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Everything posted by kildorragh

  1. I guess one way of looking at it is that if you felt totally settled in the UK you wouldn't be on this forum asking the question. You, like everyone who has experienced migration are obviously looking for something new. Embrace the challenge. You're not living on the other side of the world from your family - you are merely giving your family the opportunity of having a cheap holiday to Oz!! Been here 8 yrs now. The kids have had a smile on their face from Day One - guess I was settled from Day One. Good luck.
  2. Well done mate - you've arrived in a great part of the world. No agg' - peaceful place. Our 3 boys all went to the Hub Primary - youngest will be moving to the high school at the end of the year. Good luck with the job search. Tony
  3. Not got a wide circle of friends over here but know of eight other poms that have been as lucky as me. Guess we all got sprinkled by the fairy. I apologise for leading you up the garden path - we all took the last remaining jobs in SA. All the best, Yosser
  4. Jessica, arrived seven years ago but the Commonwealth jobs were in 2011 and 2012 - separate agencies. The wife started work in 2009 but got her current job towards the end of last year. The thrust of the message was to not believe that all migrants are way down the pecking order when the Job Fairy sprinkles her dust although LC does have a point when referring to attitude.
  5. Agree with you Jim - life's a continual trade off. Made the move over here to give the kids a better future. We're worse off financially as the pension I could have taken next year can no longer be touched for 13 years. Job - another trade off. Enjoying what I do but lost 25 years of reputation. Friends - another trade off - everyone over here only knows about my life over the past 7 yrs. BUT The kids are thriving big time. Me and the lady will continue to trade off with a smile on our faces.
  6. There really are plenty of positive stories like this. Spent a lot of time lurking on this site over the past right years and repeatedly read about the doom and gloom of the job market. Me and the missus are not special - but we are proof that the right attitude eventually wins. If you are a good nurse, butcher, cleaner or whatever - you will find work. Just don't expect it to be handed to you on a plate. You can't be head-hunted if no-one is aware your head exists. Go for any job in your chosen field, get the job and let nature take it's course. The one saying that does apply is that it's easier to get a job when you have a job. Take anything in your field to bring in the money and then pick and choose. Prove your worth through actions. Sermon over. I promise.
  7. Good morning, Just want to dispel a few concerns that new arrivals may have in relation to the job market. The majority of references to new jobs appear to default to 'It's who you know - not what you know'. Yes that does occur, but it's the same in London, Manchester or Perth. I applied for two govt jobs and purposely didn't ask any locals to review the cv or 'put a good word in'. Got accepted for both. The good wife did the hard yards one week and handed in copies of her cv to a number of local hotels (accommodation) - none of which were advertising. She got a call the next week and ended up running the place. She's now working at a 5 star hotel in the hills - another job snagged with no 'local' involvement. If you put yourself about, have the confidence in your ability, you will find work. Good luck.
  8. Ilfracombe boy here. Landed six years ago. Devon born, Devon bred. Strong in the arm, thick in the head.
  9. A little tip for those missing the Indian mint sauce with popadoms. Get yourself into Coles. Buy some European yoghurt and Colemans mint sauce. Mix them together and bobs your uncle.
  10. ...........because the alternative was staying in London.
  11. ......music on the phone - sorry for the confusion.
  12. The phone has got to fixed using authorised device. The law states you are not allowed to touch it all whilst driving, even at traffic lights. Doesn't matter if you're opening text, answering a call, changing music or even switching it off. You can't touch it whilst driving. Hope it helps.
  13. Not sure what side of Happy Valley you are in. I drive down to Aberfoyle Hub every morning and get the G22 - it's the express bus into the city. 6.50am gets me into the CBD at 7.30. There's two earlier ones at 6.20 and 6.35. Theres a few people who get the 727 to the hub which always arrives about 2 mins before the G22 leaves. The 727 comes via the bottom bit of Happy Valley. $30.90 for a multi-trip ticket. (10 journeys). Never used the bus system in the UK but the G22 is good. Only stops about 3 times en route to city. Cheers.
  14. Our eldest was 11 when we arrived. He took the longest to settle at school compared to the two youngest BUT out if the three, he is now flying. Wild horses wouldn't drag him back to the UK. All three found the actual school work quite easy - I believe it's because they focus more in the early years on personal responsibility as opposed to a set curriculum. I wouldn't worry at all about the school work side of things. I guess that if you give her a get out clause (with moving back to dad) if she doesn't like it, she will take it very early if things don't work out in the first few weeks. How about reverse psychology - let her spend a month at her dads prior to coming. She may find that too difficult and decide to come with you with with an open mind. Difficult situation - no easy answers. Good luck.
  15. Apologies - I got my dates mixed up. The property is unavailable between mid September until third week of November. Take care
  16. Evening, I came over and joined SA police in 2007. Left two years ago and have since secured two Govt positions. Both govt jobs were advertised to everyone. I have not discovered any local favouritism at all. The missus hadn't worked for eight years when she arrived. She applied for a part time receptionist position at a local hotel three years ago. She is now running the place. I guess it comes down to attitude. Come with a smile and strong work ethic and you'll go far. Good luck. Tony
  17. We have got a 3-bed rental in Happy Valley - available from the 13/09/2012 if it assists. Have a look at the site and let me know. Good luck. Tony
  18. Paula, Live in Happy Valley and the kids go to Aberfoyle (2 now in high school, 1 in primary although all started at the primary five years ago). We bought the house after only being here for four days and haven't regretted the decision. Relaxed vibe about the place and no real agg' whatsoever - pretty safe place to bring the kids up in. I work in the city and catch the 6.50am bus - gets into the city centre at 7.25am so commuting not a problem. 15 minutes drive to Christies Beach, 10 minutes to Marion. What we really like is the fact that it is not all level - you can actually see Australia from the house. Plenty of fantastic houses around the the centre of Adelaide are on totally flat land - your only view would be next door's roof!! Use the beach/jetty at Noarlunga often but not enough to be able to pass comment on what living there would be like. Good luck.
  19. Ours went to Aberfoyle Hub primary - our address at that time was Woodcroft Caravan Park!!
  20. We brought our seven-year-old boxer with us. He had only ever been in one 'kennels' in the UK before - very bad experience and lost so much weight there. We feared the worst. We were so happy following his stay in Melbourne - he had obviously been well looked after, fed and exercised well. No problems whatsoever. Put your mind at rest - he will be fine - the only pain you feel will be in your hip pocket.
  21. Sharon, I never had a moments regret - maybe I'm lucky - the wife had one wobble after six months but all good since then. One thing that helps the wife is to look at the kids future lives "through their eyes". We have three boys aged 11 - 16 and all are thriving here. They wake up with a smiles on their faces and it pretty much stays on throughout the day. They don't really feel the pain of seperation - mum and dad are still their world (well maybe assuming that for the oldest is taking it a bit far!!). The wife realises just what an opportunity we have given them. They are being brought up in a much safer place than London, do not have to be streetwise and do not feel the need to grow up so fast. They are happy. Would we ever do anything to upset their future. Never. They now own the golden passport. Once you get your head around the fact that you and hubby have given your kids the greatest opportunity ever, it makes settling here so much easier. Kids future versus Aunt Nora for Xmas dinner - no contest. Good luck.
  22. Steve, Give us a shout if you want to have a look at mine. Nothing special but it has been 'Australianised' and led to Govt job so obviously works. Cheers, Tony
  23. Depends on the job.........it won't hurt getting employers to see your CV now even if you don't arrive for awhile. Good luck.
  24. The wife works at a local hotel (rooms) with a restaurant attached - chefs are massively in demand and seem to keep moving on to other jobs at a whim. There has been fifteen full-time chefs employed at the hotel in her two-year period there. It does give the impression that there is plenty of work for them - no-one appears to stay in one job for long. I guess that if your old man is good and willing to stay in one place, he will be gold dust in a few employers eyes. Good luck
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