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Everything posted by howard

  1. howard

    Dental care

    Am I right in thinking that if children had braces in the UK, the continuation of treatment would be with a Private Practice? Last week I had their first appointment is SA and was given a $1200 bill (One child had 2 teeth out, the other had moulds taken and they both had bands adjusted). Thanks Jo
  2. howard

    Down in the dumps!

    I've decided that on 25th Dec we'll have a holiday bbq with a few pressies etc and then have another Xmas day on/near 25th July with Turkey and pressies - mainly because I love Xmas dinner but there is no way I'll be cooking that in these temperatures!! Yippee - 2 Christmas Days!
  3. howard

    Down in the dumps!

    Oh Rachel thanks for this - its excellent! I think I'm going full Xmas mode this weekend - CD's out, decorations, the lot x
  4. Oops - I've got my dates wrong - its next Sunday (the first Sunday of the month!!) Sorry! Jo
  5. The meet is this coming Sunday - I think its a sticky in the socialising section. See you there x Jo x
  6. The current international agreements between UK and Australia allows the transfer of a "live" security clearance Like I said it is difficult and a lot of HR advisors are not aware of the regulations or procedures. There is a simple form to complete by the Employer to set the ball rolling - the problem is actually with the backlog of work by the Company conducting the actual transfer and validation of clearance but it is possible (and lengthy!)
  7. Hi You can transfer Security Clearance between UK and Oz although it isn't easy! Make contacts on LinkedIn (its big over here) and try to contact people from Thales - pm me if you need details but I have some Thales links on my profile although they all seem to be in Victoria! Good luck Jo
  8. I'm confused as to why your location still says "SA!"
  9. Thanks Tyke - as soon as we're ready to go I'll give you a shout - even if its just to look around your lovely home lol
  10. That's OK Helen! We were really worried about Micha because she's not great at travelling and she's eight so I thought the stress of the journey would be too much for her. We were called when she was put on the plane at Heathrow and we could call the quarantine station at anytime when she arrived in Sydney (we left it a bit late and Melbourne was full). The flight from Sydney to Adelaide was delayed by half hour and they even phoned to tell us that and we could track her plane on the internet. When we took delivery of her, her coat was gleeming, she smelt lovely and really looked healthy so much so that I even considered going into quarantine myself in order to lose a few kilos!! Good luck Jo x
  11. Hi Guys! Thinking of having a little spruce up in the garden and am new to SA so looking for ideas. What plants/flowers would you put in the garden bearing in mind that I want it to look nice all year round. Thanks Jo :jiggy:
  12. Hi Helen We used PetAirUK and they were absolutely fabulous - our dog looked so good when we got her back. We also booked a pet transportation company to deliver her to our door from the Airport. We used PetAirUK gold cover so that nothing was missed etc. On the day of the flight we delivered Micha to the vet they use in Windsor who sealed her in her crate made specifically for her. She was not too good at travelling, altough she was not sick etc she spent car journies panting and standing at an awkward angle but they took such good care of her and the vet that did the blood tests etc (based in Wareham Dorset) was a really nice guy and made such a fuss of her. (The vet visits your home to do take blood samples etc) Any questions, just ask but I can't say enough good things about them and I was soooo worried about her travelling all this way. Good luck Jo
  13. I still love them wherever they live! lol
  14. Thanks to the lady who sent me a PM - anyone else??
  15. My advice would be to get a short term rental and then decide where you want to live once you're here - unless you know that already of course! A few people on here rent properties out and lots of people have booked a temporary home so can give you ideas. Are you moving here on your own? Jo
  16. Any girls/ladies interested?? Its a great way to meet people!
  17. Me first please! I'll even let you visit from time to time seeing as it holds such special memories! Lol
  18. Well I loooove this house - wish I could afford it !! Good luck with your plans Tyke! (this property is gorgeous - I like the lay by idea though!! Haha )
  19. Its 3pm - sounds as if they'll be loads there this month
  20. howard


    Hiya Helen My Hubby is from Scarborough - his family all still live there!! Oh by the way Welcome Alex!
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