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Everything posted by Dee

  1. @Angry Coder got his grant today i am sure he will share more details later....
  2. You can get the same at the end of financial year on ATO site.
  3. @Russkihey Russki - hope you are doing well; in case you see this message can you please share your email id. We need access to the petition that you had started to share with the authorities.
  4. Cant give you an affirmative answer; but we have historically seen applicants have moved. Eventually your call; having said so i will surely wait for PR and then move. All the best!
  5. Hi Jack - please see my input embedded in your questions. Please note eventually you have to take a call. All the best
  6. Only thing wrong with 887 is that we are onshore hence delay.
  7. Done/Signed; thanks for the initiative....
  8. Why would you say that??? Do you have any source or any internal information?? Please do not write anything just for the heck of it; these are tough times lets not please please spread negativity if not positivity this is my humble request
  9. You should be ok as you already met all the conditions when you applied 887 application. Anything that changes now wouldn't impact.
  10. Very sad situation; really feel helpless
  11. I agree we got to do something but legal course in my mind is iffy....it will cost money also which i am sure would be an issue;
  12. Its a tough call; situation is very dynamic and changing everyday. Technically If it was me i would come back asap; condition is not going to improve soon
  13. I have written to SBS again today; lets see if i get any response....
  14. Same thing happened in Oct 2019; i hope with more grants things will be better
  15. fantastic, amazing news; gives me hope
  16. One of my friends (family of 4) got his "direct grant" today; he had applied on Nov 27, 2018. This is legit grant and i am not sharing any screenshots....
  17. Its all good Sometimes when you see the spreadsheet “messed up” its not actually. Someone just sort it to see who got the latest grant or latest request and just forgot to bring it back to original format. To bring it back to original format, click on that thing next to “Applied Date” and click “Sort A-Z”. That would fix the spreadsheet.
  18. Its a normal phenomena these days.....something you dont like you delete
  19. My thoughts : It is so sad to see people being jealous and judgemental; we should be happy for each other and not judgemental and assume things....previously also I shared my thoughts and I mentioned that members repeatedly delete entries of grants from excel file which i feel is being mean and shallow. I understand why some of the members have stopped posting on this form. No disrespect to anyone All the Best...
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