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Everything posted by Russki

  1. You can upload new police certificates in your immi account. To highlight to the officer that they are updated documents, you can make a file name as follows: "Australian_Police_Clearance_UPDATED_MAY_2019".
  2. Please ignore the condition of 12 months, they never stick to it! If you went to your home country for 4 weeks, definitely worth updating your PCC again.
  3. Yes, glorious grant! CO Joann, direct grant for @Roja!!! Congrats!!!!!!
  4. WOW!!!! Love it!!!! Congrats @Raed and @sajitha!!! Enjoying the grant shower!!!!
  5. @Spade, @Rana G, @Ranga, @NY050418!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your grants!!!!! Congrats everyone on the huge change in processing, COs are on the roll, the Department is on the mission to pull the processing time in line for us!!!! Isn't it great?!
  6. I have heard that there is some "grace" period, 6 months from the 489 grant date or something, I don't remember. After that you have to go to regional area (or designated, according to your visa). I think, you may have to ask an agent about this and ring immigration, too. I am just too scared to advise, I don't want to get you into trouble. Anybody else knows about this?
  7. Congratulations!!! You see guys - it is silent followers who are blocking the queue! Hahahaha!!!! Enjoy your grant mate!
  8. Hi @sunnny, it keeps happening over and over lately. So what I did is I called them and I said I had uploaded a new AFP already. They said they cannot find it (REALLY?). So I uploaded same AFP again and called them 2 days later to check if they can "see" it this time. They said they could. I told them that I am heading towards 2 years waiting and getting beyond frustrated.
  9. Congratulations!!! Grants keep coming!!!
  10. Congratulations Nelakash!!! Great stuff, finally you got it!
  11. I don't think so, no. Yours is still valid, just keep an eye on it. Update it once it expires.
  12. Big party sounds awesome! I also wanted to remind you that we have another thread here, started by @deftown, one of our 887 group:
  13. Wonderful news!!! Congratulations!!!! Silent followers, ai!
  14. Guys, THANK YOU all so much for your warm wishes and congratulations, we are such a great community here, big family! The grant news are very slowly sinking in... I guess, tomorrow it will feel more real. And I am not blocking the queue any more! Congrats to all who got grants and CO contacts today! Peaceful happy bear on the avatar now, as requested by the forum members! I will stay on the forum for a while longer to keep you guys company.
  15. GRANT!!!! GRANT!!!! GRANT!!!!! Guys, this blissful day has finally arrived for my family!!!! Applied: 25 September 2017 07/02/18 - CO Dat, PCC from Russia; questions about my schooling, travelling etc. 12/04/18 - CO Dat, address of ex-husband from 15 years ago. 16/01/19 - CO Peter, parental consent verbal confirmation for my kid. 09/05/19 - CO Sophorn, asked for updated AFP, when it was already submitted in February 2019. Grant: 17 May 2019, CO Peter I am laughing and crying and I think will be very drunk tonight. Love you all!
  16. Labour should be better at listening to us, as we are workforce. I am feeling very positive about them, compared to Liberals. I think, the working migrants' life will be better under their government. These are my hopes, anyway!
  17. Very annoying and inconsistent! I am sorry you had bad experience... Because they CAN check, and this is what one lady did for me, she might have called COs while putting me on hold, I don't know, but she did check, because I was insistent that previous customer service person actually told me to call back and check. This department is a pile of b*llsh*t!
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