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Everything posted by Russki

  1. It is really up to you, I think, how to organise the documents, but nice to do it according to some logic. For instance, you can collect residency proof in 3 piles: address 1, address 2 and 3. And scan into 3 PDFs. Call your PDF accordingly: J_Smith_Residency_Proof_Address_1_From_Jan-17 J_Smith_Residency_Proof_Address_2_From_Mar-18 etc. Just as an example, you can organise everything totally differently. Just make sure CO can clearly see what's happening.
  2. Unbelievable!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! From the bottom of my heart. Another veteran has made it to the finishing line!!!! Yay!!!
  3. There is no standard way, but good idea to make it as clear as possible. Examples: John_Smith_Birth_Certificate_Original John_Smith_Passport_UK John_Smith_Marriage_Certificate_Translated John_Smith_AFP_Certificate_Jan_2019 John_Smith_Payslips_2017-2018 John_Smith_Residency_Proof_2017-2019 Etc
  4. You can provide police certificates later.
  5. Congrats Sharky!!! Small formality to finalise and you are full-on PR!!!!
  6. Hi @Chieu, the rule is, you have to have your son in Australia with you when you apply for 887 and he also has to be in Australia with you when the visa is granted. I am sorry to bring bad news... This is because 887 is an "onshore" visa. But good news - he does not have to be in Australia between application date and grant date.
  7. The 12 months rule seems a lot of bulls**t. I got asked for police clearance after being in a county on holiday for 4 weeks only. Same happened to other members. Really to be on the safe side, better to produce a new police certificate.
  8. In the past, one CO was "assigned" to your file after applications submission and the same CO would look after your file and grant your visa. These days COs do not get assigned to a file. Any random CO picks up any file for assessment, so you may be contacted by 2-4 different COs during processing. But people still use the term "assigned". If someone says: "CO assigned" it just means that "CO contacted me".
  9. Yes, all applicants need to be in Australia.
  10. We can add you - just give us your application date and your (OPTIONAL!) country of origin. Or you can ask for editing rights for the tracker and add yourself.
  11. I cannot really answer this one. But I remember the great times when I just applied in September 2017. We had official processing time posed on immi website of 5-7 months, whereas in reality, most files were being picked up exactly 3 months after application date, sometimes even 2 months after application! They were great times! And if people were forced to wait up to 4-5 months they were already complaining, hahaha! We were spoiled back in the day. Bottom line is - look at the tracker, things are moving, waiting time is slowly shrinking. This is the reality. Let's hope COs keep it up.
  12. https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/topics/newly-arrived-residents-waiting-period/30726 Yes, still the same rule for citizenship eligibility. Thanks God!
  13. Guys, don't despair. You are not actually attached to CO Sophorn. These days files are not allocated to only one CO, your file is assessed by any random CO and placed back in the "pool". Next time most likely it will be picked up by another CO
  14. These are golden words! I think better to concentrate on the fact that things are clearly moving. It's just that we have such a huge backlog now, that it takes time to fix.
  15. Congratulations!!!! May I ask - you have been waiting for 2 years? Or did you apply in 2018?
  16. I am sorry to hear your records got messed up. This happens a lot lately, it is hard to control the access. There is no single dedicated admin for this tracker, anyone can access. What is your country? I will change it back for you.
  17. You should be fine. As long as you completed 2 years dot to dot of living in the regional area, those 2 weeks of holidays are ok.
  18. Congrats to everyone who got grants recently!!! I am so happy to see things moving!
  19. Hi @Simmie, I am sorry, I never had to deal with kids medicals and I cannot help here... I know that @Honey has some positive experience to share about asking for HAP for a kid. I suggest drop @Honey a personal message, she will share her advice I am sure! Sorry I cannot help you more.
  20. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! First grant for today!
  21. Thank you so much!!! Absolutely NO to the false declaration. Not under any circumstances. Please. Look after yourself and your family. I have known even citizenships and visas being cancelled after a long time from granting, when people defrauded the government like this and it came to surface after some years. Very very wrong thing to do. Stay safe!!!!
  22. Congratulations @SilentFollower 03/06!!!! Great news!
  23. Well, yes and no. We had people at some point receiving grants as soon as a complaint was submitted, but on the other hand, we had members complaining unsuccessfully for months and receiving very harsh emails from immigration, asking to stop complaining and just wait. I think, I will better respond to you through personal message, check your mail.
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