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Everything posted by Leeds1877

  1. Me too.....am a big reader and would live to join. Arriving in march but will keep an eye on posts and contact nearer the time.
  2. Pixie - my hubby's biggest fear is leaving his secure deputy head job in the uk to look for a new job in Primary in oz...how have you found the recruitment process thus far?
  3. Good luck- I can't wait to book flights. We are planning to book for 29/3 all being well. Our house has been on the market for less than a week and we have had three viewings...fingers crossed and all that. Going to live with parents in between. No work lined up yet but we want to settle in Tea tree gully or redwood park area. Maybe even as far out as Gawler eventually..keeping an open mind depending on work.
  4. Hi, We have had lots of discussions around should we/shouldn't we?? We are.going to go for it...selling the house, shipping furniture and rehoming all of our pets. Give it a go- whats the worst that can happen? You try for two years and spend a few quid. If you don't like it you can always come home and say"at least we had the guts to try". When you re old and grey you can look back with no regrets cos the money won't mean anything to you then but you will still have your memories. Good luck planning it all- our house went on market five days ago and had three viewings so fingers crossed .. Anna
  5. Oh dear- I got the spam email too
  6. I managed on ay 6 of my monthly and they didn't need a retest. They tell u there and then if you pass that bit as the nurse does a dip stick thingy.. They said its n prob if u have to go back as you just go do that part of it and they can finalise the rest without it..I know as I asked the nurse at the time she was testing mine as I was expecting to fail that part of it.
  7. Hi Angus/Kate My hubby has the exact same worries but is pragmatic and believes that you have to back yourself to get work...I work full time in the UK and hope to find similar work when we get there. As a people manager or analyst in a call centre I am sure there will be plenty of work, I have been with HSBC for 15 years so have not yet ruled out a internal trf. My OH is registered to teach in NZ meaning that he can apply to register before we get to oz and then he just needs to complete the two courses before joining with supply agents nd trawling schools and putting his face about. He has lots of experience and is currently head of key stage two so we trust that he will get work in time...until then my earning capacity in oz is more than UK and we have savings to tide us over. We are going in March to give us plenty of time to sell house and we don't want to arrive in jan as its the middle of the OZ school hol and we don't want to take our kids out of a uk winter straight into an Adelaide summer..arriving at Easter means that they have three full seasons to prep their skin etc.. I am sure the anxiety is perfectly normal but in a year or two it will feel like home and the uk will be the stranger to u. Good luck if u get out there before us... Anna
  8. We did ours at Spire Hospital in Manchester. They took about two hours for two adults and two children. I phoned them about four days later to find out that we had passed everything. One thing that shocked me was the stripping to underwear part and then a hospital gown (much to the amusement of hubby and kids) that I wore for the chest X-ray....hubby just stripped to the waist. They were very organised and must do loads of these Ypres of medicals so they answered loads of questions and were really good. Anna
  9. Wahoo! Congrats to you Hannybabe- you can have the champagne now! I have been checking everyday for your post. We have been busy since hearing- house on the market and had three quotes from shippers...busy, busy, busy!!!! See you down under! Anna
  10. Because the alternative is to stay in the uk and wait for my forties... Work to live- not live to work! Get busy living or get busy dying...
  11. Ditto....a wealth of knowledge and I can't wait to put done faces to names when we finally get there next march
  12. Yes, yes, yes! Visa grant notice recvd this morning.....it's going to be a good day! Hannybabe- you will be next. Xxxx
  13. I have pickfords and Anglo pacific coming out on Friday to give us quotes. Will let ou know...I have two friends who have used and been very impressed with pickfords. Anna
  14. Hannybabe- it's awful isn't it! I made my hubby ring last week nf person on phone reassured him that all ok nd that it was just going thru the motions... Its really sad....every night I wake up and check the emails...! Can anything go wrong a this point???hope not.....I will keep u posted Anna xx
  15. Congrats Matthew and Mel! I hope that we are next....just us and Hannybabe to go and then the triois complete! Well done again and have a good drink to celebrate a fantastic start to the week! Anna
  16. Leeds1877

    Hi every body

    Hi- got Pickfords coming out on Friday to give us a quote for shipping to oz. Welcome to the forum x Anna
  17. We did it ourselves. TBH as I'm expecting an email I keep checking like you- all night! Our house will go up for sale as soon as we hear... Keep in touch x
  18. Hi We are hoping to go in march next year. We don't want beach but like open spaces, country, horses etc but want to be easy access to CND, we are looking at tea Tree Gully or Redwood Park Anna Ps - welcome x
  19. Hi Matt n Mel, Welcome to the final waiting room! Its awful waiting isn't it....we submitted by paper so can't even check online....waiting on an email. Where in South Yorks you from..we are between York n Leeds, hoping to go Match next year all being well. Whats your time line/ timeframe etc and what are your jobs? Hannybabe n I are both married to primary teachers. -Anna
  20. The waiting is the worst thing.....it's the last stage of not knowing now. ANZAC Day tomorrow so doubt we will get a decision overnight tonight. Keep us posted Hannybabe..xx
  21. Wahoo! By the time you are sat on the plane just think of all that you have accomplished and are about to start your new lives- living the dream you have planned and hoped for.. good luck and enjoy! Xxx
  22. Hi Winsonwongsg I would give them a call to chase it up.... The waiting game gets harder and harder te nearer you get... I wonder when we will know and what the email will actually say....will it be a 'congratulations' or and 'unfortunately'.....time will tell and I will post as soon as we know! Chin up and give them a call to chase Anna
  23. Congrats- uploaded our police certs today so hopefully we will be next.
  24. Hi Hannybabe- we are in same boat...our police checks should be due any day. Am guessing once thy are scanned in it could be a week ish...... I will keep u posted x
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