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Everything posted by barbaitch

  1. Hear! Hear! I second that. You're in good hands. Happy days! bhx
  2. Why don't you google Adelaide real estate agents in the areas you're interested in, and email them with your requirements for renting? Maybe attach previous tenancy history and agents' refs, too? Don't see why you won't find something that way. A phone call follow-up to your enquiry probably wouldn't go amiss, either. It's worth a try, anyway. Good luck!
  3. I think Cathay Pacific also provides 40kg extra baggage allowance for migrants on one-way tickets, provided visas fall within certain categories and are being validated for the first time. All the very best for your new life in Australia. Adelaide, hopefully. x
  4. barbaitch

    We're Here!!!

    You'll be pinching yourselves for weeks (maybe months) to come that your dream is finally reality! I wish you well in all ways, Jamie and family. There might be some bumps and dips along the way, but that's to be expected while you're finding your feet in a new country where things will look and feel a bit different to what you're used to. At the end of the day, there's a great life to be lived here, I promise! Welcome to Oz! x
  5. Hi Sarah: What a happy topic! I don't have any questions, chook, but I would like to say your post has given me a lift! I'm really happy you're all settled in Adelaide and feeling so positive about living here. Know what you mean. We love it too. bhx
  6. Oh, right then... Well, that's a relief. Thought you were in need of a lifeline or friendly cheer-up from fellow PIA pals. But bored? Didn't expect that. Was it something we said...or didn't say? Not sure why you needed to make the leaving announcement tho'. You could have just slipped away quietly, ls, and simply not posted any more. Now where did I put that violin.....?
  7. Why are you leaving? Don't go...! PIA won't be the same without you, lynsteve. Even if you're going back to the UK, you can still be part of the PIA community. Please don't leave. bhx
  8. Hi Doug: Just a line to say you sound like a good guy to me. Can I be in your gang? All good wishes to you and Jenny. Cheers!
  9. Hi Hutchy: Many thanks for that. I've just checked to see if we can get ABC News 24 on our tv and am chuffed to see we can!! My daughter has a basic Foxtel package with a handful of progs which suit us ok but doesn't include real-time UK TV progs, so I'm really pleased to know we'll be able to watch Lady Thatcher's final farewelll on Wednesday. If ABC News 24 is anything like BBC News 24 and SkyNews 24, it should show unbroken coverage. Hope so, anyway. Thanks again and all good wishes to you and yours. bhx
  10. Hi again Chris_J: Oops! Have just realized AV means Anti-Virus protection, so feel a bit daft about wittering on about it in my reply to your previous post! Apologies for that. Yes, I do have AV protection: it came with the pc, and is called Windows Defender. I swore by Microsoft Security Essentials in England, but it won't run on W8 for some reason. Btw, I did download Expat Shield a bit ago, but after it had finished a message came up saying 'This program has compatibility issues (with) HotSpotShield/AnchorFreeInc' while I was waiting to get a new IP address after the download! Don't know what to do now (aside from feeling a bit embarrassed about the AV thing!) Anyway, thanks again for your kind suggestion, Chris! Much appreciated.
  11. Hi Chris_J: Thanks so much for your reply and suggestion. I'm going to have a look at expat shield, although don't know about AV software. Can it be downloaded, or does it come with windows 8? Please excuse my ignorance, but I'm not very computer-savvy (I usually get guy-friends to solve my pc problems, so don't have much of a clue outside of emailing and stuff like this... but don't want to bother them this time as thought I'd have a try myself). I've only had my new PC four weeks, so maybe AV software is in here somewhere??? LOL! Anyway, I'm going to check out expat shield and see how far I get with it. Fingers crossed. Out of interest, I just checked out SkyNewsUk via google (my OH suggested it) and was so pleased to see that I could watch Live news - so I had a five-minute look and now feel hopeful that if all else fails, I'll be able to watch it online that way. Thanks again, Chris. I wish you and your family the very best. bh x
  12. I want to watch full tv coverage of Baroness Thatcher's funeral on Wednesday, 17 April. We don't have Foxtel, so won't be able to watch UK coverage. I've googled ABC to see if they're covering the full event, but not getting anywhere for some reason. I read on PIA/PIO a few months ago that it's possible to watch live UK Football (soccer) online without subscription, so wondered if I could do the same for Maggie's send-off? Don't think I'm being flippant here. Just trying to sound positive. Feel quite sad actually. Another part of my life has just gone.... Thanks so much PIA-people. x
  13. Hi doodles: A few weeks ago a Brit plumber called Mark posted a thread on here with his contact details. He's based at Hallett Cove (not that far from you), and his mobile no. is 0410415529. Why don't you give him a call? All the best. x
  14. No, Gus, you don't have to do anything. It's all logged on DIAC's computer when you arrive at Adelaide Airport with your new visa. Don't worry; it's all been recorded. I know this because when we arrived ten weeks ago my husband and I went to DIAC's office in Adelaide to let them know we'd arrived, and the guy at the desk said: 'Yes, we knew you'd arrived. You didn't need to come in to tell us, 'cos it's all here on my screen.' LOL!! So, don't give it another thought, Gus. All you have to do now is get ready for your big move Down Under. I'm so glad you loved Adelaide on your recce/validation visit. We love it, too. When are you planning to come out? All the best! x
  15. I couldn't agree more. I feel so sad tonight after hearing about Margaret Thatcher's passing. She was our greatest PM since Winston Churchill. I know she wasn't everyone's 'cup-of-tea', but she was definitely mine! I'm happy to be in Adelaide, but right now I wish I was back in England. God bless you, Maggie T. You were just what we needed to make us strong again, and boy, do we need you now!! Rest in Peace now. bhx
  16. I wish you all well, Chris. Gill has inspired so many people in your position through PIA for some years now. She has my utmost respect and admiration for all the good she does, even when she's been at her lowest personal ebb and I cannot speak too highly of her. The woman is awesome!! bhx
  17. I think you'll need a bit more than a week to do your research and trek around different areas, as it could easily take half that time to recover from jetlag; and if you don't know anyone in Adelaide to show you around you'll be run ragged getting from A to B and C to D etc! It took us nearly two weeks when we arrived nearly nine weeks ago, although we didn't have a deadline to work to like you will have when you come for your recce, so maybe that's why it took so long to get our body clocks in line with Adelaide-time. You'll hardly have time to scratch yourself with your packed schedule, so perhaps your lovely OH could stretch to at least a couple of weeks to mind the kids while you 'blaze the trail'? It'll be worth it and at least you'll have a better chance of actually 'seeing' where you're looking, if you get my drift. There's so much you'll have to do and I applaud you for your fortitude and 'pioneer spirit'. That's a very early-Aussie attitude to take, and you deserve to succeed. Good luck, Mo-jo! bhx
  18. Congratulations, GUN! Know how you're feeling right now. Enjoy the moment. Do you know when you'll be on your way yet? Good luck for the future! bhx
  19. Hi Karen: That sounds like a fantastic deal, especially with double baggage allowance. Grab it with both hands, I say! The months will fly by, I promise, although there will be times when it feels like forever. There's a helluva lot to do between now and your departure date: six months is no time at all in the scheme of things. I wish you great good luck! bhx
  20. Check out the Renting & Real Estate section under 'Accommodation'. There are two or three PIA members on here who offer short-term accommodation for newcomers to Adelaide; they might not be in exactly the areas you're thinking of, but I think they're not too far away as the crow flies. It's worth checking them out anyway. Nowhere's too far from anywhere else around Adelaide. It's easy to get around, once you've got wheels. Don't stress about it. Something's bound to come up. All the best! barbx
  21. Hi A_B: I'd love to help, but we're staying with our daughter and there's no spare space since we moved in, but I'm confident you'll get plenty of offers from our lovely PIA-friends. All the very best! xx
  22. Hugs and kisses for such a happy, positive thread!! I wish you everything you wish for yourselves. It's not easy moving your family from the UK to the other side of the planet. Well done you for sticking it out! love bhx
  23. Hi Star123 (+ 4,5,6,7,8!): What an inspiring post! You deserve to be happy after all your setbacks and I know you'll be an inspiration to all PiA members going through the 'what if?' worries before taking the big step towards living in Adelaide; and hopefully to those already arrived and finding the going a bit tough in the early stages. I wish you continued happiness and contentment in your new life in the Wonderful Land of Oz! All the very best, bh xx
  24. Big love and hugs for you all, Libby, Bob and Emily. My heart aches for the terrible loss of your darling Sophie. I know how you feel. I truly do. Stay strong for her. love, barbhx
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