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Everything posted by Russki

  1. OMG!!! This is crazy! Another neglected case from 2017! Please submit a feedback/complaint and see what comes back: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-and-support/departmental-forms/online-forms/complaints-compliments-and-suggestions Just fill this online form and explain that you have been waiting for this long and according to customer service, no additional documents are required. Sorry you have to go through this.
  2. https://www.dss.gov.au/living-in-australia-and-overseas/updates I don't know much about benefits for families, but I hope this link helps!
  3. Still should be careful though: the secondary applicant does not have to fulfil 2 years in the regional area, true, but also none of the 887 applicants shouldn't be in breach of 489 conditions, which the lady was. So definitely need to ask a lawyer or good agent for advice.
  4. Congrats to everyone with grants today, another wonderful day!!! Guys, our tracker is very messed up. Dates and countries mixed up. Not sure what to do. If we close the editing access completely, we need 2-3 admins, who know what they are doing and willing to update the tracker every day. Not sure what else can be done.
  5. George!!!!!! Fantastic news! I am so happy for you and your family!!!!
  6. Thank you for such kind words! I think we all here deserve a bloody medal for our patience! I will change your record back to original.
  7. Everyone who received their grants yesterday - CONGRATULATIONS guys!!!!
  8. Sorry, it is a common complaint these days. We may have to restrict the access further. I have just changed your record back to normal, but very few are now complaining. I will see what we can do.
  9. Submitting "Incorrect answer" form should be fine! No need for a small mistake to re-do the whole form 80.
  10. It is not exciting news about Peter Dutton, but please don't worry in advance about citizenship, we will cross this bridge when we come to it. Remember, last time he was trying to introduce harder English test and longer residency requirement (4 years as PR), he had a huge backlash from public, parliament and media. I really hope, that this "shield" continues to work and this law will not be passed. Fingers crossed!
  11. @nelakash, thank you SO MUCH for sharing this with us. We should have discussed it earlier here, on the forum, it is important stuff. Yes, it is true, case officers often look at your social media profile, especially, for partners visas. I didn't know that before. But then I heard about partners visas being refused because a couple who applied didn't have photos of them together on Facebook! Actually, according to my Facebook page I still live in UK, and work for my old employer. I just don't update and hardly use my Facebook profile... Bottom line: guys, be careful. Check your social media pages, update LinkedIn! Google yourself, see what pops up! What you see on the screen is what the case officer sees when they google you. They DO check.
  12. This is because we had a lot of problems at some point with the tracker, because it was open for everyone to edit. The owner of the tracker had to lock it, so now everyone who wants to edit have to ask her permission. You can just request permission.
  13. I heard, it is possible to track a person who "breaks" the tracker, I just don't know how.
  14. Oh, I see! IT is generic, same for everyone. Just ignore those sections.
  15. Will put you back in. Our tracker is being attacked by someone again, changing countries, dates and removing entries...
  16. From memory, you only mention your parents and siblings in Form 80. And they are not part of your family unit for the purpose of visa application, they are "others" A "family unit" is: an applicant, their spouse and their children only. In your case it is just you!
  17. YEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!!!! So so happy to see your grant!!!!! CO Peter is our hero! So now only two veterans are left: @SK10 and @ricky21232, come on COs!
  18. Hi @Dee, I changed back to 12 March 2019, hope this is correct. Someone is again messing up the tracker
  19. Yes, I was a good kid and I uploaded every single recommended document, including passport photos for me and my son. Good quality colour scan of my passport photo, one PDF and one JPEG, just in case. I recommend you do it, not a big deal, but you will sleep better.
  20. Hi @Happy and lucky! As far as I know, there is no special requirement to register, but there are online surveys we have to fill in from skills SA, several surveys. Your wife should have received a link as a main applicant. Also, you can in the first instance "ground" yourself, get as much official documentation as possible to show where you now live: get SA driving licence with your current address, open a local bank account, get a library card, get bills on yours and your wife's name etc. It will establish you as a "local", will concrete your presence here. And it will make it easier to prove your residence later down the line, when you are applying for 887. Anyone knows of any requirements to register?
  21. We have not heard of anyone receiving a reply from them yet...
  22. OMG, congratulations @toot!!! Great news today! I still remember you joining the forum for the first time and look - you are a PR!!!!! Enjoy! Love your little poems!
  23. I think, just a certified copy or a coloured scan is fine. But if you want extra safety, submit both. You can make one combined PDF with a coloured scan and a certified copy together.
  24. Good quality coloured scan is fine. Validity period for all police certificates is 12 months. So, I am afraid, there is an expiry date. https://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/services/criminal-records/national-police-checks Apply here It is only $42. Worthy investment!
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