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Everything posted by stringfellows

  1. Mmmmm......Take note of my mood...confused.Totally out of our comfort zone with this whole set up now!!!
  2. We have our tickets already.Be quick because they won't last long.We go there most weekends.The food is excellent and so is the grenache!!!!!
  3. The best thing for us is the weather.It's the middle of winter and we have 17 degrees and sunshine today.The worst is not being able to pop over to europe 5 times a year!Oh yes,we also miss going to the lake district in winter when the country pubs all have log fires roaring.
  4. stringfellows


    Hi Rachel,I had the exact same feeling as my hubby started work 10 days after we arrived too.I couldn't hold down a conversation without crying!I hated him for bringing me here and every day I was going to get a flight back!Poor Mick had to put up with that for the first 3 months!It truly is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life but believe me...it's worth it in the end.Hope you feel better soon.Sharon.x
  5. I wouldn't be unhappy with 80k.As Squareman said you can have a good lifestyle on that wage but if you can earn nearer to the 100k that's when you start really living the dream and doing exactly what you want without having to worry if you can afford it.This is the first time in my life that I can do that so THANK YOU AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Haggle is good for your furniture.They do interest free credit too.
  7. Sorry,should have stated that there is no sponsorship available.You must already be able to live and work in Australia to apply.
  8. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on a position I have just advertised.Go to www.seek.com.au/job/call-centre-staff/in/adelaide/19990836
  9. You wouldn't even get a reply if you contact agents from England with a dog or not.Our friends got a dog friendly rental but it took quite a bit longer to get so make sure your temp rental is long enough to sort everything out.
  10. stringfellows


    From the album: Victor Harbour

  11. stringfellows


    From the album: Victor Harbour

  12. stringfellows


    From the album: Victor Harbour

  13. stringfellows

    Victor Harbour

  14. Wait untill you get here!I had 3 months of days like that when we got here!!!!
  15. stringfellows

    Moana in winter

  16. stringfellows

    west beach sailing club

  17. Everyone seems to have their own reason for doing it.Some people do it to add value to their home,some do it reduce or eliminate their bills if they have large ones, and then the majority of people seem to do it because the you pay about 22cents a unit for electric off your supplier but you can sell it back to the grid for 54cents per unit.So if you are out all day and don't use up what you have generated it builds up and when you get your quarterly bill you end up in credit.Someone on here the other day ended up being 1k in credit!
  18. I work for a national company that sells and fits solar.They have just set up our Adelaide office last week and are offering huge discounts to try and get established in Adelaide.I manage the call centre and we are currently booking appointments to go out to homes to explain how it all works and give poeple a quote.They even have an interest free payment plan in place.If anyone would be interested in looking at it just send me a pm and I will get back to you.
  19. OMG!!!you lot are making me broody now.We have no children[just Maisie the kitten]but it sounds like a great choice of holiday.Go for it!x
  20. Welcome!Get some rest before the whirlwind of getting everything sorted for your lovely new life starts.x
  21. We went to a BBQ at some friends house that we met on here a few months ago.They introduced us to their nieghbours that had moved over a few years ago and it turns out that even though we had never met them they had lived round the corner from us in our village.We got chatting and they asked us were in Moana did we live.Not only had they lived in our village but they had lived in our rental house in oz before we did!We decided it was fate that we had met and we have been firm friends.
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