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Everything posted by stringfellows

  1. He has done really well to get a job in aged care.They are hard to come by.It's great you are settled now.I have seen some of your posts in the past and it's not all been plain sailing for you.I think I am back on the job search now after working for 6 weeks for a fast food chain and being bullied and treated different due to what I can only put down to being a little bit more mature than the other employees!I am still emotional about the whole move as well which doesn't help.x
  2. Hi Andrew,I am a qualified chef also,I did my city and guilds 22 years ago.After arriving here I made a decision to try to have a career change so we can have a better quality of life because as you know it is mainly shift work in catering.I did look into it at first though and I think the best way to go is by walking into places with your C.V and trying to speak to the manager.I don't know what courses you have taken but my qualifications seem to mean nothing here even though back in England they were the best you could get!I do believe that you can get them transferred to Australian ones but I am not sure.Good luck.Sharon
  3. Love it!That's all we can really say!!!!
  4. Tell me about it!I am sat here with my UGG boots on!I would have been having an hour in the garden in my bikini if I was in England now!Lol!
  5. In the summer it seemed like every weekend the toilets at Moana got tagged but it seems to have calmed down now.Hopefully!
  6. I have had a terrible time with my parents about the move.We told them last April and they said we were selfish leaving them at their age even though at our age we couldn't leave it any longer!We left UK in December and they still hadn't spoke to us since we told them.It was really upsetting because I found the move hard too.It actually took my Mum to get cancer to get them to contact us to say sorry.I have been on standby to fly back for the last month but got the news yesterday that once the kidney was removed she now has the all clear.We speak every week now but I don't think it will ever be the same.
  7. Our Maisie would sort it out anyway!!!!!!
  8. So happy he wouldn't fit in our house...lol.!
  9. stringfellows


    Yes very hard.NOT!!!!loving it!!!
  10. So sorry Phil and Sue.Thinking about you at this really sad time for you.x
  11. Congratulations!!!!we Remember the feeling so well!!!Just Enjoy having England now before you leave.x
  12. stringfellows

    VISA Granted!

    Congratulations guys.You will soon be "living the dream!"
  13. There maybee some availability in the units were we live at Moana beach.They are usually advertised on http://www.stayz.com.au.They can be expensive at certain times of the year but it may be worth trying to negotiate on the price.You won't find a much nicer place to start your new life in Oz!Good Luck.x
  14. Yes it is taken there.We live in one of them.It's fantastic!

  15. We got rid of everything and just came with 2 suitcases!!!x

  16. Only 4 months!It's been great weather all the time we have been here too.If you need any help with anything in the next few months just give us a shout.Sharon

  17. Thanks Kim.When do you think you will get here?Believe me It's well worth the wait!

  18. stringfellows

    Our view tonight!

  19. Got an old T.v we have in the bedroom if you want to borrow that for as long as you want.We are at Moana.Sharon
  20. Hi!!!!!Congratulations on the visa! Don't think about were you don't want to be...just think about were you do want to be.Is it beach?Hills?Or city?x
  21. stringfellows


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