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himal last won the day on November 14 2018

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  1. They have waived the waiting period for new permanent residence.so once you got approved you can get the benefits straight away
  2. Hi everyone unfornunately department of immigration deliberately gonna slow the visa process causes they don’t want to approve pr visas.the more grants they give more new number of people will apply for government benefits which is going to cost more money for the government.they have waived the waiting period to access the social benefits for those who recently got pr.they have already announced big sum of money to its people to overcome this Coronavirus crisis.so sad but true people have to wait bit longer.
  3. Hi I need some info regarding character declaration question on form 80.i am filling my citizenship application .in my 10 years stay in Australian I got only one red light running ticket.i got gone on letter and I paid immidately that time but I never went court for that reason and any other.now should I declare that red light fine on form 80 or should I let it go and don't declare.please share your knowledge and experience
  4. Hi I need some info regarding character declaration question on form 80.i am filling my citizenship application .in my 10 years stay in Australian I got only one red light running ticket.i got gone on letter and I paid immidately that time but I never went court for that reason and any other.now should I declare that red light fine on form 80 or should I let it go and don't declare.please share your knowledge and experience
  5. Hi I am filling my citizenship application could you guys please help me with my query my question is does running a red light ticket fine has to be declared in the traffic offence in the application.i had just one red light ticket since my stay in Australia and I paid it at the same time.the question made me little confuse it says offence that went to court etc.but I never had to go court ,just got a fine letter and I paid them.
  6. @JayK Implications can be You might have to need a take a some times off from your work to look after and celebrate the moment with your wife and a child and more responsibilities .just kidding mate, congrats to you and your family. there won't be a any problem,need to do medical for your child
  7. @B007 mate one of my friends faced a similar health problem on this visa.if your cost of treatment is very high then there is a chance of visa refusal.please do some research and get a advice from migration agent.as it is a chronic disease it need a a life time medicine and many many health check up and follow up.the medicine is really costly for this disease.i am not sure exactly but the cost of treatment is calculated over 4 years time and should be less then $40000.if you have stated in your visa application form then surely they will investigate and find out the over all health of your wife and cost of treatment.if it's too much they can refuse the visa. i am really sorry to hear about your wife health.hope she is in remission at the moment and continues to be. good luck
  8. I had to struggle 10 years to get pr doing everything right.i feel so bad people who does this heap and easy stuff to get pr without a hard work.because of people like this makes things so complicated and suspicious for people who had done a real homework and hard work in Australia which delays their decision.so I am thinking to quite this job as I don't feel good.
  9. The government is planning to cut down the migration intake in the future https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/enough-enough-enough-scott-morrison-says-he-will-cut-australia-s-migration-intake-20181119-p50h1e.html
  10. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-13/regional-migration-approvals-stalling-five-year-bush-visa/10488204
  11. Hi @Delfin my opinion life is so uncertain.we might need a treatment anytime.as you know health service is very expensive is in Australia.before you think about your visa ,think about you and your family ,if you fall a sick it's very expensive,might end of spending lots of money in order to save may be $200 a month.its more for your personal assurance. i have seen many people even after getting 887 visa ,still having Medicare people hesitate to cancel their private insurance.i guess you have already spend a lot of money in order to get pr.so why please don't take a chance.keep a private Health for a safety of you and your family and may be to maintain your 489
  12. Hi mate if you are holding 887 then you don't need a private Heath insurance but i think it's compulsory if you are holding 489 but I am not sure. other senior members can provide you more information.
  13. Good luck everyone hope we will have some grants today
  14. hi @JPSLTOZ the co had asked me to submit more work related documents 1.super statements 2.tax assessment paper, PAYG
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