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Everything posted by kildorragh

  1. Don't worry too much mate - it will all come together. Bit of a rollercoaster but well worth it in the end. If accepted, it gets even more manic.........but a nice manic!! Let me know if I can help in any way. Cheers, Tony
  2. I lived for three months in Scarborough beach in Perth - to be honest, I found it too picture perfect - great place to go on holiday but it would be difficult to knuckle down to work - too much time lookng out of the window, taking in the views. As previously stated on many occasion, Adelaide is a country town that thinks it's a city. Some say it's quite a boring place but that's why I live here - the perfect place to bring the kids up. It is a really friendly place which tends to take a bit of getting used to. I was used to London pace when I first arrived and used to get wound up waiting in a bank queue whilst the teller chatted to the customer in front of me about her trip to Victor Harbour. Now I embrace it - guess I'm now a local. Good luck with your decision.
  3. We have a couple of boys Aberfoyle High. They run a programme called 'Ignite' which is aimed towards kids which the the school perceive as 'gifted and talented'. The kids take an exam to get into the programme and the top x percent get interviewed along with the parents. From what I'm told, the kids in the programme are surrounded by like-minded souls who just want to learn. They complete the first three normal school years in only two years. Private school schooling for public school price. Cheers
  4. Welcome - your husband will find no problem with work - he will be able to pick and choose employers - there appears to be a shortage of good chefs here (based on my wifes observations who works in a nearby hotel). Cheers,
  5. Welcome to PIA - enjoy the ride.
  6. kildorragh


    SAPOL are definately recruiting again - 90 officers needed. They are sending a team to London to conduct the interview process. It's going to be a competitive process - apparently over 1000 registrations of interest already.
  7. I'll be relying on BBC sport - it'll be just like the old days - waiting for teletext to update the screen with 'Cottee 12 mins'.
  8. Speaking as one of the 20% that has left SAPOL, I urge you all to pass this on to any mates you have in the UK old bill. The recruitment campaign is very competitive although once through, the visa's are progressed by immigration extremely quickly. As it's a state sponsored visa, you receive family assistance payments as soon as you arrive which is a massive help. Spent three and a half years with SAPOL - only left as I received a much better offer which meant that I was home every night and weekend - a godsend after 28 years of policing. Spread the word boys and girls.
  9. I am of the belief that it has got little to do with the country you are emigrating to - far more important is the strength of the family unit (for those moving as a family - no slight to those moving over here alone intended). We arrived over here four years ago. Having spent a year living here in the late 80's, I was fully aware of what I was coming to. She Who Must Be Obeyed and the three kids had no idea. The kids were all primary school age and started the year with the other kids so they didn't stand out too much. Oldest took a while to settle, middle one a lot shorter time and the youngest immediately. What was apparent is that we could have lived in Iceland.....or Denmark.....or the US - it didn't matter where - we moved as a tight family unit and settled as a tight family unit. Plenty of hurdles, all faced head-on as a family. The result is that the three boys would disown us if we ever suggested moving. All have a wide circle of friends and I stress, close, good friends. Me and SWMBO are happy because they are happy - that's what it's all about really isn't it?. Come over with your eyes wide open; enjoy everything this wonderful country throws at you and you wont go far wrong. We originally lived in London - nobody in their right mind could suggest we have made the wrong move. The kids now have dual citizenship and can live/work in Oz or the UK when they grow up. We have managed to give them a golden passport. Stay close and you will have a wonderful journey.
  10. Will send you a PM but.......if you need somewhere to base yourselves for a few months let me know. I have a investment property - 34 Glenloth Drive, Happy Valley, 5159 - check it out on google. Three bedroomed, enclosed garden, large entertaining area. The tenant is hoping to break the lease ASAP - split with girlfriend. I am intending to change it over to a holdiday rental but this will take a few months. $350 per week - no strings - no long contract - your choice. It should give you breathing space and you won't have to take somewhere just for the sake of it. Tenant can be out in 2/3 days. Cheers, Tony
  11. 34 Glenloth Drive, Happy Valley, 5159 Check it out on realestate.com.au 3 bedrooms, open plan living, high ceilings, massive entertaining deck. Chilled out landlord. $370 per week. Current tenant wants to break the lease ASAP due to domestic situation. Open booked for Sat, 26th Feb 2011 at 11am.
  12. Don't worry Shelly - Kanjo's reply was aimed at Doje - nothing to do with you. Touchy subject.
  13. We brought three boys over here and all started at the same primary school on the same day. None have had any problems with bullying whatsoever. It wasn't 'safety in numbers' as all are so different and never socialised during playtime. We've now only got one left at the school as the other two have reached high school. All love the schools and can't wait to go every day. Live Happy Valley/Aberfoyle borders. All have got a much wider circle of friends than they had in the UK. Don't add more stress to the move mums and dads - only worry about it if it ends up to be a problem.
  14. Rach, You have just got to keep trying, keep knocking on those doors, keep making the phone calls. The missus was in the same position as you over two years ago. She'd been out of the workforce for over ten years in the UK - she used to work at Central London 5* hotels. Came over here with three boys over four years ago. Money was very tight so she strarted looking for work as well. She had a few interviews for reception jobs - never heard nothing back from any of them - it is just the South Australian way. As we were expecting it, she didn't let her get her down - just kept plodding on. Dropped her CV off at a local motel and was called by the manager that night. She started the following day - there wasn't even a position advertised - the manager was of the opinion that he didn't want to lose someone of her calibre and experience. She started as a casual receptionist, was running the desk within a few months and is now management.......all from dropping her CV off!! Keep trying mate........accept some advice from an old suit from VW.
  15. I cannot believe that the above message has not received any recognition - it's got to take the title of "Most Generous Post of the Year". Ten out of ten Claire.
  16. The couple move out this Saturday. I'll be then giving it a bit of a spruce up. Take care, Tony
  17. Linda, I have sent you a PM re the house. For all others, the address is 34 Glenloth Drive, Happy Valley, 5159. A full description and photos are shown on myhome.com.au via property id: P00104gl Kind regards, Tony
  18. We have a lovely 3 bed house in Happy Valley. Currently rented but the couple in there are splitting up so are looking at breaking the lease soon. We manage it ourselves - very relaxed - it's your house after all. Full details available on request. House is in Glenloth Drive for those that know the area. Let me know if interested. Tony 0408 768989
  19. Available end of November. 3 bed, main with en-suite. Great views. High ceilings. Open plan living room - timber floor. Reverse cycle air conditioning. Huge all weather entertaining deck with outdoor kitchen. Powered garage. Space for six cars. Enclosed rear garden. Convenient to Aberfoyle Hub and Happy Valley shopping centre. Pets OK. $350 p/w. Lease negotiable. Call Tony 0408 769 989 for further info.
  20. kildorragh

    stay or go

    The problem is that everyone is so different. The majority of poms have never ever lived in Oz before making the move. This naturally follows that most were getting out of the UK as opposed to being intent on emigrating to Oz. For those considering a return.....ask yourself the question...."Why did I really want to leave the UK in the first place". Take yourself back to the time you were formulating your reasons why you intended to leave. The reasoning you had back then still holds true today.....it's just got a bit blurred with your homesickness/fianacial worry/etc. The grass is not greener....just a different shade. Returning now will only lighten the shade for a short time......it will soon darken, believe me. Came hear for an opportunity to see my kids smile every day. Made it. Good luck to one and all.
  21. Its all t do with the weight of the dog. On top of that, you need to measure his height, length and breadth. Pass these details onto whatever firm that you use and they will quote you on that. The measurements are needed to ensure the box they provide is big enough. Dont forget the quarantine fees on top. All in all, it cost us about 4 thousand (English) to bring our (very big) boxer although that also included a flight from Melbourne to Adelaide. Cheers
  22. Good morning boys and girls, Moved over to Happy Valley from West Sussex over two years ago - loving it. We have a four bedroomed, 2 storey house which we are planning to give a major facelift to. Intend to add large extention to side. Money is obviously an issue so we are looking to keep costs down by managing project ourselves. We have a Aussie builder (straight bloke) who will oversee everything. What are we after? Any labourers either due to arrive / struggling for work to form part of the team. Early stages, plans have yet to be drawn and submitted - we will only go ahead when we know we have a reliable team ready to go. Anyone interested, let me know and we can talk further. Will be day rates. Cheers, Tony
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