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BBQ-1st November 3pm onwards


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Guest donna T

Just wanted to wish you a fab time tomorrow night. Having met you, I can't believe how laid back you are about this (and how brave!) I know you will make it a success and look forward to hearing the tales afterwards!! :D


Donna x

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hi clare


yep eskys are a good idea if anyone has one bring it cos my fridge will only hold so much beer :) ive got 2 patio sets with 6 chairs (one borrowed) and some foldable chairs and dunno how many peeps will sit so yeah bring it along, better to have too many than not enough ;)thanks


Think everything just about under control now, just off to get some beers n wine and few bits and will be up early getting ready


See you all tomorrow


ohh and thanks donna, will see how mad i was offering tomorrow once its all over i guess lol and like i said wednesday you welcome to come down if you want too


Dawn x

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We have been in adelaide for 6 months on the 30th october so thought about time we had a bash and thought what the hell eh be good time to meet some new peeps:wubclub: loads of peeps we already met will be here and hey you never know you could meet ya next best mates:)


So we are hosting our first aussie bbq on saturday 1ST November from 3pm onwards and you are more than welcome to join us, whether you have been in adelaide 6 days, 6 months or 6 years, feel free to come along!


The usual rules apply, BYO wine/beer and a few sausages to chuck on the bbq or a cold plate of summat or a salad


Our garden is huge and could take 100 peeps easily(tho dont fancy cleaning up sunday morning after 100 guests;)) we have been to a few bbqs at friends houses and always had a good day/evening, so if you can make it pop along!Hopefully the sun will be shining


We are in seaford:v_SPIN:


Pm me if you want to come and i will forward our address and phone number


Dawn & Andy


Hi Dawn and Andy


We fall into the 'here 6 days category'. Would have loved to come down, but cant make it on this occassion. Hope the suns comes out for you all tomorrow and it all goes well.




Carole and Andrew

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Guest michelleandrichard

Hi Dawn and Andy

Thanks for inviting us, we had a great time and enjoyed meeting some new people. Hope to meet up with you all again soon.


Michelle and Richard

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  • 2 months later...
Guest hughes

Hi Dawn & Andy,


I've just been reading your posts about the barbie, it sounded great. We haven't arrived in Adelaide as yet, but when we do,it would be great to meet up with some people like yourselves. We are coming to the Seaford area.

Hope all is going well for you out there, and we can't wait to be there.

Take Care

Karen & Jasonxx



We have been in adelaide for 6 months on the 30th october so thought about time we had a bash and thought what the hell eh be good time to meet some new peeps:wubclub: loads of peeps we already met will be here and hey you never know you could meet ya next best mates:)


So we are hosting our first aussie bbq on saturday 1ST November from 3pm onwards and you are more than welcome to join us, whether you have been in adelaide 6 days, 6 months or 6 years, feel free to come along!


The usual rules apply, BYO wine/beer and a few sausages to chuck on the bbq or a cold plate of summat or a salad


Our garden is huge and could take 100 peeps easily(tho dont fancy cleaning up sunday morning after 100 guests;)) we have been to a few bbqs at friends houses and always had a good day/evening, so if you can make it pop along!Hopefully the sun will be shining


We are in seaford:v_SPIN:


Pm me if you want to come and i will forward our address and phone number


Dawn & Andy

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