made comments similar to the comments you've made about Canberra then moved on and others absolutely love Adelaide, we're probably somewhere in the middle. If your the type of people who prefer a town type feeling over a city, then Adelaide may well suit you. All southern states of Aussie suffer the cold your talking about, and Adelaide is no exception, it gets very cold here in winter.

Our basic Pros and cons would be-


Really like Adelaide CBD in comparison to others.

Has more affordable housing to buy (very difficult to find good quality rentals though, mostly tat, we know)

Friendly and easy to settle.

Great beaches for the summer.



Work, depending on your career.

Winter weather.

Roads, can only be described as pitiful.

Edited by keldaz
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I agree with keldaz, its difficult to say as everyone is different. What appeals and works for one doesn't another.


From my own personal experience, we are very happy in Adelaide. I'm the migrant as hubby is from here. I've settled really well, made friends (mostly Aussies, one or two from elsewhere), slowly built up on the work front and feel right at home here. However, I've little interest in coastal living and we opted to live in the foothills away from the beaches but they are in easy reach should we decide to go for an early morning swim or to walk the dog (can be at the nearest one within 10-15 minutes or so).


I think the coastline here is stunning though and has a lot going for it if you like that sort of thing. But also the closeness to the hills and elsewhere in Adelaide is good to have to hand. I think most people can find an area that works for them and gives them what they are wanting from the move in terms of location and facilities.


I really like the Adelaide CBD. Its not big, compact and easy to walk around. Its got good public transport links and I always enjoy a morning at the Central Market or a day out in the city. I usually combine it with meeting friends or a trip out with the family and we take in the Botanic Gardens and a few other things if there is anything on.


Adelaide is sprawled out, so living south can mean over an hour to get north to say St Kilda playpark (a good afternoon out with the kids). And vice versa. Beaches are more southerly but there are some metropolitan beachside suburbs like Glenelg, Brighton, Henley Beach etc but they can be pricey to live in (more so if buying). You've some lovely suburbs out east, north east, older, bigger blocks, tree lined streets that slowly lead up into the hills. And then north of the CBD which I don't really know much at all. I go to Port Adelaide for work and drive up but not through those suburbs.


If you are happy in Aus but not feeling it for Canberra, then considering relocating is always a good idea. Perhaps spend a few days here, take it in, see what you think first impressions? Of course, visiting is different to a holiday but it would at least be worth checking it out if possible.


It does get nippy here in the winter but compared to England, its not that cold. As you've probably found, poorly insulated houses and no double glazing or decent central heating make all the difference and I am so glad we have a house that warms up well and a good gas fire and heater. And air con. As in summer it can be scorching and spend time above 40C.


My son is really happy, loves his school, is doing so well and enjoy sports outside of school and loads of other things.


All up, we've made a go of it here and its worked for us. Job wise, its impossible to know or say. Some people find work more easily than others. Some really struggle and it can mean then not liking it, not settling or wanting to return to the UK or go elsewhere in Aus.

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Just thought I'd add my agreement to Tamara's comment about Perth, it would be the next place we'd go, we have travelled quite extensively and spent time in Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbane, all great for a visit, to live no thanks. In fact I remember I said I'd leave a thread on our Perth visit for a couple of people who were trying to decide between there and Adelaide, I'll do that now.

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Just a bit of background on me. I was born in Adelaide, moved to the UK for many years, visited Adelaide in 2012 before emigrating to Canberra. My family and I love Canberra. We did intend on settling in Adelaide but I got a job in Canberra.


Anyway, I think I'm reasonably placed to give some thoughts. The CBDs are a similar size. Canberra is more modern and the shops are more designer. Both CBDs are great to get around and have great eateries. I agree Canberra gets cold and as already mentioned so does Adelaide but not to the same degree. The summers are probably moRe bearable in Canberra for most people. Adelaide can get very dry and hot very quickly.


Obviously, if it's the coastal living you really want the Adelaide is the place to settle. The beaches are great and so is the fishing. The people I would say are more friendly in Adelaide as Canberrans seem to go to work, go home and lock the doors...lol.


Sporting wise if you want rugby then Adelaide is definitely not the place. More AFL, soccer and cricket in Adelaide.


I hope this has helped.

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