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Everything posted by Leeds1877

  1. Hi - interested in the outdoor set...how much is it please. We arrive and will need from mid April? Also the fridge.. Please
  2. Hi We are going to have to pass this one I'm afraid. We thought we could come but we have loads on just before we move..... Have a great time and we will hopefully see you all down under.. anna
  3. Hi- I'm a keen runner and its a great way to see an area. We are staying in Norwood for the first two weeks of April before moving to Tea tree Gully area. I would love to meet up for a run about town, parks or even down the beach... am also very partial to circuit training, the gym or classes....
  4. Hi- we at deffo in and will travel to your side of the Pennines!! keep us updated on dates etc and provided we are free we will be there. anna
  5. Hi, we are flying out of Manchester on 29/3 and have booked two weeks accommodation in Norwood. We are planning on renting in and around Tea Tree Gully (north east suburbs) and have booked appointments in 5 primary schools in the area. We have two children aged 6 and 9 (boy/girl) it would be nice to catch up when we get there and share woes/ stress/ excitement over a bottle or two.. we haven't sorted jobs yet but hubby will be teaching supply in a primary school and I am currently looking into opportunities in banking, Analytics , call centre work etc so fingers crossed. it will be a very busy April I'm sure for both families but may be nice to share with others in same boat. anna
  6. My hubby has just registered with the teachers registration board for south Australia. For us it was slightly different as he was already registered in New Zealand, mandatory courses are booked for when we arrive- they cost about £100 each. To register its $325 but you will have to pay more as the need a qualifications assessment. the trb were really helpful and replied to emails very quickly. The courses are available from a number of different places and details of websites etc are on the registration board website. my hubby plans to do voluntary and apply work and has been told by a number of SA heads that as a male teaching upper primary (he is head of upper school in uk) he will have no probs getting work. Ultimately, you have to back yourself and take enough funds to cover you in the short term. He is flexible where he works (altough we wont be going into the sticks) and is currently registering with the supply pools that they have around the city so fingers crossed. good luck
  7. Hi- we have an appontment booked with the NAB migrant banking specialist, Jane Waanders. However all of our comms have been with Carly Nappa. carly.nappa@nab.com.au hope this helps Anna
  8. Hi all, i seem to be going round in circles on the Internet and getting nowhere with my UK bank. We have substantial savings from the sale of our house which will be used to purchase a house in Adelaide once the rates improve, however, initially we will be leaving it in the Uk. 1. Do we pay tax on interest earned on it in Australia and the Uk or do we pay it in the country it is in? For example, if we have to pay it in Australia then we can complete a form as non evidences to earn gross interst in uk. 2. When the funds are moved to Oz to buy a house are there any tax implications? 3. Does anyone still pay their national insurance to ensure that they will get a uk state pension? It's worth checking as the contributions are very small (about £100 per year). a form via the inland revenue website will confirm total contributions made so far. I have 19 years (need 30 yrs to qualify) so well worth the next 11 years for the £ 150 ish per week in years to come. 4. Can anyone recommend a share dealing service based in Oz that deals in UK equities? We have shares in a uk company that we don't want to sell but need to move to oz... 5. If no one has any info on the above can you recommend a tax specialist or financial adviser that we can contact? Many thanks and sorry for the very dull post..... Anna
  9. Thanks. i haven't packed anything in the container..... i am just bringing three hats and a back protector in main luggage. They will be spotless and I think if they destroy them I haven't lost anything. They are all in as new condition. Am hoping hey will be exactly the same as other clothing. However, I will declare them as we come thru. fingers crossed...
  10. Hi all- ditto on the above. I will add you all on Facebook and keep you all updated on our adventure. Thanks for organising it- great to meet you all. anna
  11. Leeds1877


    We leave in ten weeks and although we have had scary thoughts we have now settled and are just excited. Remember you are taking a massive step but what an adventure it will be. Many of your friends and family who may think you brave or crazy would happily swap places with you. a tip from me is to keep a diary, it has helped me and the kids. We started it 1/1 and it's entitled 'Our year if adventure'. Kids are 7 & 9 and love writing what they have done and can look back on it in years to come as the year of their childhood that changed the direction of their lives forever. Cheesy I know but almost therapeutic to write.
  12. That's good, we will be bringing hats, back protectors, and a brand new full grooming kit. All rugs and stuff will go with the horse. We have loads of jods and boots which will come too. Is there enough grazing all year round? From the livery I have seen some have just a field and wash down area. I can't wait to see the hacking and the good weather....I am getting tired of hibi scrubbing off the mud and applying Vaseline...
  13. Hi my husband is currently completing it but its slightly different for us as he is a registered teacher in New Zealand so can register without qualification assessment under a scheme called mutual recognition. there this loads of info in line, have a good read through the Teacher registration board TRB website and you will also need to do two one day courses, ECS BELS first aid and a mandatory training on abuse and neglect...after that you are good to go and ready to register for supply or apply for jobs. good luck. There is lots of info on PIA so shout up if you need new help. anna
  14. We are just down the road from woodlesford and will defo pop over to say hi x
  15. We fly out in march so I will keep checking if available...we are interested
  16. Hi We fly in march and have horses in the uk which we will sadly be leaving behind. I will be buying a couple on Adelaide when we get settled as they will impact where we eventually settle. I will keep you posted... Lots of livery yards advertised on gum tree but I will be looking for riding and stabling in Foothills- tea tree gully, high bury and beyond.
  17. Hi we are due to fly out end of march and are looking at st Agnes, redwood park, tea tree gully, highbury and athelstone as areas we want to live. it would be great to catch up when we arrive and you could share your tips and knowledge of the area. We want to be semi rural or with easy access to country as in uk we have horses so would like to pick it back up in oz eventually. Do you get out into the country or hills much? hubby also a primary school teacher, I am a business analyst and our kids are 9 and 6. enjoy your first warm Christmas. anna
  18. Hello fellow Yorkshireman and women. We are leaving not so sunny Leeds on 29/3. We have been thru the immigration system and survived, happy to help if u have any questions.
  19. Wow! I have an extensive to do list on the go at the moment but this is impressive.
  20. We are using pickfords too. Ship sails in January and they have been great, all our stuff has been in storage with them since August.
  21. Wow, great stuff and loads of info
  22. Pickfords have been brilliant so far and we even used their insurance as they negotiated the rate. Our stuff sails wc 14/1
  23. Hi- we booked through takaeabreak.com.au
  24. HI We are due to fly out at the end of march and are looking at st Agnes, tea tree gully and out that way but also looking at Crafers and Stirling to be neat the hills.... Will depend on jobs and availability of grazing for horses as we will be buying again in Oz
  25. Watching in earnest.....our cat is due to fly with us (or around that time) we are waiting rabies blood test results.
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