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Everything posted by lorluc

  1. Please could you explain what this means in simple terms? We transfered our pensions across couple of years ago, and have had the money sitting in a QROPS fund. The way i understand it, is that the money has to sit in a QROPS fund for 5 years from when you arrived in Australia. OUr 5 years was up in NOvember 2010, and i am intending to get the money out of the QROPS fund and transfer it to our super funds that we have up and running here. I'm planning to organise a straight transfer to our each individual funds. Nothing major! Have read the link you provided but cant my head around it! What effect does this have on us? Thank you
  2. lorluc

    Dog care

    http://www.coralta.com.au/ We have used this place couple of times.
  3. lorluc

    U 14's football

    You could try Cumberland Park...My son plays in their U13 side. Just been on their website and they are advertising for U14...right on the front page! http://www.cumberlandunited.com.au/main.asp
  4. I'm looking to downsize my car, so am selling my Pajero Exceed.3.5L 6cyl Sports Automatic. I've owned the car for just over a year and its been great. With another child close to having their own car, i just dont need such a big car anymore.It has all the standard features of the Exceed....including leather seats, woodgrain inside, great cd stacker system etc...$16,000 ONO
  5. Totally do it! Wish we'd done something like that when we bought our place nearly 6 years ago. We turned up with the keys to find an old swing rammed into the bin, which made the bin men refuse to empty it....huge pile of rubbish including wood, metal sheets etc stuffed behind the shed....we turned the oven on and thing caught fire with the amount of grease inside...and i've saved the best bit to last............a compost bin full of dog poo!!!! Anyway we were furious and contacted the agent straight away to express our anger, weren't too forthcoming at first but when we threatened legal action.....the vendors then sent us the money to cover having all the rubbish including the dog poo removed....
  6. Student visa's are really expensive as you are treated as an international student. This link will give you an idea of courses available and the cost..might need to take a deep breath when you start looking http://www.tafesa.edu.au/international.aspx Students are allowed to work whilst on the visa... 20 hours a week during term and as many hours as you like during holidays. Also i understand another requirement is to have full private medical insurance. We have looked into all this extensively for our nephew who really wanted to come out here....his situation is that he didnt finish school in the Uk (which goes against you)...but as been working for 3 years now as a sign fitter, but because he has no formal qualifications in it, that also goes against him. The other option was a student visa, but some of the courses he would be interested in, wouldn't give much change out of $20K!!!!!
  7. Oh just seen this one!! I'll tell him later he has a lazy mind as well!!!
  8. YOu can tell JOn that nxt time you see him then, cos he gets bored with things very quickly. Sure he will be chuffed to bits to know that he falls into that category
  9. MIght be September when we are up there as well!!! Chris maybe competing in a soccer tournament up there with his club (22nd - 29th sept)...all depends if they have enough players to go........then we will have to decide if Jon just goes up or if we can afford for all of us to go!
  10. Will depend on what your main wage is? Think this is a really difficult question to answer as peoples circumstances, commitments etc are all different. Are you on permanent visa's? If you are then you will be entitled to claim family assistance, and with 3 little ones, that should a nice amount. You will also get help with childcare costs as well.....
  11. i watched it a while ago now, and although had heard a fair bit about this and do remember Gordon Brown's apology, i never fully understood the background/story until i watched this film. Still cant believe that this cruel scheme carried on into the 1970's!
  12. mmm...think some of you are being a tad harsh with your replies.... or maybe its because someone has dared to put good old adelaide down eh? Not all of us are in the position to afford reccie's...we didnt...Lorraine's family like mine is a big one...diverse range of ages as well, also like mine...and trust me trying to find something that suits everyone within the age range isnt easy. Plus the cost of doing a reccie with a large family certainly wasnt in our budget, and before anyone suggests why didnt you just come over on your own without the kids?...that wasnt possible. I do feel some people on here really have to understand that everyones circumstances are different, and try to be a tad more supportive! Yes I know the Clarkes, our eldest daughters are friends....but that's not the reason i'm posting on here to stick up for their comments. I agree that Adelaide is quiet and can really understand why some find it boring....think it all depends on what your interests are etc...I haven't been to Gold Coast, Melbourne etc....only Sydney which i loved...so dont have a huge amount to compare it to. My daughters have been to Melbourne and loved it. Might be going up to the Gold Coast later on this year so will be interested to see how it compare.. I wouldn't say i find it boring....my husband does!! He certainly feels its not what he wanted form Australia...but then he misses certain things that are pretty exclusive to the UK...such as his beloved coarse fishing....wish is not the same here. Lots of other reasons as well which i wont go into.... My eldest daughter is unhappy here....again lots of reasons for that. The other 3 kids are doing good. So with a large family also comes a mixed bag of feelings/opinions etc....which can be very stressful....so please a little more understanding would be nice i think? Sorry Lorraine didnt mean to rant! hahaha
  13. I did post this in recommendations...but bit worried that unless u go into that section you wont see it! Please could anyone recommend a good and reasonably priced person who can make alterations to formal dresses? May need their services soon Thank u!
  14. Best thing to do IMO, is wait till you get here. Your kids are still young so there really isnt any real hurry. Until you arrive and get a feel of where you want to be, and trust me, opionions change from what you may have read on the net and when you actually see the area/schools etc. Schools are zoned, but you will find primary schools more accommodating if they have places. High schools tend to be alot more stricter with zoning.
  15. Yea Shazza...was expecting a much longer version!!!! Haha!!! But everything you said, I'm almost agreeing with you. The only part im not sure about is would i do it again knowing what i know now?
  16. Yes the ticket is still available
  17. I'm selling a medium size animal cage, which we used for 2 adult rats. $40 PM for more info
  18. Received a family pass for Adelaide Zoo for xmas, but my kids have been to the zoo so many times they arent really interested. The pass admits 2 adults and 2 children. Valued at $85....selling for $65. Its a lovely day out for families, would be ideal for any newbies to take the kids over the holidays PM if interested
  19. My daughter works at Maccas...she is 16 and gets $10.77 an hour...its the same rate for anytime day and weekends. But penalty rates apply on public holidays. They dont have to work late if they don't want to....just make sure they notify at interview that they dont want to work later than 10pm for example....they seem to be pretty accommodating with kids school/sport commitments etc...
  20. Does either of them drive? If so, might be an idea to get a car for them...will make life alot easier to get around from Aldinga. Nightlife really centres around the city...a few clubs up there. But then if neither of them drive, then getting taxis would be really expensive. I live in Happy Valley and it costs around $60 for a taxi back from the city...taxi from the city to aldinga would be double that at least i reckon. The bay (Glenelg) is another popular spot.....also there is the VIC at ohalloran hill...
  21. Hi Pete, My son was 12 in June, so assume he would be U13. He is a goalkeeper, and has shown this season whilst playing for Plympton Bulldogs, that he has the potential to become a very good goalie!!! Would def be interested in bringing him along for the trials, as he isnt sure at the moment who he wants to play for next season. Where are the trials?
  22. Hi just to update...have sold the stove separately... Am happy to sell items separately as follows: Mat $100 and tent $350
  23. Oztrail Sportiva Peninsula Dome Tent http://www.anaconda.com.au/Product/Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/Family-Camping-Trip/SportivaPeninsulaTent Duna 4WD Queen Mat Coleman Instant Start Stove All used once...cost around $1000 brand new a year ago. Looking for $500 for the lot.
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