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Everything posted by Leeds1877

  1. Hi- I live in St Agnes, married with two kids boy aged 7 and girl 10. Pm if you fancy catching up sometime.
  2. We just bought shreddies as $5 per box
  3. Hi, we had a similar list to garyupnorth but had a bank statement showing savings in uk. Ljhooker just said that they want to make sure we are good for the rent! This was one of the things I stressed over as had never rented before and tbh it was easy once we had found a house we liked.
  4. Hi I will pm you. We are in st Agnes so not too far and have two kids. Girl almost 10 and boy almost 7. We are planning a beach picnic/BBQ on Sunday at semaphore with another PIA family who have 3 kids. Why dont you join us..
  5. Just being cautious...hubby colour blind and I don't want to affect home insurance by going it wrong. We are tempted tho....
  6. Hi, we need approx 20 plugs changing and have bought the Aussie plugs. Are there any sparkies looking for a few hours work plus plenty of tea/coffee? We are based in St Agnes.
  7. Hi- we have loads and are in st Agnes. I will pm u my number.
  8. We'll take it, providing it fits in our car! Where are you based? I've pmd you my number
  9. hi - We have had a cracking week, today is the first day that we have had chance to reflect on the big move and what we have achieved. We bought a car yesterday and had a rental application approved for a house in St Agnes. We really liked the school up there for the kids. Its been a really busy time and we are out here to give it a real go, I have a job interview which I got whilst in the UK on Thursday so fingers crossed. Hubby is registered as a Primary teacher and is doing the two courses so that he can start TRT from next term. Again, fingers crossed he can land some work as jobs are our only real stress TBH. Happy to meet up with people over next few weeks, we are hoping to get the keys for rental on Friday so it will be a busy time next weekend.
  10. Hi, We are currently renting in Norwood and it is lovely. It has a great vibe, loads of character and there seem to be lots of properties available. Hope this helps. Anna
  11. Hi all, We finally arrived just two days ago in Adelaide and the weather has been typically British. We are staying in Norwood, which we love and are currently looking at lots of schools and properties to rent in and around Athelstone, Magill, Wattle Park and Highbury. We have two kids who need entertaining over the school hols and would love to meet up with other families...we have transport so can drive. Kids are 6 & 9 and should be starting school soon but are in need of other kids to run around with. Anna
  12. Ok- good news for them I guess and less luggage for us! Many thanks anna
  13. Hi I have read loads in this and seem to know the answer but just checking.. My children are 7 and 10 and use a booster seat in the UK. The seats do not have a back on them and use the regular seat belt and I am confused whether they need a full seat, a booster with a back in australia. i was planning on bringing the seats as they down take up much room on flight in terms of luggage but I am conscious that I want to be all above board etc.. Can you buy plain booster seats without backs in Oz? Our kids are mortified at the thought of going back to a "baby seat" as they put it. anna
  14. Ooh, will watch this. We arrive Easter Sunday and might be nice to have a potter somewhere x
  15. Hi Dont know if this helps but we have got letter from bank showing prev mortgages we have had, that they have been repaid in full and that we never missed a payment. we have also got a reference from neighbours saying how we kept house neat and tidy etc. I have even been on line and got a full copy of our credit history from experian, it's only a couple of pounds and arrives in days. anna
  16. Hi We are flying the same flight with the 16 hour stopover but on 29/3. We have two small kids and have opted for no transit hotel. We are flying at 0850 from Manchester and plan on getting kids to sleep for about four hours or so towards the end of flight. We land at 7am in Singapore an are going to do the free city tour, put swimming stuff in our hand luggage, mooch around the shops etc (it's huge) and when te kids are flagging go swimming at teatime. All the luggage will go straight thru so don't have to worry bout it. After swimming we can have a wander and then get on the flight to Adelaide. Kids ad us will be zonked so should have a good sleep on plane. we arrive in Adelaide at 9am and are hoping that we will be part way towards adjusting our body clocks.. may not work but that's the plan. hope this helps, if not the ambassador hotel is the one that we were recommended.
  17. I love the outdoors and woul love to join you sometime...pm me your email address and we can plan something in for wen we get settled xx
  18. Hi, we are moving to Norwood at the end of march and my hubby would love a beer. Pm me your email address
  19. Wow - great news! keep us posted. What industry are the roles in?
  20. Leeds1877

    Aussie cricket

    Anyone know when tickets go on sale?
  21. We fly out a few dad after you but are going to Adelaide via Singapore. Have to say I completely agree with your feelings but we sold our house and moved in with my parents last August. All of our stuff is currently in the Indian Ocean, we sold one car at Xmas and te other is going in two weeks. i have got all the anxiety out of my system now an just cant wait to get there with the kids and strt life we have been planning for 18 months. It does feel like hubby and I have had everything on hold since we made the decision to move... good luck with it all, it sure will be an adventure and even if the next few weeks and months are tough think two years down the line...it will all be worth it! anna x
  22. Hi- we would love to join u all, we arrive end of march. Is it adults only or can we bring the kids too?
  23. I haven't had any issues and opened a current ac and two saving acs. I have an appointment booked for when we arrive in April to get cards etc.
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